October, 1935
T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S
boat becomes the safety o f those who are in the boat. What is the responsi bility o f those who are in the lifeboat? Their duty is that o f keeping themselves in the boat; that is, o f abiding where they are. The responsibility o f keeping them from sinking belongs to the boat. If we are in Christ, let us see that we keep in Him— and He will keep us from falling. Christ will keep in perfect peace all who abide in Him. Christ is both the love o f God and the power o f God. — S elected . N O VEM BE R 11 Learning to Do God’s Will “ Teach me thy way, O Lord” (Psa. 27:11). God has a will with regard to every man— a will that takes note o f every con ceivable particular. W e know that He is disposed to make known this will, and disposed also to teach us to do it. He teaches us to do it by making us sensible o f our incompetency to guide ourselves. . . . . H e teaches us to do His will by letting us see it acted out in the beauti ful life o f Christ; by giving us to under stand that this will has reference to our own best estate and assured happiness; by unfolding to us the Scriptures; by writing H is W ord on our hearts; by teaching us to abide in Christ; by giving the Spirit to abide in us.— G eorge B o w e n . When my love fo r man grow s weak, When fo r stronger faith I seek, H ill o f Calvary, I go To thy scenes o f fear and w oe; There behold H is agony,
N O VEM BE R 7 A Personal Guide - “ H e will guide you into all truth” (John 16:13). A traveler may be passing through an unknown region, and he may be guided in a variety o f ways— by circumstances;* by observation, as fo r instance, by the stars; or by a map which he holds in his h and; or by a book. But none o f them is a personal guide. And in the spiritual life the believer may be guided in a variety o f w ays: by providential circumstances, by observation, by the written W ord, by a collection o f precepts; and yet he may know nothing o f a personal guide. “H e will guide.” Let us remember that He is an indwelling Guide. . . . He is with us, H e is by us, H e is in us. . . . W e have not only God’s favor and love, we have not only God’s gift to us in the Person o f Jesus Christ, but we have . . . the indwelling H oly Ghost-—a Guide, a per sonal Guide, an all-efficient Guide. o f Faith. N O VEM BE R 8 The Indwelling Spirit of God "A nd I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Com forter, that he may abide with you fo r ev er; Even the Spirit o f truth” (John 14:16, 17). Our bodies are temples o f the H oly Ghost, and therefore we may not dishonor them. . . . Some o f God’s choicest chil dren are invalids; they honor God most. But some o f us might be stronger if the Spirit had full control. H e quickens our mortal body by H is Spirit that dwelleth in us. H e is also in our minds, and helps us to remember things. It has been said that “the art o f remembering is know ing what to forget.” I f the Spirit dwells in us, we forget the wrong things and remember the right. He is in our emo tions; the fruit o f the Spirit is jo y and peace. H e is in our affections; the fruit o f the Spirit is love. H e is in our temper; the fruit o f the Spirit is long-suffering. — W . Y . F u ller to n . O blessed Paraclete, Assert Thine inward sw ay; M y body make the temple meet For Thy perpetual stay. —A. J. G ordon . N O VEM BE R 9 Glory on Ahead “ W h erefore God also hath highly e x alted him” (Phil. 2 :9 ). Believer, there is com fort for thee here if thou wilt take it. I f Christ was exalted through His degradation, so shalt thou be. Count not thy steps to triumph by thy steps upward, but by those which are seem ingly downward. The way to heaven is downhill. He who would be honored fo r ever must sink in his own esteem, and often in that o f his fellow men............On with thee then—through floods, through fire, through death, through hell, if it should lie in thy path. Fear not. He who glorified Christ because H e stooped, will glorify thee; for after He has caused thee to endure awhile, •H e will give thee a crown o f life that fadeth not away. — C h ar l es H addon S purgeon . N O VEM BE R 10 Kept from Falling “ K eep yourselves in the love o f God” (Jude 21). When the soul, saved from a wreck, steps into the lifeboat, the safety o f the
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