King's Business - 1935-10

October, 1935

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


side the song goes reverberating sweetly and softly until the music dies away in the distance .—Streams in the Desert. II. “I n E very T hing G ive T hanks ” George Matheson, the well-known blind preacher o f Scotland, author o f “ O Love That W ilt Not Let Me Go,” said: “My God, I have never thanked Thee for my thorn. I have thanked Thee a thousand times for my roses, but not once for my thorn. I have been looking forward to a world where I shall get compensation for my cross; but I have never thought o f my cross as itself a present glory. Teach me the glory o f my cross; teach me the value o f my thorn. Show me that I have climbed to Thee by the path o f pain. Show me that my tears have made my rainbows.” •—S elected . The Bible as a Book of Object Lessons By R ichard W . L ewis T o show that our Lord’s parables—pic­ ture lessons in words— and such Bible ob­ ject lessons as the clay, a trap, and a bridle offer the best ground fo r gripping the child’s attention and attracting him to Jesus Christ, has been my aim fo r over a quarter o f a century. For the greater part o f this period, I had not gone beyond this little dipping into an ocean o f truth. Then came, as if by the Lord’s call, a distinct urge to explore the entire Bible in order to ascertain the extent o f the appli­ cation o f the principle that a teacher gets better results when he uses the concrete method; that children get more when they see m ore; that they become absorbed when

some object is held up before them; that there is a far better approach to the child’s soul through eye-gate than by ear-gate. W ith these thoughts in mind, I eagerly opened the Book o f books, and myeyeswere also opened! Imagine my amazement to discover that in one chapter alone I could count about one hundred object lessons, while in the book o f Ezekiel over one thousand were counted! My interest in­ creased as I ran back to “the beginning” of the Bible record and recalled that it began with ah object lesson— indeed, with three — a garden, a tree, and fruit. Then I re­ membered Abraham’s smoking furnace and burning lamp; Jacob’s ladder, and, later, his limping leg; Moses’ ten object lessons to the Pharaoh o f E gyp t; the bud­ ding o f Aaron’s rod ; the rainbow in the sk y; the presence o f a cloud by day and a fire by night as a guide for Israel and a symbol o f God’s continuous presence; the eagle teaching its young to fly; and many other concrete presentations o f God’s reve­ lation to man. On they came trooping into my m ind: Job’s testimony, “ Thou hast made me as the clay” ; Jeremiah’s saying, “A s the clay is in the potter’s hand” ; and again his declaration, “ They set a trap, they catch men” ; and the vivid imagery o f Daniel’s teaching, when great and compelling na­ tional events were set forth in dreams and visions that pictured1, or symbolized, the most tragic changes in regal life and na­ tional autonomy. Think o f the prophet o f God before an audience o f possibly a dozen street strag­ glers, as he deliberately picks up two sticks, writes upon them, puts them together, and, lo, they stick I And now the dozen o f on- CONFESSIONS OF A COLLEGE PROFESSOR By Prof. S. J. Bole Startling facts concerning the atti­ tude toward the Bible in many of our colleges. Every Christian— particu­ larly parents— should read this eye­ opening book. Postpaid . . . 35c

lookers has become one hundred, and all eyes are riveted on the man o f God, while every ear is ready to catch his every w o rd ! N o magician ever held spellbound his audi­ ence with greater skill or closer captiva­ tion ! Ezekiel had in his hand all he needed — the display o f s u p e r h u m a n power through the use o f a most simple ob­ ject lesson. H e was willing to work in God’s way, according to God’s plan, and God supplied the pow er; the people could not fail to stop, listen, and go home to tell every detail o f what they had seen and heard. And these were adults! When other methods fail, this one succeeds. Today we are smart— too smart! W e not only try to teach men our way o f win­ ning souls ; we actually would teach God, and point out to H im His mistakes I As pastor, Sunday-school teacher (teaching with object lessons my own primary pupils), evangelist, Bible conference teacher, and now in a “ School o f Methods,” teaching the use o f object lessons to pastors, teachers, and parents, I have demonstrated the success o f God’s plan. God never fa ils! But we always fail when we substitute our plans for His. Let us use God’s plan for more easily and1 more certainly winning souls fo r His own glory. I shall be happy to give any help possible to persons who are interested in this work. In writing me, kindly enclose a stamp fo r reply. The ad­ dress isVSiloam Springs, Ark. God’s Call to Salvation I saiah 45:22 ALL ABOUT THE BIBLE By Sidney Collett Its origin— its language— its transla­ tion— its inspiration— its alleged er­ rors and contradictions— its canon— its plan— its sci­ ence— its rivals— its trustworthiness — its symbols. Facts in simple, concise and readable form 1. The source o f salvation. 2. The scope o f salvation. 3. The secret o f salvation. ‘ —E ari . S. K alland .


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Fundamental Literature


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