King's Business - 1935-10


October, 1935

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

Mr. and Mrs. Eric S. Horn with their son Robert


ETHIOPIA Today An Interview with Eric S. Horn Los Angeles, Calif.

W H A T is the difference "between Ethiopia and Abys­ sinia? Abyssinia was the name given to the country by the Arabs. It is derived from habash, meaning “ the mixed

there was added a large and important Semitic element from Yemen on the Arabian coast” (Bergsma). What became of Menelik II? Menelik II became King of the Kings of Ethiopia in

1889, and reigned with firm­ ness and vigor until 1908, when, realizing that his pow­ ers were failing, he appoint­ ed Lidj Yassou to be his suc­ cessor. Menelik lingered till December 16, 1913. Lidj Yassou, however, endeavor­ ed to bring Mohammedan­ ism into favor in the coun­ try, and in 1916 was de­ posed, and Zauditi, Mene- lik’s daughter, was pro­ claimed Empress, with Ras Tafari (now Haile Selassie) as Regent. Menelik had been so greatly feared that for a long time his death was kept secret from the people. How did Haile Selassie get to the throne? Ras Tafari (now Haile Selassie), son o f Ras Ma-

race.” Ethiopia is the name which the people themselves apply to their country. Both terms designate the same area. Has Ethiopia always been free? Yes. She has maintained her independence success­ fully against Mohammedan invasions, and the more re­ cent ambitions of European nations. A r e the E th io p ia n s Negroes? No. The real Ethiopians are traced to Cush’s des­ cendants, who migrated to the shores o f the Red Sea and the Valley of the Nile, and became the forefathers of the Egyptians, the Ethio­ pians, and the Canaanites

konnen, and grandson of Sehala Selassie, was in direct line of descent from the kings of Ethiopia, and came to the throne after the deposition o f Lidj Yassou, as stated above. He was crowned King on October 7, 1928, and Emperor on November 2, 1930, after the death of Empress Zauditi. What relation is there between the present ruler and King Solomon? In the appendix of C. F. Rey’s In the Country o f the Blue Nile will be found the full list of kings from Solomon, as given to Mr. Rey by the Emperor. The first King Mene­ lik of Ethiopia is said to have been the son o f Solomon and the Queen of Sheba. Many things point to the con­ nection of Ethiopia with the ancient people of Israel, but there is little documentary evidence.

(Stuart Bergsma, The Rainbow Empire). “ To the des­ cendants of the original, Hamitic elements which migrated to Ethiopia following the confusion o f tongues at Babel, [Each entering upon missionary service in Ethiopia late in the year 1928, Eric S. ( Biola, ’25) and Mrs. Horn (Syvilla E. Ferron, ’25) have been greatly blessed in their work under the Sudan Interior Mission. Before her marriage, Mrs. Horn was located in Walamo Province fo r her first year, since which period she has been in Addis Ababa, the capital, on the office staff. Mr. Horn spent his first three years in Sidamo Province. Since that time both he and Mrs. Horn have been at the Mission’s head­ quarters in Addis Ababa, serving with Dr. Thomas Lambie, Field Director, and having charge o f the business department o f the work. Mr. Horn has had charge also of the Mission bookshop since it was opened in November, 1932 .—E dtor .]

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