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receive counsel and en couragement fr om th eir friend and leader, Presi d en t Pau l W . R ood , young people go forth — y ie ld e d to C h rist— to m ake H im kn ow n in th e l a n d s t o which H e Calls. £Photo by A. Bartlett]
A lw a y s in th e back ground of s tu d en t life and training at the Bible Institute of Los Angeles are the mission .fields of the world that await the coming of the bearers of “good news.” Entering the Institute, where they
Paul W. Rood, and the Bible Institute of Los Angeles (left), of which he is President.
New President
Outlines Dynamic Program
G od has a plan for every life, for every institution. For the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, H e has one best course of action. Humanly devised lines of activity may be good; but there is one right way— and that is God’s way. A t a remarkable meeting held in the auditorium of the Church of the Open Door on Sunday afternoon, September 15, where among the speakers were William Evans, world traveler, author, and Bible teacher, and Charles G. Trumbull, Editor of the Sunday School Times, President Paul W . Rood outlined a program which was enthusias tically received because it bore evidence that it was o f the Lord.* “What is G O D ’S PROGRAM for the Bible Institute of Los Angeles?” the President asked. There followed a sevenfold answer: 1. To deepen the spiritual life of the school. 2. To cause every member of the Biola family to function as a soul-winner. 3. To emphasize the importance of the evangeli zation of children. Training experts for evangelistic work among children. Forming Bible classes for boys and girls. ........... ............................................................. President Paul W. Rood Bible Institute of Los Angeles 558 South Hope Street, Los Angeles, Calif. Dear Dr. Rood: Yes, indeed, I believe your seven-point program is of the Lord! You may count on my full cooperation. I hereby agree (1) to pray for the work of the Bible Institute of Los An geles; and (2) to contribute.............................................. .....per month for a period of three, six, twelve (.................................... ) months. Please place my name on the Biola Honor Roll. □ You may apply $ ......................... of my gift toward a subscription to the KING’S BUSINESS, sending me the magazine for...................months. Name ....>.................................... ....¿..City .*J|.—.r..,-r.;............... State................. Street No................— ....... Dat«»....................................................... ............. Amount enclosed .......... ....¿hp.__.......... ___ 1 --'V .i:’ The amount indicated may be discontinued, reduced, or increased at any time.
4. T o make the Bible Institute more useful.
Contributing to the good of local churches— not expecting primarily to receive aid from them. Writing letters baptized in prayer. Receiving visitors graciously and helping them spiritually. Holding evangelistic campaigns. Providing for Bible conferences, Bible classes, gospel teams. Men and women must be found who will pray definitelv and continually for God’s blessing upon Biola. 6. T o increase the circulation and influence o f the K IN G ’S BUSINESS. The present monthly edition is 30,000 copies. It must be 50,000. 7. T o multiply the number o f supporters. There are many friends who are giving small amounts; their number must be increased. There are some who Can make large contributions; others must join them, so that, BY 1945, E V E R Y B I T O F I N D E B T E D N E S S SHALL BE CLEARED A W A Y A N D BY TH E GRACE OF G O D T H IS IN S T IT U T IO N SHALL BE FREE FROM ALL FI N A N C IA L SHACKLES. This is the program. The Bible Institute of Los Angeles be lieves it is God’s program, and as such accepts it without reserva tion. You, too, must be gratefully aware of G od’s leading in this forward movement to which H e has called the Institute. W ill you not encourage Dr. Rood by a personal word? W ill you not be come, with him, a member of the B IOLA H O N O R ROLL— that loyal company of several hundred men and women who enjoy the sweetest fellowship in prayer and systematic giving? *Dr. Rood’s message appears on pages 363 to 365. 5. T o find 50,000 intercessors fo r this work.
ïïht 25ibleTamil# tiila^^îne Motto: “ Unto him that loved us-, and washed us from our sins in his own blood." —R ev . 1 :5.
The Lord Jesus Christ did. And, full well knowing (for He was God) that Israel would pass through such times of hate and massacre, and exile, as has befallen no other nation in his tory, He gave to His wayward and im pulsive disciple Peter a parting exhorta tion, “Lovest thou Me? Feed my sheep!” And if you knew the heartaches of these scattered sheep of the House of Israel, and the cruelties they are now suffering, and mostly at the hands of so-called Christians, your heart too, would bleed, and you would find your self crying with Jeremiah of old . . . “Oh that my head were waters and mine eyes a fountain of tears, that I might weep day and night for the slain of the daughter of my people!” Jeremiah 9:1. Somehow, we are persuaded that in these rapidly closing hours of Grace, when the sinister shadow of the anti- Christ hovers ever nearer, and we can see the beginnings of the unspeakably terrible time of Jacob’s trouble, there is a special urgenqr in God’s desire that Israel shall receive kindness and mercy at the hands of His true followers. And a special reward is promised to those who see and understand God’s purpose for Israel in these days. Matthew 25:40 will bear renewed study just now. We may be nearer its fulfillment than many of us think. Beloved reader, will you become a partaker with Him of His sorrow, and love, for Israel? Will you help us pub lish widely and fearlessly to Israel of the world dispersion, “Behold your God!” God’s interests are centered on Zion, on Israel, on Jerusalem. Where are yours? May we continue to have your word of cheer, your fellowship, your prayers? It’s a blessed fellowship, and the saying is still true, “ Come thou with us, and we will do thee good; for the Lord has spoken good concerning Israel.” Am er ican B oa rd o f Missions to the Jews Inc. 31 Throop Ave. • Brooklyn, N. Y. Ask for our free booklet, “Jewish Mission Annuity Bonds ”
Volume XXV I
October, 1935
Number 10
TABLE OF CONTENTS James M. Gray— “ With Christ” ............................................................. 362 t/ “ For What Intent?”— Paul W . Rood..................................................363 One Thousand Tribes Without the Bible L —W . Cameron Townsend.... ........................................................366 Ethiopia Today— Eric S. Horn.............................................................368 “ Speak . . . That They Go Forward”— Thomas G. Marsh..............370 Bible Institute Family Circle..—'......................................... ................. 375 Helps for Preachers and Teachers........................................................ 376 Junior King’s Business—Martha S. Hooker........................................377 Our Literature Table................................................................................ 379 International Lesson Commentary............................................ 380 Notes on Christian Endeavor—Nadine K. Warner..........................388 Daily Devotioal Readings.......................................................... 394
TERMS: Single Copies.............................................. 15c Annual Subscription......................................................$1.50 Two-year subscription or two annual subscriptions. 2.50 Five annual subscriptions.......................... 5.00 Eleven annual subscriptions........................................10.00 Subscriptions in countries outside of U. S. require 25c extra. REMITTANCE: Should be made by Bank Draft, Ex press or P. O. Money Order, payable to “ Bible Institute of Los Angeles.” Receipts will not be sent for regular subscriptions, but date of expiration will show plainly each month, on outside wrapper or cover of magazine. CHANGE OF ADDRESS: Please send both old and new address at least one month, previous to date of de sired change.
A D V ER T ISIN G : For information with reference to advertising in THE KING'S BUSINESS, address the ADVERTISING MANAGER, 558 SOUTH HOPE STREET, LOS ANGELES, CALIF., or our eastern representative. Religious Press Association, 325 North 13th Street, Philadelphia, Pa., or 333 N. Michigan Avenue, Chicago, Illinois. Entered as Second Class Matter November 17, 1910, at the Post Office at Los Angeles, California, under the Act of March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage pro vided for in Section 1103, Act of October 3, 1917, authorized October 1, 1918. M A N U SCRIPTS: THE KING'S BUSINESS cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage to manuscripts sent to it for consideration.
POLICY AS D EFIN ED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE B IB L E IN ST ITU TE OF LOS ANG ELES (a) To stand for the infallible Word of God and its great fundamental truths, (b) To strengthen the faith of all believers, (c) To stir young men and women to flt themselves for and engage in definite Christian work, (d) To make the Bible Institute of Los Angeles known, (e) To magnify God our Father and the person, work and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ; and to teach the transforming power of the Holy Spirit in our present practical life, (f) To emphasize in strong, constructive messages the great foundations of Christian faith.
558 So. Hope St., BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES, Lo» Angele», California
October, 1935
T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S
JAMES M. GRAY-"With Christ”
Drawn aside with unexpected suddenness from the activi ties of Bible conferences, teaching, writing, and editing— work in which he had been vigorously engaged throughout a long life— James M. Gray was welcomed, on the afternoon of September 21, into the presence of the King. He was in his eighty-fifth year when the Lord took him. Coming to the Moody Bible Institute of Chicago forty- two years ago at the personal invitation of Dwight L. Moody, Dr. Gray ministered in positions of ascending responsibility and widening influence as teacher, Dean, Executive Secretary, and President; and on November I, 1934, he became Presi dent Emeritus, when the man of his own choice, Will H. Houghton, was elected to succeed him as President of the Moody Bible Institute. To the end, Dr. Gray's life was given without stint to the promulgation of Bible truth by both voice and pen. He was the author of some twenty-five volumes and booklets.
By many thousands of the Lord's people, Dr. Gray is held in affectionate remem brance, not only for his unwearied defense of the faith, but also for the kindliness of his Christian courtesy. It is significant that in the Moody Monthly, of which he was the editor, there appear, in the current issue, among the last items which he pre pared for the press, two editorials which illustrate these prominent character traits. One of these comments speaks of an anticipated trip to the British Isles, where Dr. Gray planned "to represent the Institute in a proposed celebration of the centenary of D. L. Moody." The whole world knows the truths for which Moody stood: the inspired Word, the atoning Lord, the reality of sin, and the perfection of God's plan of re demption. And the whole world has come to know also that for the protection and propagation of these sacred truths, James M. Gray would give his life. Referring to his relation to Moody, Torrey, and other leaders of the Moody Bible Institute, Dr. Gray declared his position a few months ago in these memorable words: "In later years, enemies of evangelical truth have tried to garble or distort the teachings of these great men. They have hoped that their testimony to the gospel might be weakened, so that credence might be given to certain vagaries and fanati cisms of these latter days. But we who have been placed as watchmen upon these walls of Zion, have guarded the sacred deposit those men left with us. And we ask you to thank God with us. . . . that it is being handed down intact to our successors." Dr. Gray "kept the faith"!
Not only was he a militant champion of the cause of Jesus Christ; James M. Gray was also a Christian gentleman and sympathetic friend. The second item in the October Moody Monthly, to which attention is called, offers an illus tration of the brotherly love which Dr. Gray had for those of like precious faith. This editorial concerns the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, its retiring President, Louis T. Talbot, and its new leader, Paul W. Rood. Dr. Gray's comment concludes with this gracious paragraph: "W e are glad to think of these two brethren as so closely associated in the service of the Lord in that strategic world center on the Pacific coast, and we bespeak for them, and es pecially for him who is just entering upon an untried field, the fervent supplication of every child of God who reads this. To contend valiantly for the faith, and at the same time to be gentle, understanding, Christiike toward the faithful, is to offer in one's life a fulfillment of Paul's injunction to "hold the truth in love." In the passing of Dr. Gray, may there be a call to all the Lord's children to follow him in this matter as he followed Christ.
Only a Sinner By JAMES M. GRAY ★
Naught have I gotten but what I received; Grace hath bestowed it since I have believed;
Boasting excluded, pride I abase; I’m only a sinner saved by grace! Tears unavailing, no merit had I;
Mercy had saved me, or else I must die; Sin had alarmed me, fearing God’s face; But now I’m a sinner saved by grace! Suffer a sinner whose heart overflows, Loving his Saviour, to tell what he knows; Once more to tell it, would I embrace I’m only a sinner saved by grace! Only a sinner saved by grace! Only a sinner saved by grace! This is my story, to God be the glory I’m only a sinner saved by grace!
October, 1935
T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S
"For W ha t In te n t? ” IN S T A L L A T IO N ADDRESS* B y P resident P aul W . R ood
I n Acts 10:29, we find these words: “ Therefore came I unto you without gainsaying, as soon as I was sent f o r : I ask therefore for what intent ye have sent for me?” If that question was in my mind at the beginning of this service, it certainly has been answered adequately as these, my brethren in the Lord, have spoken this afternoon. I want to take advantage of this opportunity, first of all, to express my appreciation to those who have planned and sponsored this service of introduction, and to those who have spoken these cordial words of welcome, and to all of you who have thus graciously assembled this afternoon to do me this honor. I want to speak a few words of apprecia tion and thanks to the man whom I succeed in office, my
There were other matters that were involved, one being my relationship to the beloved denomination to which I have belonged through the years since childhood. I was con cerned regarding the reaction o f the church I was serving and had served for less than two years. And I was con cerned about the problems o f the Bible Institute that have been frankly and definitely described this afternoon. No man would'' dare to consider this call and this office un less he were either a fool or a man that believed in God. How G od W orked Thus you can understand why I had to give myself to prolonged prayer as I sought the mind o f God and the
friend and brother in Christ, Dr. Louis T. Talbot, the noble pastor of this church, who has rendered truly heroic service. Seldom, if ever, in my experience have I seen a man so efface himself as my friend Dr. Talbot has done in this particular situation. W hat the C all 'I nvolved
guidance o f the Holy Spirit. And it was not without inward turmoil that this decision was faced. But when at last the time came when I had an answer from heaven, there was a deep settled peace and calm in my soul; and I said, “ O Lord, I will go.” The Lord graciously, won- drously adjusted the problems. The missionary tour was postpon ed for a year. The denominational leaders were most kind and gra cious in their attitude and express ed their cordial good wishes. My church reacted as only Christians can react in a situation o f that kind. I presented the resignation to my official board, and as the meeting closed, we were all on our knees, on our faces before God in prayer. Though the church tabled the resignation the first time it was presented, at our next meeting a letter was read asking for my release, and thè church gave graciously, unselfish ly, magnanimously that release in order that I might give myself to
God’s Servant In answer to prayer, we believe God has definitely led Paul W. Rood to the Bible Institute of Los Angeles. The fact that he has been for several years the President of the World's Christian Fundamentals Association leaves one in no doubt as to his doctrinal position. Moreover, he has such a passion for soul-winning as few men possess today. God's hand is surely upon him.— LOUIS T. TALBOT. • In the President that you have elected, Los Angeles is receiving a spiritual force that can touch the throne of Almighty God. The whole of the United States knows, at the mention of the name of Paul W. Rood, the doctrines that are supported by him— truths for which the Institute may be expected to stand so long as he is its leader. — ISAA C WARD. • We realize— to use the words of the psalmist— that "it is time for Jehovah to work." There is no retarding, there is no retrenchment in His program. As members of the faculty of the Institute, we are looking forward to the days ahead, under the administration of Dr. Rood, in the expec tation that thev will be the very best days in the history of this school.— E. L. McCREERY. • We are calling to this work another upon whose ministry God has set His seal, one who has been tested and tried, one whom God has raised up wonderfully for this place. We are going forward, trusting in the Lord. — WALTER E. EDMONDS.
May I be very personal and very simple, and yet I trust very definite, this afternoon in speak ing to you ? May I open my heart to you and tell you that when I received this call some three months ago, I felt that I was standing at the crossroads and that my entire future was being determined by the attitude I should take and the decisions that were about to be made. There were many things involved in accepting this call. First of all, a trip— an evangelistic and mission ary tour to Great Britain and Northern Europe and the Russian border—had been planned and prepared. This particular work had to be postponed if the call to the Bible Institute of Los Angeles was to be accepted. *At a service held on Sunday afternoon, September 15, in the auditorium o f the Church of. the Open Door, Los Angeles, Paul W. Rood became President o f the Bible Institute of Los Angeles. Besides the choir, directed by Herbert G. Tovey, on the platform were members o f the Board o f Directors and o f the faculty, as well as representative ministers and laymen. Walter E. Edmonds, pastor of. the First Presbyterian Church o f Glendale and Chair man of the Board o f Directors, presided. Louis T. Talbot, retiring President, pastor o f the Church o f the Open Door, spoke briefly and with grace, having already shown honor to his friend, and successor at the morning service which marked the observance of the twentieth anniversary o f the founding o f the church. Brief summaries of two o f the afternoon addresses^ brought by William Evans, author and Bible teacher, and Charles G. Trumbull, Editor of the Sunday School Times, are given on the following pages. Quotations from other speakers appear on this page. Dr. Rood’s address was stenographically reported.
this particular task and call. My church requested, however, that in connection with tbe new task I might return at least once a year for a campaign or a Bible con ference. And the attitude of the church throughout, and particularly in connection now with the farewell, has made me very humble and very thankful to my God. It is in that spirit and after noting that the good hand o f the Lord is upon us in this thing, and having seen tokens of His guidance and blessing, that I come to you this after noon. I am under no illusions regarding my own limita tions or regarding the stupendous tàsk that we are facing. No man, no human being, can solve the problems of the Bible Institute o f Los Angeles. ■ Yesterday' this word came to me. It was in the very center, of 1 Timothy 4 :10 : “ W e trust in thè living God.” Yes, our trust is in the living God. “ Wherefore, sirs',
October, I93S
T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S
ated.” Let me ask you to remember that Biola shall live and not die. W e recognize, as has been pointed out, our need of divine wisdom. Therefore, we turn to the promise o f God in James 1 :5 : “ If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.” W e recognize and accept the challenge o f Jeremiah 3 3 :3 : “ Call unto me, and I will an swer thee, and show thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not.” Let me say*very frankly—you have called me to the place o f leadership, to a place o f responsibility. Believing that the call has come from God, through you, I accept the position, and with it the authority that belongs to the office. R emaining T rue to the O riginal V ision Why was this Institute founded? It was founded be cause Lyman and Milton Stewart had a vision of God’s plan and program, and because they were not disobedient to that heavenly vision. They put knowledge, time, prayer, and money into this institution. They recognized that Los Angeles is the most strategic center in all the world. They believed that the Pacific Coast would play an important part in the future of the nation. They knew that from Los Angeles such regions as Central America, South America, and the Orient were easily accessible. And they knew that this location makes Los Angeles an important place for a great spiritual lighthouse. The early leaders realized two things. They knew that the apostasy was approaching, if it had not begun already, and they realized that the return o f the Lord was imminent. Therefore, they obeyed the call of God to earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints. They inscribed over the portals o f this building these words: “ For ever, O Lord, thy word is settled in heaven.” And to that vision and to that standard we are determined to be true. They placed upon the corner stone these words: “ Unto him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood.” And that is the message that we are to teach, to proclaim, to preach, to send to the uttermost part of the earth. W hat W e B elieve We believe in an infallible Bible that not only contains the Word o f God, but is the Word o f God. It is without error or contradiction. W e believe that Christ is God, born o f a virgin without a human father, very God o f very God, God manifest in the flesh, living a sinless life, never sinning in thought, word, or deed, never making a mistake. We believe in the miracles o f Christ. W e believe that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, that He bore our sins in His own body on the tree. His death was substitu tionary, We believe in His bodily resurrection from the dead. W e believe that that body had flesh and bone, that He thus took something back with Him to heaven that He did not have when He left heaven—a human nature; that He is now sitting on the right hand o f the Father where He ever liveth to make intercession for u s ; that He is coming back to raise the saints that have died and the saints that are alive, to catch them away unto Himself; and that He is coming to reign eventually here upon the earth. W e believe in the personality and the deity of the Holy Spirit. W e believe in the lost and undone condition o f man in his natural state. W e believe that the human understanding is darkened, that man is alienated from God, that every man must be born again. He must experience the miracle of regeneiation if he is going to reach heaven. W e believe in eternal hell, and we believe in an eternal heaven. These are the rudiments, the doctrines to which we are committed. We are determined to be positive and not negative. W e are dogmatic, but we are not going to emphasize the
be o f good cheer: for I believe God, that it shall be even as it was told me.” This is God’s work. This work was founded by God. This work has been sustained by God. And I find myself in perfect and full agreement with the speaker who said that if this were not the work o f God, it would have been destroyed. The death notice has gone out from time to time regarding the Bible Institute o f Los An geles. When the death notice went out concerning Mark Twain some years before he died, he sent this cable from London: “ The reports of my death are greatly exagger-
T HE new President has come to assume the headship of a work that is divine, for the "Bible Institute" conception of today is of Sod as truly as was "the schools of the sons of the prophets" of Bible times. We oft hear it said that if the church had not been divine, the faults and weaknesses of men would have wrecked it long ago. The fact that this Bible Institute is still here, in spite of assaults from without and difficul ties from within, is, to me, evidence that God, who moved its founders, has been, and still is with those who seek to carry it on. And it is because God is in this work and, therefore, it is divine, that upon divine help it must rely absolutely. God must be its help and its hope, for without that divine aid, vain must be the help of man. O f such divine help, Mr. President, you are assured. God said to Abra ham, "I am El-Shadda) ; God All-mighty; God All-sufficient; I can do the humanly impossible. And He did— as the history of Abraham shows. That same'God is still yours. He will be your helper, Mr. President. Con sidering your need for this work, and conditions in this Institute as I see them, there is no verse in the Bible that should be of greater comfort and inspiration to you than this word of God to Abraham. Let your responsibility, then, be but your response-to-His-ability. Believe in God. All things are possible to him that believeth. But, this work to which the new President has been called is not only a divine work; it is a most difficult work. As divine— it needs the aid of God; as difficult— it calls for the cooperation of the people of God, both within the Institute and through the Christian world. No President of a Bible Institute was ever inducted into his office with responsibilities as taxing, as onerous, and as challenging as those that are to rest upon the shoulders of Dr. Paul Rood. True it is that the depression has dealt terrific blows to all such institutions as this, but none, it seems to me, has suffered more severely and finds itself in such dire need as this Bible Institute in particular, and therefore its very need necessitates that the people of God everywhere bear it upon their hearts. No man will need your prayerful, sympathetic, and financial help for this work more than its new President. The unswerving loyalty of a wise and discerning Board of Directors, the efficient teaching ability of a loyal faculty, and the con secrated acumen of a faithful business organization, a student body loyal to the core in its adherence to the school, and a Christian public synrpathetic, prayerful, and financially helpful— with such aids and forces as these at command— which I feel certain you may depend upon— you are entitled, Dr. Rood, to take courage and go forward to victory. The greatest need of this Institute, in my judgment, is not one of finances, although that is tremendous; the need is spiritual rather than financial. Let the Christian world know that this place shall be a very Bethel; a very dynamo of spiritual power, centripetal and centrifugal, with avenues reaching to the uttermost parts of the earth; a school for the real training of Christian men and women truly meet and prepared for every good work of God; create this confidence in the minds of the Christian public, and the financial problem will, under God, be met. I love Bible Institutes. No man in this world has more cause to love them than I have. My heart goes out to them everywhere. And, Dr. Paul Rood, I give you my hand, my heart, and my prayer, in assurance that you may count on me to aid you in every possible way to make this Institute a mighty blessing to the Christian world, even greater than its revered founders and those of us who have worked in and with it since then can ask or think.
October, 1935
T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S
“ dog.” We will not add to “ the offense of the cross” our own offensiveness. We will not compromise, but we will love friend and foe. W e stand unreservedly for the veri ties, the great doctrines of the Christian church. But we will not war over matters o f interpretation upon which evangelical Christians may differ. W e are determined to have a sense of proportion. W e are determined to be true to our historical position. And we are determined to have the love o f God shed abroad in our hearts. W e are deter mined not only to stand for these holy doctrines for which we are willing to live and to die, but we are determined also to emphasize the spiritual and the evangelistic. W e are determined to be true to the vision of the Stew arts and to the vision o f R. A. Torrey and to the vision of T. C. Horton. In their days, what a center o f Christian activities this place was ! No one could ever come into this building without there being a dozen people ready and will ing to speak to him about his relationship to God. To that vision we are determined to be true. G od ’ s P rogram for the B ible I nstitute What is God’s program for the Bible Institute o f Los Angeles? God wants, first of all, and above everything else, to deepen the spiritual life o f the school. However de voted to God may be the men and women who are the lead ers in this place—and I thank the Lord for every one of them and for their uncompromising loyalty to Him-—God has more blessing and more grace to bestow. I believe that means that God wants a revival in the faculty, in the stu dent body, among the friends and supporters o f the school. Therefore we are beginning today an evangelistic cam paign. And we are determining by the grace o f God to open every school year with a joint campaign conducted under the auspices o f the Bible Institute and the Church o f the Open Door. And we are here and now issuing a call to a day o f prayer to be held one week from next Fri day (September 27), when we shall gather as a student body and as a faculty, Board of Directors, and as friends o f the school, to pray through for victory and for a revival in this city.* In the second place, God desires that every member o f the Biola family (and I am choosing my words with care) shall function as a soul-winner^every teacher, every stu dent, every employee, every member of the Biola family rightly adjusted to God so that he or she can function as a witness. Students, the two most important hours of the school week are thé prayer hour and the students’ report h o u r -H when you can come back to tell of spiritual victories and of your experiences in dealing with souls about their rela tionship to God. We are determined to maintain the highest scholastic standards. But we are not going to lose our Bible Institute vision. The aim of a Bible Institute is that the students committed to its care will not only receive theological knowledge, but will be shown also how to put that theolog ical knowledge into practice here and now while they are in school, so that they can go out to function efficiently, effectively, dynamically for Christ wherever they go. We must give renewed emphasis to street meetings, to the dis tribution o f tracts and Gospels o f John, the giving out of Testaments, the dealing with people about their relation to God. For a third objective, God wants us to emphasize the evangelization o f the children. The greatest field o f all is the childhood of America and the childhood of the world.
And the next great revival, if there is to be one, will be a revival among the children. In this place we must train specialists who will be able to go out to hold campaigns to evangelize and win the children definitely for Christ, and to conduct Bible classes and do personal work to lead definitely the boys and the girls in the most susceptible pe riod of life into a very real experience o f salvation through faith in the Son o f God. That is our next great forward movement as far as this Institute is concerned. [Continued on page 374]
IT was on the fourth of October, 1535, four hundred years ago, that ■ a Bishop of the Church of England, Myles Coverdale, completed and printed the Bible in English for the first time. And so way back there, four centuries ago, preparations were under way for the Bible Institute of L-os Angelesl We may surely thank God for the English Bible the world has- had for these four centuries. A t this time of opportunity in welcoming Dr. Rood as he takes up his great work as the President of this Institute, I have been thinking back some twenty-five years ago when I began hearing, in Philadelphia, of a series of volumes then being published, on "The Fundamentals." I don't know that I had ever heard that word before in connection with the doctrines of the faith. A little later I began to hear that Milton and Lyman Stewart were the two Christian laymen who were gladly giving their money for the circulating, free of charge throughout the world, of this wonderful printed testimony to the Fundamentals of the faith. The Bible Institute had come along a little earlier; then the Church of the Open Door. And I began being introduced in this way to the Fun damentals. And I love to remember, and thank God, that I have had the priv ilege of having as my beloved personal friend Paul Rood in connection with this same word "Fundamentals." I knew him before he had become President of the World's Christian Fundamentals Association, and I had the privilege of standing on the platform with him at the Church of the Open Door in a Fundamentals convention. Year after year in differ ent cities I have been with him in most of the Fundamentals conven tions since then. So that, as we have just heard, when the name of Paul Rood is mentioned people know what he stands for, and people know what an institution with which he is willing to be connected must stand for— the Fundamentals of the faith. I am glad of the privilege of standing with him again on this plat form this afternoon, shoulder to shoulder and heart to heart, as we all join in welcoming him to this great work. He and I prayed together about this very call which was extended to him. I rejoiced when I heard he had been clearly led of God to accept the call. We are meeting here at a time when the whole world is shaken to its foundations by rumors of war. The newspaper headlines tell the world that Mussolini defies the world. Just what that is going to lead to, only God knows. It may be exaggerated, or it may lead on to Armageddon. But I am thanking God this afternoon, as you are, that while world- peace, any peace that has been brought to pass temporarily by the League of Nations and various treaties, is burning low and about to burn out, we have a peace, thank God, that is not burning low and will never burn out. The peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus." That is the peace my dear friend Paul Rood knows as he comes to this great work beset by difficulties and problems. He need not be in anxiety, because he has the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, and because theJaod of peace shall be with Paul Rood, the God of peace shall be with the Bible Institute, with the Church of the Open Door. It cannot "burn low," be cause the Lord Jesus Christ said; "Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid."
*On other similar occasions, God has granted rich blessing as the Institute family has waited upon Him.
October, 1935
T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
One Thousand Tribes WITHOUT THE BIBLE v
B y W. CAMERON TOWNSEND . Sulphur Springs, Arkansas
O nly three-fifths of the inhabitants of the globe have had any portion o f the B i b l e translated into their own languages. O f the 5,000 lan
U nreached T ribes in A sia Although W i l l i a m Carey, the cobbler-mis sionary, was himself in strumental in the giving of God’s Word to thirty- five tribes in India, and though other mission aries have followed him in long years o f toil to put the Scriptures into the vernacular, we aré told that there are still many tribes in that land to whom the New Tes tament has never b e e n given. If to these are added unreached tribes o f other parts o f Asia, we have, perhaps, two hundred tribes more for whom translation work must yet be done. We for our obligation is un-
guages and dialects that are spoken by mankind, 954 possess at least a partial translation o f the Holy Scriptures; 3,000 are u n im p o rtan t and hardly demand attention, the people being suffi ciently accessible through other tongues, or else are nearing extinction; 1 , 000 , however, still beckon for Bible translators. Herein lies the most urgent task of the c h u r c h today! While we English-speak ing peoples multiply unto ourselves tran sla tion s, versions, and editions of tribes perish without one crumb of the Bread of Life. South o f the R io Grande, in Latin America, there are 17,000,000 dialect-speaking Indians with five hundred dif ferent languages. In the highlands of the Andes live the descendants o f the ancient Incas, as well as remnants of other former civilizations; throughout the jungles o f Ama zonia rove several hundred wild tribes; in Central America and on through Yucatan are tribes related to the once mighty Mayan race; and over the rugged plateaus o f Mex ico there are more than forty other linguistic stocks, in cluding the sturdy Aztecs. Few o f these five hundred tribes have ever felt a single ray o f gospel light. Not one has been given the entire Bible. The Mosquito tribe, the Guarani, the Quechuas, and the Cakchiquels have the New Testament in their own tongues, and the Mams are soon to receive it—but what about the rest ? T hree H undred T ribes in A frica Missionary work has been carried on in Africa for a hundred years. Much has been accomplished. Thirty-five tribes have received the entire Bible, seventy-eight tribes the New Testament, and 191 more some portion o f the Scriptures. However, conservative figures state that there are three hundred African tribes to whom nothing of the printed Word has been given. [Mr. Townsend, who, with his wife, has been a missionary to the Cakchiquel Indians o f Central America, is affiliated with the Pioneer Mission Agency. In August Mr. and Mrs. Townsend left for Mexico with a view to entering upon further pioneer work until time to return to the United States for next summer's session of Camp Wycliffe, the missionary training camp which is de scribed in this article .—E ditor .] S eventeen M illion I ndians
Courtesy, American Bible Society
What may the Cakchiquel New Testament mean to this Indian family and others like them in Guatemala, Central America? What would be their chance for the future if the missionary had not learned their language and reduced it to writing? The author and his wife were led of God to attempt this task and to make the New Testament available to thousands of Indians who speak the complex Cakchiquel language. One thousand tribes have no portion of the Word of God. the English Bible, a thousand use the word deniable. ‘must” advisedly,
Can we, whose souls are lighted with wisdom from on high, Can we to men benighted, the Lamp of Life deny? “ I nterrupters ” How can a man ever, come to. know the depths of the riches o f love in Christ Jesus, or the beauty and comfort o f ' the Bible except through a language he can understand ? A ^¡. makeshift often resorted to is the use o f interpreters, * sometimes called “ interrupters.” A t times they are abso lutely essential, but their continued use too often indicates either laziness or lack of vision on the part of the mission ary. At best they are unsatisfactory. It is impossible, to meet with much success in the work of evangelization -or to see lasting revival among young converts apart from the Word .of God in the vernacular. John Eliot, at the very beginning of missionary work among the aborigines of America, saw this truth, and at the age of forty-two he pro- < ceeded to learn the Mohegan language and to translate the Bible into it. f S trange L anguages The translator’s task is not easy. Perhaps the majority of the one thousand languages calling for attention are un written. The peoples who speak them are inhospitable or live in unhealthy and inaccessible regions. The man who goes in among them should be inured to hardship and train ed linguistically. He should specialize in the translation problem just as a medical missionary concentrates his ef- . forts along medical lines. The problem is very different from that of learning a European tongue. The structure of most unwritten languages is entirely different. The psy chology is different. There are no books—neither grammar nor dictionary. Indeed, there are no teachers. Only by personal contact with the children at play or with adults at work can the missionary overhear and gradually learn the
October, 1935
T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S
expressions they use. Thus bit by bit from a mountain o f strange speech can a vocabulary be quar ried by the listening ear. Peculiar sounds, clicks, or stops often go unnoticed, and disaster results. Approximately three hundred ar ticulations are used throughout the world in the production of words, and although English uti lizes more of these than does any other language (nearly fifty), even the English-speaking mis sionary invariably en cou n te r s many sbunds which are new to him and which if hard to recog nize are likewise hard to repro duce vocally or represent on the
and testing. Lives were at stake; the success of the work was at stake; financial losses were in volved. The problem required an answer. The suggestion was ad vanced that a great aid toward a solution would be a summer train ing camp in the United States, where, at little expense, candi dates might go and, in an environ ment approximating to a certain degree, at least, that o f the mis sion field, receive special instruc tion for pioneer work. C amp W ycliffe Such a camp was founded in 1934 at Sulphur Springs, Arkan
Courtesy, American Bible Society
Far-reaching results may be expected when God's own Word can be sold and carried home, as is possible at this market town in Brazil. When believed, the Word brings ¡oy.
printed page. Yet this use of the language must be ac curate, or else serious mistakes result. For instance, there are two words in Cakchiquel which, except for an illusive click, are identical; yet one means Saviour and the other deceiver. The pioneer missionary must also discover in a slow and tedious way the structure of the language into which he would translate the Bible. Here again are found a great variety o f types. Chinese and kindred tongues, some of which have never received the Scriptures, are almost devoid o f what we commonly call grammar. They depend on “ tones” and the position o f the word in the sentence for variation o f meaning. Other languages, like that o f the Cakchiquel Indians o f Guatemala, are highly complex, per mitting a single verb to he conjugated in a thousand differ ent forms. Such a problem as this demands specialization both in trainirig and subsequent service. Specilization has been very common in evangelistic, medical, and educational mis sions, but has been greatly lacking in the translation phase o f the problem. This lack undoubtedly accounts to a large degree for the fact that so much remains to be done along this line. A S olution Explorations and surveys in unevangelized fields have been carried on for a number o f years by the Pioneer Mis sion Agency. Data amassed by this and other institutions concerning the great unfinished task o f the church have been carefully studied and a solution sought. At first it was decided that more men, more prayer, and more conse crated money were needed, along with closer adherence to Pauline methods. Fervent volunteers were recruited. Their
sas, on a small farm in the rustic Ozarks. It was called Camp Wycliffe in honor o f the man who, in 1382, gave English-speaking peoples their first Bible and who was bitterly persecuted in consequence. The camp is open for two and a half months each summer when the seminaries and Bible Institutes are generally closed. The men live in an old farmhouse, sleep on hard bunks, do their own cook ing, and take daily hikes of several miles. L. L. Legters, Field Secretary o f the Pioneer Mission Agency, whose survey, exploration, and missionary work in behalf o f un evangelized tribes have versed him thoroughly in the spiritual needs and possibilities o f the Indians o f the United States, Mexico, Central America, and South America, gives a course on the distribution, customs, beliefs, and methods o f reaching primitive peoples. E. L. McCreery, Dean o f the Bible Institute o f Los Angeles, who has done language reduction work and Bible translation in Africa, and who is one o f America’s outstanding authorities on the .subject o f phonetics from the translator’s viewpoint, gives a thirty-six-hour course on how to detect, reproduce, and write the articulations o f speech in a scientific way. It is my privilege to lead the men in a study o f the morphology o f language. We compare the inflectional, isolating, and agglutinative linguistic types and then delve into the beau ties of grammatical structure o f the Cakchiquel language into which it was Mrs. Townsend’s and my joy to trans late the New Testament. Visiting missionaries and others give vital lectures on kindred themes. Tw o AND A H alf M onths S ave Tw o and a H alf Y ears It is my conviction, based upon my own experience of stumbling along among the Cakchiquels, that two and a half months spent at Camp Wycliffe prior to going to the
academic and medical or theolog ical training was as good as that ordinarily expected o f a mission ary— in fact, above the average. T fe y were sent forth backed by much prayer and sacrificial giv ing, but when the problem of reaching the tribes of the hinter lands was attacked, one by one the majority were turned aside or met with defeat. City-bred men, though highly capable o f master ing languages in the classrooms o f a university or sem inary, found it hard to adapt themselves to the peoples and conditions o f the jungle. In fact, investigation revealed that it was nothing short o f criminal to send them forth without some specialized training
field will save the pioneer mis sionary at least two and a half years o f trial and error struggling with an unwritten language. In many cases this preparation will prevent his giving up in the face o f a problem which seems to have no solution. In this way it will save the cause o f missions many thousands o f dollars. Further, men who cannot stand up to pio neer life will be culled out be fore large sums o f money have been spent in getting them to the field. All this is done in the home land at the ridiculously small monthly cost o f six or seven dol lars per man, for board, room, and laundry. [Continued on page 372]
A gifted translator, Nai Trung (center), at work at ren dering the Scriptures into Miao, Siam. Courtesy, American Bible Society
October, 1935
T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
Mr. and Mrs. Eric S. Horn with their son Robert
ETHIOPIA Today An Interview with Eric S. Horn Los Angeles, Calif.
W H A T is the difference "between Ethiopia and Abys sinia? Abyssinia was the name given to the country by the Arabs. It is derived from habash, meaning “ the mixed
there was added a large and important Semitic element from Yemen on the Arabian coast” (Bergsma). What became of Menelik II? Menelik II became King of the Kings of Ethiopia in
1889, and reigned with firm ness and vigor until 1908, when, realizing that his pow ers were failing, he appoint ed Lidj Yassou to be his suc cessor. Menelik lingered till December 16, 1913. Lidj Yassou, however, endeavor ed to bring Mohammedan ism into favor in the coun try, and in 1916 was de posed, and Zauditi, Mene- lik’s daughter, was pro claimed Empress, with Ras Tafari (now Haile Selassie) as Regent. Menelik had been so greatly feared that for a long time his death was kept secret from the people. How did Haile Selassie get to the throne? Ras Tafari (now Haile Selassie), son o f Ras Ma-
race.” Ethiopia is the name which the people themselves apply to their country. Both terms designate the same area. Has Ethiopia always been free? Yes. She has maintained her independence success fully against Mohammedan invasions, and the more re cent ambitions of European nations. A r e the E th io p ia n s Negroes? No. The real Ethiopians are traced to Cush’s des cendants, who migrated to the shores o f the Red Sea and the Valley of the Nile, and became the forefathers of the Egyptians, the Ethio pians, and the Canaanites
konnen, and grandson of Sehala Selassie, was in direct line of descent from the kings of Ethiopia, and came to the throne after the deposition o f Lidj Yassou, as stated above. He was crowned King on October 7, 1928, and Emperor on November 2, 1930, after the death of Empress Zauditi. What relation is there between the present ruler and King Solomon? In the appendix of C. F. Rey’s In the Country o f the Blue Nile will be found the full list of kings from Solomon, as given to Mr. Rey by the Emperor. The first King Mene lik of Ethiopia is said to have been the son o f Solomon and the Queen of Sheba. Many things point to the con nection of Ethiopia with the ancient people of Israel, but there is little documentary evidence.
(Stuart Bergsma, The Rainbow Empire). “ To the des cendants of the original, Hamitic elements which migrated to Ethiopia following the confusion o f tongues at Babel, [Each entering upon missionary service in Ethiopia late in the year 1928, Eric S. ( Biola, ’25) and Mrs. Horn (Syvilla E. Ferron, ’25) have been greatly blessed in their work under the Sudan Interior Mission. Before her marriage, Mrs. Horn was located in Walamo Province fo r her first year, since which period she has been in Addis Ababa, the capital, on the office staff. Mr. Horn spent his first three years in Sidamo Province. Since that time both he and Mrs. Horn have been at the Mission’s head quarters in Addis Ababa, serving with Dr. Thomas Lambie, Field Director, and having charge o f the business department o f the work. Mr. Horn has had charge also of the Mission bookshop since it was opened in November, 1932 .—E dtor .]
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