October, 1935
T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S
Saviour’s love and the Saviour’s deliver ance, shall we not prostrate ourselves be fore Him tonight, hosts o f earth and hosts o f heaven, falling upon our faces and cry ing: “ Not unto us, O Lord, not unto us, but unto thy name be the glory” ?—T. D e W itt T almage , in One Thousand Evan gelistic Illustrations, by Webb. A New Song P salm 126 (cf. E zra 3:1, 2, 10-13; J eremiah 29:4-14). Memory V erse:'“ It is a good thing to give thanks unto the Lord, and to sing praises unto thy name, O Most High” (Psa. 92:1). Approach: Before the children of Israel were taken captive to Babylon, God had told them, through His prophet Jeremiah, that for seventy years they should live in
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ILT PATTERNS O/ferße/ow/
Object Lesson F reeing a C aptive
Objects: A bottle half full of water; five corks covered respectively with black, purple, yellow, green, and white paper; and a tumbler. Lesson: Why doesn’t the water come out of this bottle when I shake it and turn it upside down? “ It has a cork in it.” I know it is corked, but it is a clean white cork. There isn’t a spot o f dirt on it, but it nevertheless holds the water captive in the bottle. There are many things in life which may not look bad, but they are bad if they hold a person captive. W e will remove the white cork, and see whether the pretty green one will still hold the water captive. Yes, the color is different, but the result is the same. People are often held captive by the green sin of envy. This yellow cork looks pretty, but it is not pretty if it causes the water to be held captive in the bottle. Not a drop o f the water can pass the yellow cork. We will let this cork remind us of pleasure. People think they are having freedom if they have a great deal of pleasure; but pleasure can keep them from having the true joy God wants them to have. The purple cork o f worldliness also keeps the water captive. Worldly people sooner or later will find themselves en slaved by their ungodly desires. We expect this ugly black cork to hold the water in, and it does. All sin is black in the sight o f God. And any sin that is allowed to have a place in a person’s life will hold that life in captivity. Let us ask ourselves the question, “ How may the water in the bottle be set free?” It can be done by removing every cork. Any one of them, if left, will hinder free dom. Now that they are removed, the water is free to run out into this tumbler. People are freed from sin’s captivity in the same way. When sin,is confessed and put away, people are no longer held in bondage. This was true of the children of Israel when they returned from cap tivity. They turned away from their sin, and God returned them to the freedom of their native land.
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that land, and that at the end of that time they should re turn to their home land in peace. Sev enty years is a long time to be away from home. Most of the people to whom this p r om i s e was made died during the s e v en t y years, and, a l t h o u g h the
prophets kept reminding the rest o f the people and their children that God had made this promise, many kept forgetting. When it really did happen, the people were very much surprised. Lesson Story: It happened in this way. A king from another country had come in and conquered the land o f Babylon where the captive Jews were living. This king Cyrus was a good ruler, and although he did not worship the true God in the same way that the Jews did, he must have known about Him and the prophecies which God had made. The Bible tells us that during the first year o f King Cyrus’ reign, “the Lord, stirred up the spirit of Cyrus,” and he made a proclamation throughout his kingdom. He said: “ The Lord . . . hath charged me to build him a house at Jerusalem.” And then King Cyrus said that all who wished to help in this work might go back peaceably to their own country. Then many o f the heads o f the Jewish households gathered together their fam ilies and took the gifts which should go into the building o f the house o f the Lord, and they started for Jerusalem. Can you imagine how these people felt as they started off? After seventy long years, they were going back to their home land. Most of them had never seen it, but how many times their parents must have talked about it to them as they were grow ing up! Let us read Psalm 126. It will tell us how they felt.
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7 TOWNSENDISM — and Bible! Don’t fail to see this article in OCT. ISSU E of Keith L. Brooks’ magazine. Also “Startling Developments of World Jewish Congress” ; “Ark of Covenant Moves” ; “On to Fascist Empire” ; “Science Is Conquering Palestine” ; “Father Divine and Com munism.” 10c copy; $1.00 a year; Trial subscription 4 months 25 cents. October issue V IT A L !
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NOVEMBER 24, 1935 THE MESSAGE OF HAGGAI AND ZECHARIAH E zra 3:1 to 6:22; P salm 84:1-12; H aggai , C hapters 1, 2; Z echariah 4:1-10 Lesson T ext: Hag. 1:2-8; 2:8, 9; Zech. 4 : 6 - 10 . T he return of the people from their captivity in Babylon had in view the express purpose of the rebuilding of
Golden T ext: “I was glad when they said unto me, Let us go into the house of the Lord” (Psa. 122:1). Outline and Exposition I. T he C omplaint of the L ord (Hag. 1:2-8).
the house of the Lord (cf. Ezra 1:1-3). But, having entered into the land, instead of building the house o f the Lord, the peo ple had settled down, had built houses for themselves, and had gone about to amass riches and to indulge in pleasure. They ex cused themselves for their slackness in per-
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