T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S
October, 1935
“dloe CHRISTIAN’S LIBRARY EACH 50c, AN Y 5 FOR $2.00 Absolute Surrender, by Andrew Murray. Love Is All, by Evangeline Booth. The Pilgrim’s Progress, by John Bunyan. The Glory of the Cross, by S. M. Zwemer. Can God— ? by J. Edwin Orr. Prove Me Now! by J. Edwin Orr. The Promise Is To You! by J. Edwin Orr.
DAILY “Devotional"Readings A M E S S A G E F O R E V E R Y D A Y O F T H E M O N T H
NO V EM B E R 1 More Than Conquerors “In thy favor our horn shall be exalt ed" (Psa. 89:17). The Christian life is a life o f assured victory. “ And in thy favor our horn shall be exalted.” The horn, in the Old Testa ment is the symbol o f conquest, o f vic tory. Wherever the word occurs, it is as sociated with complete victory. When it says here, “ In thy favor our horn shall be exalted,” o f course it means that in union and communion with God there is assured victory, as well as complete protection . . . . Some o f you know the French ver sion [o f Romans 8 :37]— “ conquerors, and besides^,that.” . . . “ Conquerors, and more besides that,” is the thought here: victory and more than victory assured in the fa vor o f God.—W . H. G riffith T h om as . N ot to the strong is the battle, N ot to the sw ift is the race, Y et to the true and the faithful V ictory is promised through grace. — F a n n y J. C rosby . “ Speak, L o rd ; for thy servant heareth,” H ow often we read with unseeing eyes and hear with inattentive ears! Even when God speaks, we fail to receive because at tention is focused elsewhere. Where is my attention at this moment ? That is, the cen ter o f my desire—where is it? The rec ognition o f that center may be an en lightenment to the heart; and a change o f center may lead to a new hearing of God’s voice, with the resultant blessing o f strengthened faith and 'renewed peace. God says: “A ll my words . . . receive.” Are we obedient? Or, do we receive only those words which please and encourage? There are words o f rebuke and command ment also, and these too must be really received. “ I will hear what God the Lord will speak.”— S. I. L. N O VEM BE R 3 God’s Poetry “ W e are his workmanship” (Eph. 2 :10). “W e are his workmanship,” urges Paul, with unabashed countenance. The word he uses here is only used once more in the New Testament, where it is translated “glory.” It has been suggested that the word should be rendered “poetry.” “W e are God’s poetry— God’s poems.” . . . Poetry is language set to music. The stars are the poetry o f the sky, flowers are the poetry o f the field, gems are the- poetry o f the mine, and children, urges one writer, are the poetry o f the race. . . . “W e are God’s handiwork,” translates Weymouth, emphasizing the thought that our lives are part o f the divine craftsmanship. . . . I f we are plastic, the yielding clay will be NOVEM BE R 2 Receiving All “A ll my words that I shall speak unto thee receive in thine heart, and hear with thine eari";XEzek. 3 :1 0).
the Potter’s pleasure, the finished vessel will be the Potter’s glory. — J ohn M ac B eath . N O VEM BE R 4 Do It Heartily “ Whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord" -'(Col. 3 :2 3). W e are not to hasten past some duties, putting little heart into them, eagerly anx ious to get to others more congenial. Christ will not suffer us thus to treat any task H e gives. H e will firmly keep us in what we have esteemed a land barren of all that charms the heart, until we have seen Him transforming it into a very garden o f the Lord. From every life Christ can banish the dreary performance o f appointed duty, and brighten and lighten all toil with the very zest o f heaven............. There is One who will make treasure o f our most or dinary deeds, if we will but allow H im to envelop us and them with H is Spirit. H ow eagerly will our heavenly Father give His Spirit to enable us to glorify H im ! _________ — C. G. M. N O VEM BE R S A s k ! “I f thou knewest . . . thou wouldest have asked o f him” (John 4 :1 0). I f you are in great financial straits, it is not enough to know there is a friend with ample money, ready to pour out his purse for you to the bottom ; you must go to him and tell him your need, and ask for the supply. It is not enough to know Jesus Christ is able and willing to meet our need and bestow upon us the H oly Ghost—we must ask. . . . L ook at it—“ I f thou knewest . . . thou wouldest have asked o f him, and he would have given.” There is a condition, but it is not between the asking and the giving; it is between the knowing and the asking. “ If thou knewest. . . thou wouldest have asked o f him, and he would have given.” — G . H. G . MACGREGOR. N O VEM BE R 6 Just to Wait “ Those that wait upon the Lord, they shall inherit the earth ” (Psa. 3 7 :9). Let us pray for a greater willingness to wait on the movements o f God. . . . One o f the best lessons that can be given a child is to interest him in planting seeds and watching their germination and growth. He can be led to see that it takes a certain length o f time for the seed to become a plant. He can assist God by wa tering the soil, but he cannot hurry God. It will be a parable to the child which will later enable him to interpret some o f the profoundest facts o f human life and the Christian attitude toward them. It is one o f the most difficult things simply to wait. Often the highest qualities o f courage and faith are manifested by those who simply wait, realizing that impatience is lack o f faith in the goodness and wisdom o f God. — Watchman-Examiner.
Life With a Capital “ L,” by A. Lindsay Glegg. Youth With a Capital “ Y,” by A. L. Glegg. The Face of Christ, by John Macbeath. The Master’s Way, by Frank Mangs. The Gospel From The Cross, by an Unknown Christian. Christ On The Road, by F. Townley Lord. Afterthoughts, by Donald Davidson. Spiritual Growth, by Canon W. E. Daniels. The Power of the Blood of Jesus, by Andrew Murray. The School of Obedience, by Andrew Murray. The Faith Which Overcomes, by D. L. Moody. Weighed in the Balances, by D. L. Moody. Prevailing Prayer, What Hinders It? by D. L. Moody. Sovereign Grace, by D. L. Moody. Christ’s Glorious Achievements, by C. H. Spurgeon. All of Grace, by Charles H. Spurgeon. Around The Wicket Gate, by C. H. Spurgeon. According To Promise, by C. H. Spurgeon. The Practice of Christ’s Presence, by Dr. W. Y. Fullerton. Christ in The Creed, by W. Graham Scroggie. Life Quest And Conquest, by L. B. Fletcher. The Pathway To The Stars, by L. B. Fletcher. Choice Sayings, by Robert C. Chapman. The Guest Of The Soul, by S. L. Brengle, D.D. The Gospel Of The Resurrection, by T. Wilkin son Riddle, D.D. The Life Of A Christian, by John Macbeath. The Second Watch, by John Macbeath. Studies In Soul-Winning, by F. P. WoocL Everlasting Nation And Their Coming King, by Rev. Samuel Schor. The Law of Liberty in the Spiritual Life, by Dr. E. H. Hopkins. The Lord Cometh: The World Crisis Explain ed, by C. Pankhurst. Christ and Every Man, by W. D. Hankinson. U .S.A. London :: Edinburgh Marshall, Morgan & Scott, Ltd. ZONDERVAN PUBLISHING HOUSE 815 Franklin Street Grand Rapids
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