Paul W. Rood, and the Bible Institute of Los Angeles (left), of which he is President.
New President
Outlines Dynamic Program
G od has a plan for every life, for every institution. For the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, H e has one best course of action. Humanly devised lines of activity may be good; but there is one right way— and that is God’s way. A t a remarkable meeting held in the auditorium of the Church of the Open Door on Sunday afternoon, September 15, where among the speakers were William Evans, world traveler, author, and Bible teacher, and Charles G. Trumbull, Editor of the Sunday School Times, President Paul W . Rood outlined a program which was enthusias tically received because it bore evidence that it was o f the Lord.* “What is G O D ’S PROGRAM for the Bible Institute of Los Angeles?” the President asked. There followed a sevenfold answer: 1. To deepen the spiritual life of the school. 2. To cause every member of the Biola family to function as a soul-winner. 3. To emphasize the importance of the evangeli zation of children. Training experts for evangelistic work among children. Forming Bible classes for boys and girls. ........... ............................................................. President Paul W. Rood Bible Institute of Los Angeles 558 South Hope Street, Los Angeles, Calif. Dear Dr. Rood: Yes, indeed, I believe your seven-point program is of the Lord! You may count on my full cooperation. I hereby agree (1) to pray for the work of the Bible Institute of Los An geles; and (2) to contribute.............................................. .....per month for a period of three, six, twelve (.................................... ) months. Please place my name on the Biola Honor Roll. □ You may apply $ ......................... of my gift toward a subscription to the KING’S BUSINESS, sending me the magazine for...................months. Name ....>.................................... ....¿..City .*J|.—.r..,-r.;............... State................. Street No................— ....... Dat«»....................................................... ............. Amount enclosed .......... ....¿hp.__.......... ___ 1 --'V .i:’ The amount indicated may be discontinued, reduced, or increased at any time.
4. T o make the Bible Institute more useful.
Contributing to the good of local churches— not expecting primarily to receive aid from them. Writing letters baptized in prayer. Receiving visitors graciously and helping them spiritually. Holding evangelistic campaigns. Providing for Bible conferences, Bible classes, gospel teams. Men and women must be found who will pray definitelv and continually for God’s blessing upon Biola. 6. T o increase the circulation and influence o f the K IN G ’S BUSINESS. The present monthly edition is 30,000 copies. It must be 50,000. 7. T o multiply the number o f supporters. There are many friends who are giving small amounts; their number must be increased. There are some who Can make large contributions; others must join them, so that, BY 1945, E V E R Y B I T O F I N D E B T E D N E S S SHALL BE CLEARED A W A Y A N D BY TH E GRACE OF G O D T H IS IN S T IT U T IO N SHALL BE FREE FROM ALL FI N A N C IA L SHACKLES. This is the program. The Bible Institute of Los Angeles be lieves it is God’s program, and as such accepts it without reserva tion. You, too, must be gratefully aware of G od’s leading in this forward movement to which H e has called the Institute. W ill you not encourage Dr. Rood by a personal word? W ill you not be come, with him, a member of the B IOLA H O N O R ROLL— that loyal company of several hundred men and women who enjoy the sweetest fellowship in prayer and systematic giving? *Dr. Rood’s message appears on pages 363 to 365. 5. T o find 50,000 intercessors fo r this work.
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