October, 1935
T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S
side the song goes reverberating sweetly and softly until the music dies away in the distance .—Streams in the Desert. II. “I n E very T hing G ive T hanks ” George Matheson, the well-known blind preacher o f Scotland, author o f “ O Love That W ilt Not Let Me Go,” said: “My God, I have never thanked Thee for my thorn. I have thanked Thee a thousand times for my roses, but not once for my thorn. I have been looking forward to a world where I shall get compensation for my cross; but I have never thought o f my cross as itself a present glory. Teach me the glory o f my cross; teach me the value o f my thorn. Show me that I have climbed to Thee by the path o f pain. Show me that my tears have made my rainbows.” •—S elected . The Bible as a Book of Object Lessons By R ichard W . L ewis T o show that our Lord’s parables—pic ture lessons in words— and such Bible ob ject lessons as the clay, a trap, and a bridle offer the best ground fo r gripping the child’s attention and attracting him to Jesus Christ, has been my aim fo r over a quarter o f a century. For the greater part o f this period, I had not gone beyond this little dipping into an ocean o f truth. Then came, as if by the Lord’s call, a distinct urge to explore the entire Bible in order to ascertain the extent o f the appli cation o f the principle that a teacher gets better results when he uses the concrete method; that children get more when they see m ore; that they become absorbed when
some object is held up before them; that there is a far better approach to the child’s soul through eye-gate than by ear-gate. W ith these thoughts in mind, I eagerly opened the Book o f books, and myeyeswere also opened! Imagine my amazement to discover that in one chapter alone I could count about one hundred object lessons, while in the book o f Ezekiel over one thousand were counted! My interest in creased as I ran back to “the beginning” of the Bible record and recalled that it began with ah object lesson— indeed, with three — a garden, a tree, and fruit. Then I re membered Abraham’s smoking furnace and burning lamp; Jacob’s ladder, and, later, his limping leg; Moses’ ten object lessons to the Pharaoh o f E gyp t; the bud ding o f Aaron’s rod ; the rainbow in the sk y; the presence o f a cloud by day and a fire by night as a guide for Israel and a symbol o f God’s continuous presence; the eagle teaching its young to fly; and many other concrete presentations o f God’s reve lation to man. On they came trooping into my m ind: Job’s testimony, “ Thou hast made me as the clay” ; Jeremiah’s saying, “A s the clay is in the potter’s hand” ; and again his declaration, “ They set a trap, they catch men” ; and the vivid imagery o f Daniel’s teaching, when great and compelling na tional events were set forth in dreams and visions that pictured1, or symbolized, the most tragic changes in regal life and na tional autonomy. Think o f the prophet o f God before an audience o f possibly a dozen street strag glers, as he deliberately picks up two sticks, writes upon them, puts them together, and, lo, they stick I And now the dozen o f on- CONFESSIONS OF A COLLEGE PROFESSOR By Prof. S. J. Bole Startling facts concerning the atti tude toward the Bible in many of our colleges. Every Christian— particu larly parents— should read this eye opening book. Postpaid . . . 35c
lookers has become one hundred, and all eyes are riveted on the man o f God, while every ear is ready to catch his every w o rd ! N o magician ever held spellbound his audi ence with greater skill or closer captiva tion ! Ezekiel had in his hand all he needed — the display o f s u p e r h u m a n power through the use o f a most simple ob ject lesson. H e was willing to work in God’s way, according to God’s plan, and God supplied the pow er; the people could not fail to stop, listen, and go home to tell every detail o f what they had seen and heard. And these were adults! When other methods fail, this one succeeds. Today we are smart— too smart! W e not only try to teach men our way o f win ning souls ; we actually would teach God, and point out to H im His mistakes I As pastor, Sunday-school teacher (teaching with object lessons my own primary pupils), evangelist, Bible conference teacher, and now in a “ School o f Methods,” teaching the use o f object lessons to pastors, teachers, and parents, I have demonstrated the success o f God’s plan. God never fa ils! But we always fail when we substitute our plans for His. Let us use God’s plan for more easily and1 more certainly winning souls fo r His own glory. I shall be happy to give any help possible to persons who are interested in this work. In writing me, kindly enclose a stamp fo r reply. The ad dress isVSiloam Springs, Ark. God’s Call to Salvation I saiah 45:22 ALL ABOUT THE BIBLE By Sidney Collett Its origin— its language— its transla tion— its inspiration— its alleged er rors and contradictions— its canon— its plan— its sci ence— its rivals— its trustworthiness — its symbols. Facts in simple, concise and readable form 1. The source o f salvation. 2. The scope o f salvation. 3. The secret o f salvation. ‘ —E ari . S. K alland .
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