October, 1935
T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S
miah was still living at Jerusalem and preaching to the people there, there lived _ _ a n o t h e r o n e of j A V P w f * » , )
SAVE “S85*A WINDOW on SHADES WHV, I T ^ H o o k s l ik e !
God’s prophets. He, too, had lived in Je rusalem. He, was a priest and tile- son Of a priest. As a small boy and as a young man he had ilfistened to Jeremiah ; and his m e s s a g e . But this .*1 . prophet, Ezekiel, didn’t stay in Jerusalem. He
MilllonssayCLOPAY15o Window Shades look and wear like $1.00 shades. Many lovely patterns and colors. Madeof new type fibre— can’t crack or pinhole. A t “ 5 and 10” and other stores. Send 3c stamp for color samples to CLOPAY. 470 York Street, C in cin n ati, O hio.
Lesson: These two objects I brought this morning both talk, but they talk very differently. They are like people. By his speech you can tell what a person is /like. A parrot will often talk a great deal, but you are never sure what he may Say. As a rule .¡he says,. “Hello,’ ¿s;“ Polly wants a cracker,” and many other, disconnected phrases. Parrots; are interesting, but you can never trust them to deliver an impor tant message. They may either forget the message or not feel like talking when it should be delivered. This phonograph record is unlike the parrot. You can depends^n, it to deliver j ust the message that has been!.given to it. : If we were to play this record, we would hear la" beautiful piece of music. Every note would be sounded j ust as the musician played it for the recording. The record! would give all the rests in the music. The accented notes would be the" same as when they came from the hand o f the master:. The people of God are either “parrots” or “records.” Some say just what they feel like saying; and others say only and all that God has commanded. Ezekiel is" an example o f the right" kind of a servant of God. Ezekiel realized that he was a watch man on the wall, that he was put there by God, and that he was responsible to de liver God’s message. He Was faithful to God, because he realized, as did Paul, that “every one of us shall give account o f him self to God.” In the day when weishall stand in the. presence of God, we w ill be ashamed if we have been only “Parrot Christians” ; but we will be glad if we have been “ Rec ord Christians ,”1 faithfully delivering God’s message.
went with the captives into the country of Babylonia, far to the east of his own country, and there he lived on the banks o f the river Chebar. Lesson Story: Here Ezekiel spent his time teaching and preaching and prophesy ing to the captives and their children. He wanted to help them remember the God of their father&>! the God who had made many precious promises to them. Ezekiel helped the people to remember that al though they had sinned against God and were being punished for it, God had not forgotten His promise. The Jewish peo ple would be restored, Jerusalem would be theirs again, and their enemies would be punished. God’s promises are sure; the reason they had seemed to fail was that the people had sinned. The Jews had made friends with wicked people and had worshiped false gods, Ezekiel reminded the people that the righteous men that turn away from their righteous ways shall die, but he reminded them, too, that God will receive the wicked who will turn from their wicked ways. God’s message to the people through His prophet Ezekiel was: “ Repent, and turn yourselves from all your transgressions . . . make you a new heart and a new spirit . . . For I have no pleasure in the death of him that dieth, . . . wherefore turn yourselves, arid live.’,’ Lesson T ext: Ezra 1:1-6; Psa. 126. Golden T ext: “The Lord hath done great things for u s; whereof we -are glad” (Psa. 126:3). Outline and Exposition I. T he R eason for the R eturn (Ezra 1 :1). J eremiah had declared: “This whole land shall be a desolation . . . and these nations shall serve the king o f Babylon seventy years” (Jer. 25:11). Making his prophecy still more definite, he also said: Thus saith the Lord, That after seventy years be accomplished at Babylon I will visit you, and perform my good word toward you, in causing you to return to this place” (Jer. 29:10). The promises ol God, whether for good or ill, will all be fully and exactly fulfilled. We can be assured therefore that His promises con cerning Israel’s final restoration in the future will be fulfilled as surely as was this restoration from Babylon. Perhaps Daniel had called the attention Object Lesson A lways T rue Objects: A phonograph record, and a cardboard parrot, -colored with crayons. (A real parrot could be used if available.)
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NOVEMBER 17, 1935 THE RETURN FROM CAPTIVITY J eremiah 29:4-14; E zra 1 :1-11; P salm 126
of Cyrus to such prophecies as Isaiah 44:28 and Isaiah 45:1-13. Years before Cyrus was born, God had designated him by name as the one who should release the people from Babylonjihence, Cyrus must have been deeply impressed by the fact that what he would do had already been announced by God. Whether or not this was the king’s attitude, we know that “the Lord stirred up the spirit o f Cyrus” to make the proclamation of release.
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