King's Business - 1935-10


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

October, 1935

in Thy pardoning love, the same in Thy restoring power, the same in Thy sus­ taining grace 1 And yet— and yet— “he showed unto them his hands and his side.” There was a difference there. There were five wounds that told o f a life poured out. And it is only when I gaze on Calvary and see afresh the One who suffered there fo r me, that I shall even begin to understand how much I owe to One who is a present Saviour. iii£-HAROLD T. B arrow . “A s he spake these words, many believed on him. Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him, I f ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed” (John 8:30, 31). Ca-.i we stand fo r Christ against public opinion, and even against the popular tide o f teaching in the churches? Can we witness tor Him, wisely yet truly, in cir­ cles where His name and H is principles are—perhaps with outward p o lite n e ss^ ignored or defied? D o we manifest His spirit even in the inner circies o f Chris-. . tian life and work? There is a “ believing” which is not a “ believing in” ; even now, as o f old. Some­ times it is a head belief, fully orthodox, which does not touch the heart. Some­ times it is a profession which does not alter the practice or affect the spirit. James put it bluntly when he said: “ The devils also believe, and tremble.” —W . S. H ooton . N O VEM BE R 20 The Name of Jesus J'iThou shalt call his name Jesus:, fo r he shall save his people from their sins” (Matt. 1 :21). The name o f Jesus is a tower Where we may hide, And safe from every earthly foe Therein abide. The name o f Jesus is our plea Before the throne; H is merit gives us access there, And H is alone. H is name-—it is our only hope In life and d e a t h ; W e would exalt that blessed name W ith every breath. —F. B. N O VEM BE R 21 Hypocrisy “ To do good and to communicate fo r ­ get n ot: fo r with such sacrifices God is well pleased" (H eb. 13:16). The apostle knows that it is mere hy­ pocrisy to say we offer sacrifice to God if we do not give to H im somewhat o f our substance; He knows the heart clings round the yellow gold o f this earth, and how easy it is for men to delude them­ selves with some kind o f false consecre- tion, and to button up their pockets against contributing money for the proc­ lamation o f the gospel o f our Lord Jesus Christ; how easy it is for men to satis­ fy themselves by saying most holy things with their lips, and yet at the same time to keep a tight hold upon all the sub­ stance that God has given. “ Take my silver and my gold, N ot a mite would I withhold.” —E. A. S tuart . N O VEM BE R 19 Believing with the Heart


Have Nice Year ’Round Earnings There is really nothing difficult about this plan. Any man or woman with some spare time can start making money im­ mediately. Even right in your own locality you can have money coming in every week. I sincerely ask you to fill out and mail the coupon. You don't obligate yourself or risk any money. You will receive complete details by mail. You have an opportunity to start right away and have the money you need coming in. It will certainly pay you to give this

I n By P. H. Graham HIS is a true story. I know this man personally; I know many folks he has helped. I know of widows with children to support who thank him for their incomes. I know of men who lost their ¡obs, but are now making more money than ever before. I can tell you of men and women who live better be­ cause of the opportunity this man gives them to add to their incomes. Yes, I know of literally hundreds of folks to whom this man's idea of doing business has been a God-send.

a trial. Better sit down and write your name and address on the coupon or a penny postcard and mail it to him at once.

DO YOU NEED MONEY? Perhaps you, too, are in urgent need of money to meet pressing bills. You may have some spare time you want to turn into cash. Then you will want to write this man at once. There will be no obligation on your part. He will write and tell about a wonderful plan he has for helping you. ' . He is President of a large million-dollar manufacturing company. He does business in every section of the Country—in your very locality. He started some years ago with an idea. It was this: He said, “ I’ll help worthy people who are in need of money. My proven business-building plans shall be given to the deserving so they, too, can have money." He prospered. His business became most tremendously successful following these practical “ Golden Buie" plans. And today it is still growing. Right now he needs 300 men and women in all parts of the Country. He needs some one in your section to. help handle the business there. To every­ one who accepts his offer he guarantees a fair, square deal and an amazing opportunity to make as high as $42.50 in a week in this pleasant, dignified manner. NO V EM B E R 22 The Walk of the Saints "H e pfeserveth the way o f his saints” (P rov. 2 :8 ). Both the ways and the feet o f His saints, God undertakes to keep (1 Sam. 2 :9 ). H ow little we realize our need o f His preserving grace continually 1 W e may think o f the way as the path along which we have to travel. It is the way o f holy obedience. A lon g that path we shall find the “ good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them” (Eph. 2:10). One great business o f life is to be kept constantly “prepared unto every good work” (2 Tim. 2:21). This also God undertakes to do if we are willing to give ourselves into His hand fo r this purpose. “ The Lord shall pre­ serve thy going out and thy com ing in from this time forth, and even for ever­ more.”— S elected . “I am come down to . . . bring them . . . unto a good land and a large” (E x. 3 :8 ). O f course, we are all sufficiently well in­ structed to know that Canaan does not typify heaven, for fighting is scarcely the first thing that awaits us there. Canaan NOVEM BE R 23 Entering Canaan

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