King's Business - 1935-10

October, 1935

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


upon those things which the “ Seller o f Spices” offers. The best lives are lived closest to Him. II. R everence for G od ' s D w e l l in g -P lace Louis T. Talbot addressed his morning congregation in the Church o f the Open Door, Los Angeles, Calif., in these search­ ing w ord s: “W e have a large company here. Many o f you are strangers to me ; nevertheless, I can say with absolute cer­ tainty that no one o f you will pull out a cigarette, light it, and smoke it in this room. And yet the New Testament teaches us that it is not any earthly structure that is the temple o f God, for today the H oly Spirit dwells in the bodies o f believers, born-again ones. It is right that we should have reverence for the place o f worship, but why should men and women have less fear o f desecrating the true temple o f G od?” III. H is I n h e r it a n c e A young man in one o f the hospitals said carelessly, in reply to a remark o f the sur­ geon, “ Oh, yes, m y folks are all religious— all the family a long way back. I don’t take much stock in that sort o f thing myself.” “ Y ou have inherited stock in it, and very valuable stock,” gravely answered the sur­ geon attending him. “ I wouldn’t sneer at it if I were you. D o you know why you are recovering so rapidlySwhy the bones knit and the wound heals? It is because those ancestors o f yours have bequeathed to you good, clean blood, and a sound, healthy constitution—the physical make­ up o f those who have kept God’s laws.” ; .! .—Sunday at Home. N O VEM BE R 24, 1935 W HAT “ GREAT THINGS HATH GOD DONE” FOR US? ( Thanksgiving) L u k e 8 :26-39 Meditation on the Lesson “ Praise the Saviour, ye who know H im I W h o can tell how much we owe H im ? W e will gladly render to Him A ll we have and are. “ Praise, oh, praise H is Name forever; One o f the greatest days o f the whole year in the national calendar o f America is this day set apart to express gratitude to God for His great goodness. An annual festival is an excellent custom, but a yearly thanksgiving should presuppose a daily thanksgiving. One o f the prevalent sins o f human nature is that o f ingratitude; in fact, it is one o f the main roots o f world apostasy (see the order o f the seven stages Paul lists in Romans 1 :21-26). In our own hearts, we condemn God’s people throughout Old Testament history for their failure to praise God for His faithfulness and goodness. And yet, do not we Christians need to hang our heads in shame as we recall our lack o f gratitude? Let us thank God fo r the blessings we recognize— though they are too great to be numbered! Read Lamentations 3 :22, 23 and think o f the commonplace temporal blessings, such as sunshine and health and food and hom e; the national blessings o f a measure o f peace and safety and plenty; and the spiritual blessings—the church, an open Bible, and Christian fellowship. Then there are multitudes o f blessings which we overlook. Scan the past year or years From H is mercy what can sever? W e are His, yes, H is forever; Praise H is holy N am e!”

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