October, 1935
T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S
from each reading. And yet, in the light o f each passage in full, we feel that we dare not divorce a few facts from the main truth of the passage, for in so doing we are likely to misconstrue Scripture. We would not employ a method o f inter pretation which would in any way rob the readings of their real significance. For example, in 1 Samuel 30:1-4, it is true that in battle the Amalekites had de stroyed Ziklag and had captured women and children. But—may we forget that be cause David, Israel’s leader, had sinned, by entering into an alliance with God’s enemies, God’s hand rested heavily upon him, and that David but reaped the fruit of his own sowing when God permitted the enemy to touch his and his people’s pos sessions ? Not until after this affliction did David turn to the L ord ! Again, in 2 Chronicles 36:17-20, we find the Chaldeans slaying the young men and maidens, burning the house of God, de stroying the palaces and vessels with fire, and carrying great spoil to Babylon. Yet— may we forget that, in infinite love and patience, God had waited for the return o f His people, had sent messenger after messenger to exhort and admonish, till there was no remedy but punishment? “God is love,” and yet “God is holy,” and the threatening clouds of His judgment could be restrained no longer. As Christians, our part is to let Him who is the Prince o f Peace rule in our hearts and lives. By going and giving and praying, we are to spread the knowledge of Him to the far corners of the world, that His body, the church, may be com pleted, and that He, the King of Kings, may return. “Even so, come, Lord Jesus.” When Pyrrhus, king o f Epirus, was making preparations for his intended ex pedition into Italy (about 318 b . x . ) , the philosopher Cineas took a favorable op portunity of addressing him thus: “The Romans, sir, are reported to be a warlike and victorious people; but if God permits us to overcpme them, what use shall we make of the victory?” “ Thou askest a thing that is self-evi dent,” replied Pyrrhus. “The Romans once conquered, no city will resist u s; we shall then be masters of all Italy.” Then, country by country, Cineas led the king into a full statement of his projected campaign. He concluded with the query: “And when all these are in our possession, what shall we do then ?” Pyrrhus, complacent and smiling, an swered, “Why, my dear friend, we will live at our ease, drink all day long, and amuse ourselves with cheerful conversa tion I” “Well, sir,” pursued Cineas, “and why may we not do all this now, and without the labor and hazard of an enterprise so laborious and uncertain ?”—Adapted from the Illustrator. II. T he M istaken M ission of the C hurch No wonder millions o f young people today are skeptics! They have been led to believe that Christ came to usher in a golden age of brotherhood and to bring peace to the troubled nations of the world. These young people know that for nineteen centuries the Christ o f peace and the Illustrations (or the Leader I. W hat W ar A ccomplishes
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Christ of brotherhood has been preached by the church; they know that staggering sums of money have been raised and world programs have been launched to bring in the golden age. So it is that, after nineteen centuries, our young life says, “If the tragedy and the hatred and the injustice and the immorality of today are all that the church has to offer from a Christ who came into the world nineteen cen turies ago to inaugurate a world program o f righteousness and peace, then your Christ is a failure.” God pity u s! O pastors, evangelists, Bible teachers, Sun day-school teachers, will you not see it? Will you not preach it? Will you not show our young people that this is the age of the cross, of individual redemption, and of a sign to be spoken against? Why do we not face the fact that the Bible clearly teaches that this dispensation—the dispensation of grace—is to end in human failure and divine judgment?—J ohn E lward B rown .
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