King's Business - 1935-10

October, 1935

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


was wooded country in ancient times. The reference is probably not to some particu­ lar great mountain like Lebanon; but mere­ ly to the surrounding hills. (The American Revision margin has “hill-country.” ) More than once in Palestine’s history, the hills have been ruthlessly denuded, in fact, for the last time so late as the latter part of the nineteenth century. Even if a great deal of timber had been destroyed prior to the Captivity, seventy years of rest for the land would have accomplished wonders ■ in reforestation. 3. Verses 8 and 9 of the second chapter pass far beyond the historic temple of Zerubbabel, and present a picture of the millennial temple.,.;-Teachers should begin with verse 6 . All nations, the very uni­ verse itself, are to be shaken. The “Desire o f all nations shall come.” The glory of the latter house shall be greater than that o f the former, for at that time the Incar­ nate God Himself will be present there to “give peace.” The temple o f Zerubbabel was only the type and earnest of the final house. Golden Text Illustration A capable man of the world wrote to a certain professor a letter in which he said, “ It has been proved in the colonies that a rapid social ; retrogression follows upon local inability to go to church. I f the settler’s ‘grant’ be so remote that church becomes an impossibility, he gradually cgases to miss it, abandons the weekly bur­ nishing and. outside decorum, and the rest follows.” —- 1,001 Illustrations fo r Pulpit and Platform, by Webb.

stopped. Again they had forgotten that the promise to build the temple was not j ust from King Cyrus who had sent them back to do this work ,5 but that it was God’s promise, too. They didn’t need to be afraid of this new king. God sent them another prophet to remind and encourage them. Haggai came to the people and said some­ thing like this: “The Lord says, ‘Why do you live in fine'Mouses and yet My house lies unfinished? This is the reason you have not prospered. Go up and start the work again.’ ” Then the people felt encouraged and began to build the temple again, and this time it was finished.

OUT SEPT. 1st "EXPOSITION CHO RU SES " 32 numbers with'many 1935 copyrights appearing for the first time in print. Choruses of the Pacific International Exposition Evangelistic Campaign. 25c postpaid. Also while they last. "N EW SINGABLE S O N G S " 32— with “ Isn’t it Grand to be a Christian” No duplications in the books. 25c postpaid. TOGETHER 45c Published by: HARO LD ALEXANDER K-Box 321. LOS ANGELES, CALIF. Mr. and Mrs. Alexander will be free to accept calls at the close of their 9 months' campaign, January 1st, 1936 r BIBLE HOUSE o f LOS ANGELES Lowest Prices on Bibles, Scripture Portions, Books, Tracts A G E N T S FOR B IL H O R N O RG AN S A new line of Scripture Christmas Cards on display. Terms to Agents RETAIL. DEPARTM ENT: Vi;. R O OM 5 3 2 A U D I T O R I U M B U I L D I N G 427 W E S T FIF TH STREET MAIN OFFICE: 927 S O U T H W E STM O R E L A N D A V E N U E LOS AN G ELES, C A L IF O R N IA

Object Lesson B uilding for G od

Objects: A yardstick and a tape measure. Lesson: In one way this yardstick and tape measure are the same—they both have figures; but in another way they are very different—one is always straight, and the other is seldom straight. One stands up •without bending, and the other cannot stand alone. As I look at this yardstick, I am remind­ ed of Christ. He was always straight and strong. He always did and said the right thing. This tape measure reminds me of people. As long as you-pull on it, it is straight, soon as the tension is released, the tape sagslgand becomes crooked. Many children go straight as long as their parents are pulling them, but when the. influence of father and mother is no longer felt, they become crooked. I will show you how to make this tape measure stand. (Wrap it around the yard­ stick.) Now it clings to the yardstick and will stand as long as it remains in that position. (Wind spirally, and fasten the end of the tape measure with a rubber band.) The life that stands is the one that is built around Christ. Many fail because Christ is not the center of their lives. The children of Israel had been building houses for themselves, but God was not satisfied with them, because they were not built around Him. He ordered them to build the temple. It was to be kept for the worship of God. The temple was built because the people realized that they must depend upon God, and it was pleasing to Him and a blessing to the people. If an individual is to be pleasing to God, he must have his life built, around Christ. If a church is. to be pleasing to God and useful to men, it must have Christ in the center of all its work. Paul said: “We preach Christ crucified.” It is no wonder that Paul’s preaching was blessed and hon­ ored by God. If a nation is to be kept strong, it must be built around God. As long as the Jews built around God, they were safe; but as soon as they built around the heathen altars and idols, they could no longer stand against their enemies. Build your life today around Christ, and it will stand every test that will come.

OBJECT LESSONS OBJECTS— AND THEIR LESSONS. SEND ten cents for object lesson and list. Chas. Mor­ rison. The Object Man. Pastor, Fairmount Park Chapel, 76 Hudson St., Johnson City, N.Y.

A New House for God H aggai 1 :1-I4

Memory Verse: “I was glad when they said unto me, Let us go into the house of the Lord’’v!(Psa. 122:1). .. Approach: After a long and hard jour­ ney, the returning captives we talked about last week reached Jerusalem. I wonder how they felt when they reached the city




and looked at the ruins o f the temple! All the time they were away, they had been remembering it as it had sto o d ^ beautiful and grand, just as King Solo­ mon had built it many years before. Now there was little left put a pile of stones. They must

have felt sad and discouraged. Lesson Story: Nevertheless, they started to work at the long job of rebuilding it. First, they set up the altar o f worship. This was the most important part o f their way to worship God, for ever since they had been delivered from the Egyptians, and as a reminder of God’s Son who was to come as a sacrifice for their sins, they had been commanded to sacrifice burnt offerings on the altar of brass. But two years passed before they began the rebuilding, and they had not done very much before their enemies began sending back reports about what they were doing. By this time there was a new king in Babylon, and when he heard that the chil­ dren of Israel were back in their own country rebuilding their temple, he thought they might start a war against him, so he ordered the building to stop. Then the children of Israel were afraid, and they

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