October, 1935
T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S
and Betty Stam is the record of more than one victory. Triumphant, first, in their personal faith,*- and willing also to await God’s time for their marriage and the ap pointment of their life work, Mr. and Mrs, Stam walked steadily, in quiet, assurance, through .the whole o f their brief but very fruitful period of missionary ■service. When, with a stroke of the executioner’s sword, they were parted from their lovely three-months-old daughter, yet united with each other in the presence of their Lord, victory .consisted not in physical deliver ance, but in calm and Christlike submis sion. That the testimonies, of bereaved parents, of brothers and sisters, and of missionary colleagues should ring with triumph is as miraculous as was the rescue of the infant daughter who survived her parents’ death. No more challenging ac count’ of Christian heroism has appeared, in many months. 125 pages. China Inland Mission. Cloth. Price 75 cents. Easy Objects By E lmer L. W ilder . Fifty-two practical and pointed object lessons by the author o f Talking Objects, a pastor and successful children’s worker,: will be welcomed by those who have come to realize the excellent teaching value of visual presentation-of Bible truths; This present group o f ’TeSsons has appeared in the K ing ’ s B usiness in recent months, and favorable reports have indicated their spiritual fruitfulness in Sunday-schools and children’s meetings.- Accompanying each lesson in this -mimeographed book is a drawing o f .the simple equipment -re-, quired. The lessons are indexed under both titles and themes. 52 pages.' Elmer L. Wilder, 335 East 35th Street, Los An geles, Calif. Paper. Price $1.00. Beauty for Ashes B y G race L ivingston H ill The sudden death o f her fiance, who was shot with a dancing girl in a New York cafe, plunged Gloria Sutherland into grief and disgrace. ' The tragedy became the, cause for her going away with her father from their palatial home and fashionable, worldly set to seek solace in the quiet vil lage of her father’s birth. There she found a hitherto unknown liking for the simple things of life—a new appraisal of values, which was later shared by her sister, Van- na. Awakened to spiritual truth through the example and teaching of two young men whom they met and later married, the girls were fortified against the shock of the loss of the family’s wealth. Finding Christ, their standards o f living underwent a rad ical change. 317 pages. J. B. Lippincott Co. Cloth. Price $2.00. 1,000 Wonderful Things About the Bible B y H y . P ickering Those familiar with other titles by the same author, such as “ 1,000 Tales Worth Telling,” “ 1,000 Eyegate Lessons,” and “ 1,000 Subjects for Speakers and Stu dents,” will indeed welcome this new book full of pithy paragraphs. Each item is numbered and clearly indexed. The volume contains such valuable information as, “What Scholars Say about the Word of God,” “ Uncommon Expressions and Words in the Bible,” “The Twelve Mys teries of the Bible,” “ Changed Meanings of Words,” “The Seven Wonders o f the Bible,” “ Bible Dates and the Age of Man,” etc. It is a book which should be in the library of Bible students for ready refer ence. 192 pages. Pickering & Inglis. Cloth. Price $1.00.
Our LITERATURE T j U power in service. Special anointings of the Holy Spirit for service are considered also, v The book not only serves to make the reader dissatisfied with anything;less than the Lord Himself, but also shows specifically the divine requirements of obedience and faith. Suitable poems by the author and other writers aid in bring ing the message. This book Under the title'of The Spirit-Filled Life has had a wide influence. 119 pages. Marshall, Morgan & Scott, Ltd. Qoth. Price $1.00. With an evangelistic motive that is evi dent throughout the book, the author has used prophetic warnings of imminent judgments to show the unbeliever’s per sonal danger and responsibility. Arresting subtitles help to attract the attention- of the casual reader, and the abundant use o f Scripture passages gives opportunity for the Holy Spirit to convitt hearts. An in dividual who had absolutely no knowledge of God’s Word could, with thisv.study in his hands, find a very clear presentation of God’s dealing with men through the-ages and of His plan of salvation. In addition to the dispensational chart and discussion, there are sections onsHulfilled prophecies regarding Jesus Christ, the marvel of the Word of God, and the teaching of Scrip ture concerning the: eternal destiny-Jof every soul. In its use for free distribution in Europe and through the Immanuel Mis sion to Seamen, the book has been greatly blessed ojjSGod in winning the lost. 85 pages. Max E. Zimmermann, 7515 Whit- sett Avenue, Los Angeles, Calif. Paper. Price 25 cents. What Awaits You! By F. P. K eller Many Christian parents realize the ne cessity of the Family Altar, but they do not know how to conduct this daily wor ship period. For such readers, Mr. Brooks’ pamphlet will be of real assistance. There are Scripture references covering 365 daily portions; there are memory verses listed-ii^ne for every day of the year; there are suggested morning prayers, in verse form ; and there are prayer hymns that deepen faith. 30 pages. Brooks Pub lishers,'2003 Addison Way, Los Angeles, Calif. Paper. Price 20 cents. The Triumph of John and Betty Stam B y M rs . H oward T aylor Newspaper and magazine 7 accounts: of the martyrdom o f Mr. and Mrs, John C. Stam, in China, in December of 1934, have stirred a desire in the hearts of many Christians for more facts concerning the lives of these choice young people. Mrs. Howard Taylor, who has devoted herself to the task o f providing the life sketches o f these two, the most recent martyrs from the ranks of the China Inland Mission, has already written a number of missionary biographies—every one o f them distin guished by frankness, sincerity, sympathy, and -spirituality. The Triumph o f John Helps for Family Worship By K eith L. B rooks The Ivory Spires By F. W. B oreham Not only in Australia, where he has been a beloved pastor for over forty years, but also in England and America where his books have made friends for him, this gifted writer and speaker con tinues to be a messenger of cheer. The Ivory Spires is the author’s twenty-éighth volume published in America. It is a col lection o f essays on unusual themes, writ ten with charm and understanding. Who could not read again and again, with the greatest pleasure, such chapters as these : “The Crater ' at Waipaku,” “The Stolen Goose,” “A Cabin in Quebec,” and “ The Iron Duchess” ?' While one may not be able to join in the approval of the theater which the chapter, “The Stage-Struck Girlft“ seems to manifest, nevertheless* the teaching of this portion of the book, as o f every other,'is practical and needful. 279 pages. Abingdon Press. '.’Cloth. Price $1.75. • Ethiopia and Mussolini in the Light of Prophecy By P aul H. H olsinger This timely discussion of the prophetic significance of recent events in connection with Rome and Ethiopia will appeal to many readers. Interesting facts in the history of both Ethiopia and Mussolini will answer many of the questions Chris tians are asking concerning the meaning of the present situation. The section on “God’s Message to the World,” developed in the latter part of the book, shows the necessity for personal salvation, and the manner of God’s provision through the Lord Jesus Christ. 48 pages. Paul H. Hol singer, 548—20th Street, Oakland, Calif. Paper. Price 25 cents. Starward By L ouise H arrison M c C raw Appearing first as a serial in the K ing ’ s B usiness , Starward was appreciated for its fine emphasis upon the necessity of divine leadership in the lives of young people. Issued now as a gift book, this story o f young love—and of later love— and of God’s purpose accomplished, is ideal for Christmas giving. The author is the secretary of the Braille Circulating Library, Richmond, Va. Her book is offered in blue cloth binding, with silver lettering, and will make an excellent gift for young people. 44 pages. Garrett & Massie, 14th and Franklin Streets, Rich mond, Va. Cloth. Price 50 cents. The Enduement of Power By O swald J. S mith That the Spirit-filled life is the normal, the God-ordained experience for every Christian, is the thesis of this book. Mr. Smith gives practical, detailed teaching, founded squarely on the Word o f God. He guards carefully and Scripturally against such extremes as dependence upon feeling or the seeking of evidences other than the achievement
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