King's Business - 1935-10


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

October, 1935

Orval J. Kirk, ’ 18, went out in 1928. He and Mrs. Kirk returned on furlough in 1934 and are now in Linden, Calif. Lois Briggs, ’33, is situated in Walamo Province. Nicholas Simponis, ’31, stationed now in Debra Markos, is opening new work in that area. Thus far no serious re­ sult o f present conditions has been felt by our workers (up to the end of August), and the Mission has not yet felt it necessary to withdraw its workers. Dr. Thomas Lambie, the Mission’s Field Director, cut short his fur­ lough and returned to the field on September 4, and he doubtless will take all necessary steps for the good o f the missionaries themselves and for the best interests: o f the Mission and the people to whom it ministers. What do you consider to be Abyssinia’s greatest need at the present time? I feel that we should pray definitely that whatever hap­ pens in the political world, Ethiopia’s doors may be kept open to the gospel, and that no foreign power shall be able to close those doors to the missionary. Perhaps the greatest need is for the native believers to be filled with a desire to spread the message to their own people. Pray that God.will lay this burden on their hearts, and thrust them forth filled with His Spirit. Pray, too, as Paul instructed us, for those in authority. Ethiopia’s king, the most enlightened monarch ever to oc­ cupy the Ethiopian throne, has been very gracious toward the work of missions, and he needs the prayers of God’s people at this critical time. In the fourth place, God’s plan fo r this Bible Institute'■ is that it must he useful, and its usefulness must increase. The question is not primarily: What can we get from the churches o f Los Angeles and the world? The primary question is : What can we contribute to the churches and to the cause, o f Jesus Christ throughout the nation and throughout the world? We are here to minister to the people who come here. And when we write let­ ters, we must baptize the message in prayer, and we must minister to the spiritual needs of our correspondents. When people come to visit us, we must help them spirit­ ually. W e must let them go away feeling that they have come into contact with God. If we would serve the Christian churches o f our city and of our land, we must have summer Bible conferences, Bible classes, gospel teams. W e must function for Christ here in Los Angeles. The fifth thing we are sure that God wants as far as Biola is concerned is the securing o f fifty thousand inter­ cessors who will have this Bible Institute on their hearts, who will pray definitely for this institution and its work. The sixth thing that God wants is an increase o f the cir­ culation and influence o f the K in g ’ s B u sin e ss , the official organ of the Institute, which must be an agency to win souls and to edify and to strengthen the people of God. Thank God for the thirty thousand subscribers. But the K in g ’ s B usiness must have fifty thousand. The plan of God is, seventh, to increase the number of supporters o f this school and its ministry. There are many who are making small contributions, and that number can be increased. There are a few who make large contribu­ tions, and that number can be increased. Nothing will bring greater dividends than „what you put into the work o f God. Are you helping to train young people for His service? If there is any work in the world in which you can invest your money to greater advantage, to bring in greater dividends for eternity, I do not know what it is. The Bible Institute of Los Angeles is worthy o f your confidence and support. “ TO W H AT INTENT?” [Continued from page 365]

As we face our financial problem, we are determined by the grace o f God, humbly looking to Him for help, that by 1945 every bit o f indebtedness shall be cleared away. To the glory o f God, this institution shall be free from all financial shackles. May I ask for your prayers as I perform the tasks that belong to my responsibility, to my office, as I seek to edit the K in g ’ s B usiness , and as I endeavor to set in mo­ tion an avalanche of prayer— o f intercession—and as I at­ tempt to conduct evangelistic campaigns and Bible confer­ ences ? May I ask for a very definite place in your prayer life for myself as well as for the Institute that I represent ? We are here this afternoon not to beat a retreat. We are here to make a charge and to issue a challenge to advance. A friend o f mine assuming an office some time ago closed his talk with these words: “ Without Christ, we can­ not succeed. With Christ, we cannot fail.” Today we take this stand. W e cannot stand still. W e will not go back. W e must, we will go forward, y Bible Institute in China Many of the friends who have followed with interest the extensive work that is being accomplished in the Hunan Bible Institute, the China department of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, will rejoice to know that it may soon be possible to receive news fresh from the field. The treasurer, of the Hunan Bible Institute, Charles A . Roberts, who is also a member o f the faculty o f the school, expected to leave

Hunan Bible Institute Changsha, Hunan, on September 20, and to arrive in Los Angeles on October 19, for furlough. He will be accom­ panied by Mrs. Roberts (Grace M. Pike, who was grad­ uated from the Bible Institute of Los Angeles in 1921), and four of their children : Junior, age ten; twin girls, age eight ; and another daughter, age six. An older girl, Mir­ iam, is remaining in China, where she is a senior at the American high school at Kikungshan. Mr. and Mrs. Roberts expect to be located in the Los Angeles vicinity. They will be free for deputation work, and will be glad to speak and to show stereopticon views of the work o f the Hunan Bible Institute and its Evangelistic Bands that have been graciously used o f God in the salva­ tion o f many Chinese. Dr. Frank A . Keller, superinten­ dent of the Institute in China, Mrs. Keller, and other work­ ers, continue their service in China in faithful devotion to the Lord. How God has blessed and used the representa­ tives of Biola in China is a story that magnifies His grace. Mr. Roberts will be glad to share the facts with any inter­ ested group. Address all inquiries regarding speaking en­ gagements to the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, 558 South Hope St., Los Angeles, Calif.

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