King's Business - 1935-10


T H E K.l N S ' S B U S I N E S S

October, 1935

forming their assigned task by saying: “The time is not come, the time that the Lord’s house should be built” (v. 2 ). They pointed to the many seeming obstacles and to the enemies that surrounded them, as reasons for their failure to undertake the work. But the Lord sent the prophet Haggai to answer just such reasoning as this (v.,3). The prophets were men who were raised up o f the Lord to speak to the people the message o f the Lord, and their divine appointment was usually recognized by the people, even though their messages were not always, welcomed or heeded. The question asked by the Lord (v. 4) could be answered in just one way. If the people were indeed the Lord’s, surely the house of the Lord should take preced­ ence oyer their own houses. O f what profit was it to declare that they were the special worshipers of the Lord, so long as they made no effort to secure a place wherein they could offer acceptable worship? Un­ like bélievers today who live in the age of grace, these followers o f the Lord had been given certain rites and ceremonies by the use of which God was to be wor­ shiped. These observances demanded a specific place in which they could be per­ formed—the temple at Jerusalem: How­ ever, instead of giving to the Lord and to Ifis requirements the first place, the people had concentrated attention upon their own affairs. Their efforts to amass wealth had beeri- fruitless. Their crops'had failed (vs. 5, ¡5). Hence; the Lord said to them: “ Consider your ways.” The Lord made plain ¡(that the reason for the shortage of returns, from their labors-could be traced to their neglect of Him and their avoidance of His claims. Nevertheless, if they would truly “consider” their ways (vs. 7, 8 ); and would begin to erect the house o f the Lord;? Jehovah would show His good pleasure to­ ward them, and would bless them witlffljj prosperity and peace. II. T he P romise through H aggai (Hag. 2:8, 9). The objection raised by the people that they did not have sufficient funds or ma­ terial to build the house o f the Lord was answered by the wordifyj'The silver is mine, and the gold is mine, ,,saith ¡the Lord” (v. 8 ). If the Lord’s Servants would only begin with what they had, and would show determination to fulfill His will, the Lord would provide a sufficiency for all the work that had been ’icOihmanded to be done. There never is any real lack o f funds to carry on the Lord’s work—if the work is really the Lord’s, and if it be carried on in His way and according to His methods. The people were also promised that the glory of the house that they would build would be greater than that of the one which had been destroyed (v. 9), and that in this second house would the Lord give peace. The people had God’s word of promise; they had only to believe that word, to follow the Lord’s clear directions, and to obey His plain commands, and He would fulfill the promise to them. III. T he E ncouragement through Z echariah (Zech. 4:6-10). The books of Ezra and Nehemiah should be read, in order to get the force o f the prophecies by Haggai and Zechariah. These prophets ministered at a time when the people were discouraged by many ob­ stacles, distressed by many enemies, and

disheartened because o f their own feeble­ ness as, compared with their strength at former times. In the midst o f their distress, Haggai and Zechariah were sent to exhort, to .comfort, and to encourage, them with messages from the Lord their God. In the- instance before us, the people were complaining that they had no power to overcome the enemies around them, and hence no power to build the Lord’s house. At once Zechariah encouraged them by de­ claring that the work was to be done “not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit, saith the Lord” (v. 6 ). And such power would be sufficient for the work in hand and Would make Zerubbabel, their captain, mightier than their enemies round about (v. 7). In the end, Zerubbabel would finish the Lord’s-house—in the midst of shouts of victory. ; Zerubbabel had begun the work, and the Lord would be with him, enabling him to finish the work with joy (vs. 8 - 10 ). The people were given encouragement from the Lord, and if they would only arise and build, they would know assuredly that the Lord was with them, and that He would provide all, the material, strength! and protection that were needed. Over and over as the hands o f the people grew slack and their determination to obey the Lord weakened, or when the obstacles and the difficulties rose before them with dis­ couraging frequency, either Haggai or Zechariah was commissioned to bring to the people the needed message o f rebuke ,1 or comfort, or strength. The books of Ezra and Nehemiah, with those of Haggai and Zechariah, form ohe of the most in­ tensely human and interesting portions of the whole inspired Word. Points and Problems 1. “This people say, The time is not come, the time that the Lord’s house should be builf’ (Hag. 1 :2). The building, started so auspiciously , under th® decree of Cyrus, had entirely ceased (Ezra 4:24). And the people seemed at, last content that it should be so, even arguing that the prophecy ¿of the seventy years?, was not entirely fulfilled. Therefore, they .said: “The time is notifome.” But God raises up a prophet who, contemplating the houses they were building for themselves, iron­ ically inquires: “ Is it time for you, O ye, to dwell in your ceiled [paneled] houses, and this house: lie, waste (v. 4). It is another instance of people’s trying to hide behind prophecy'in order that they might cater to their own selfish indolence. Prophecy declares that “ few are chosen,” but we are nevertheless under obligation to preach the gospel to all. Prophecy de­ clares that the age will end in great apos­ tasy, but it is our duty to resist the ten­ dency with all our power. 2. “ Go • up to the mountain, and bring wood” (v. 8 ). Here we have one of the incidental proofs that much of Palestine BLACKBOARD LESSON

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