T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S
October, 1935
N O VEM BE R 12 The Gift of Sympathy
This passage is usually quoted as re ferring to heaven, and,'fin a measure, that is a true application o f the state ment it contains, fo r the glories o f the unseen world, the jo y and blessedness o f the home that Christ has gone to pre pare fo r all who love Him, are certainly included in the scope o f the apostle’s assertion. But it is a great mistake, surely, to think that Paul has only heaven in his mind when he writes o f “ the things G od has prepared fo r them that love him.” Heaven may be regarded as their crown and climax, but the whole life o f the believer, from the day when his spiritual eyes first see the light to the moment when he enters within the veil and be-: comes a partaker o f the eternal, unfading glory that awaits us, is spent within the circle o f God’s marvelous provision for him.—F. L. H. N O VEM BE R 16 Searching the Heart “ I f I regard iniquity in my heart, the Lord will not hear m e" (Psa. 66:18). Perhaps the most searching thing ever said about private prayer was uttered by an Old Testament believer who confess ed: “ If I regard iniquity in my heart, the Lord will not hear me.” H ow easy it is in our private de votions to go into the presence o f G od with our hearts filled with bitterness and enmity against some brother or sister! H ow easy it is to supplicate the divine love when all the time we are committed to some evil course o f action! Augustine used to say that humility was the cardinal virtue o f the Christian religion, and the more we think it over, the truer does that statement seem to be. When we are truly humble, we are prepared to submit our lives to the judgment o f God and to abide by His verdict.— S elected . N O VEM BE R 17 Perseverance “ Daniel continued” (Dan. 1:21). The secret o f Daniel’s continuance is available for each one o f us. It lay in his strong, unwavering confidence in God, in his prayerfulness, and in his prompt obedience to the will o f God. In the sweet consciousness ' o f the divine pres-' ence, even when he seemed most alone, all fears were set at rest, and in the strength that flowed from omnipotence he was enabled to continue. In every time o f difficulty or danger he turned instinc tively to God. . . . Am id all the dan gers o f a heathen court he swerved not from the path o f duty, but “continued”,) to the very end o f his brave and noble life a faithful servant o f the Most High. — F. J. H orsefield . NOVEM BE R 18 After the Conflict "H e showed unto them his hands and his side" (John 20:20). A Sunday evening in the spring o f 1919 marked the return o f a father to the homeland after long absence in service for king and country. H ow breathlessly we waited 1 . . . But there had been a war on, and we knew from letters something o f the story o f the last three years—a story o f hardship and privation and lone liness. Would father be the same? W ould there be any change in the familiar voice? . . . Ah 1 we were not disappointed. He was the same father, very dear to us all. . . . Thou art the same Lord-—the same
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“Such as I have give I thee” (A cts 3 :6). What an immense variety o f gifts might be included under the expression: “ Such as I have” 1 There are some people, for example, who possess in a rare and beauti ful degree the high quality o f tender sym pathy. They have the gift o f understand ing love. They can enter fully and deeply into the lot o f another. They possess the spiritual genius o f being able to weep with those that weep, as well as being able to rejoice with them that rejoice. This gift o f sympathy is not something shabby and commonplace when compared with the more spectacular gifts o f money. It is a gift o f God which can accomplish much fo r H is kingdom in this world. Let us give this gift freely.— L ife o f Faith. “N ow therefore ye are no more strangers and foreigners, but fellow citi zens with the saints, and o f the house hold o f God” (Eph. 2:19). “ B e ye therefore follow ers o f God, as dear chil dren" (Eph. 5 :1 ). Both in our public worship and in our private devotions, we need to remember that the ethical must always be united with the emotional; or, to put it another way, the practical must be the outcome o f the doctrinal. It has frequently been pointed out that Paul’s letter to the Ephe sians is evenly divided between doctrine and practice. On the one hand, we have a series o f lofty personal precepts, and, on the other- hand, we have a series o f practical exhortations. N o worship can be tarnished which rightly observes these dis tinctions.— S elected . NO V EM B E R 14 Found Faithful “ And Ittai . . . said, A s the Lord liveth, and as my lord the king liveth, surely in what place my lord the king shall be, whether in death or life, even there also will thy servant be" (2 Sam. 15:21). Very little is revealed t® u s in H oly W rit o f the one from whose lips these noble words fell, but what little is told commands our utmost admiration, espe cially when the attendant circumstances are taken into consideration. In his loy alty to David and his firm adherence to his cause at a time when the fortunes o f his royal master were at their lowest ebb, Ittai sets us an example that is well worthy of our imitation as Christians. . . . W e are not told what it was that led Ittai to take such a firm stand on the side o f David. . . . W e can only surmise that it was the outcome o f love. . . . What stronger motive could we have for yield ing our lives to Christ than the remem brance o f all that H e has done for us in days gone by, and o f all the love and mercy H e still continually shows? H E -F . J. H orsefield . N O VEM BE R 13 Balanced Precepts and Practices
N O VEM BE R 15 God’s Provision Now
“ Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, Neither have entered into the heart o f man, the things which God hath prepared fo r them that love him. But God hath revealed them unto us by his Spirit’ (1 Cor. 2:9, 10).
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