King's Business - 1935-10


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

October, 1935

customer, because he has paid for it. Have we as Christians ever stopped to apply the words o f 1 Peter 1 :18, 19 to our own lives? Jesus Christ on Calvary’s cross purchased you and me from the slave mar­ ket of sin. As His blood-bought ones (oh, how great the price!) we belong—to Him! To own and to possess are often two dis­ tinct matters. For example, many a person “owns” an umbrella or book which he does not “possess” because another is using it; So the Lord “owns” us all, but He does not force “possession.” It is for us to acknowledge that ownership and to yield ourselves to Him. Charles Finney tells o f a man who, realizing the Lord’s claim through pur­ chase, drew up in legal form awjquit claim deed”, on his own life. Have we completed a similar transaction? III. A C hristian ’ s A rmor (Rom. 13:12-14) It has been said that “the walk and the talk” o f a Christian must agree. He must live in that manner which is “be­ coming” to the gospel. The things which characterized his old nature, the “lusts of the flesh” which he formerly sought to satisfy, must be “cast off.” Notice, how­ ever, that this change is not accomplished through self-effort and personal will power, but by full appropriation of the Lord Jesus Christ. Paul did not say, “I can do all things,” but rather, “ I can do all things through Christ.’’ IV. A R ecipe for H ealth (Phil. 4:8) “We do not advance upward unless we yearn upwafd.’Mit has been said. Our thoughts shape our lives. W e grow little or big by the ideals we cherish and the thoughts'upon which we dwell. “Avoid worry, anger, fear, hate, and all abnormal and depressing mental states,” says an eminent authority on health. This victory over harmful thoughts cannot be achieved by suppressing these feelings, but by supplanting them with right thinking which is becoming to the followers o f Jesus Christ, and which is the outgrowth of a close walk with the Lord. Illustrations for the Leader I. F ragrance A story is told o f old Tobiah, an apothe­ cary and seller of spices in the years long ago. Morning by morning, while the dew sparkled on the grass, he would roam over the hillsides in search of rare herbs and choice flowers, and, having collected them, back to the city streets he would go, seek­ ing purchasers. Two children, Judith and Reuben, loved the old man and often sought his com­ panionship. They delighted to thrust their hands into his bundles of spices, and he, playfully, would sprinkle their garments with perfume. Then home they would go, radiantly happy. “Mother, guess where we have been!” they would cry. And the mother would answer, “ Oh, children, so you’ve been with Tobiah again!” And then wisely she would add: “And quite right, my jewels; if you wish to be fragrant, keep near to the seller of spices,” That is what Paul was saying to his friends in Philippi (Phil. 4:8). He knew that if they were to be good and pure and true, they would need to fasten their minds

h i . T rue P eace Peace among men is the consequence of peace in men.—S elected . Holy prayers are more powerful than profane swords.—T homas W all . For what can war but endless war still breed?—J ohn M ilton . NOVEMBER 17, 1935 INVESTMENTS IN HEALTH P roverbs 4:20-27 Meditation on the Lesson George Muller of Bristol once said, “I cannot take care of my soul; God must keep that, but my body is for me to take care of.” By this declaration he meant that God had given him wisdom and com­ mon sense which he must exercise in the care of his bodily health. Centuries ago, a wise father besought his son to attend to his admonitions. In the verses o f Proverbs 4:20-27, he enumerates those members of the body which must be •directed and controlled: ears, eyes, hands, feet, mouth, lips, heart. He plainly states that life and health result from the observance of these admonitions. As Christians, we should do all within our power to be physically fit. A strong,! clean, attractive body is a great asset, for physical vigor is magnetic, and a strong body is capable of greater tasks than is a weak one. Numbers o f young people today are weakening their health by their mode of living. Many are injuring themselves thoughtlessly and even unintentionally, largely as a result of the influence of “the crowd” or “the gang.” It is very easy to follow the crowd, very hard to stand out against it. Yet courage and freedom and individuality are needed today if one is to live a truly Christian life. Value your health, your honor, your modesty, your eternal inheritance— for the Lord’s sake. Remember also that a beautiful form re­ quires a beautiful character, a beautiful spirit, or it loses its attractiveness very quickly. ________ Suggestions on Daily Readings I. C are for the B ody (1 Cor. 3:16, 17) It is a sublime thought that Jesus Christ, the second Person of the Godhead, came to dwell in human form. The One that “inhabiteth eternity” “became flesh” (R. V .). And yet we read in Hebrews 10:5 that it was a “prepared” body. But the thought that our b o d i e s , through faith in Jesus Christ, become in­ dwelt by the Spirit of God is indeed be­ yond comprehension. W e become the “temple” of the living God! II. Y our B ody I s C ostly (1 Cor. 6:19, 20) “We are the Lord’s” (Rom. 14:8). Care for your body, for it is entrusted to you by the Lord. He owns it; He indwells it ; He irraditates it with His glory. Many people, especially today, think that they are their own—that their bodies are for their own disposal. But Paul says other­ wise. Very emphatically he declares to the Corinthian believers: “Ye are not your own . . . ye are bought with a price.” If one goes to the store and purchases a hat or suit, he does not expect the sales­ man to keep that hat or that suit for his own wearing. The article belongs to the

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