King's Business - 1935-10


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

October, 1935

E A R N B IG M O N E Y QUICKLY— SURELY AMAZING NEW IDEA IN CHRISTMAS CARDS Nothing like this ever offered before . . . in­ stant appeal to Sunday School Teachers, Pupils and Religious Workers. A simple idea yet one of the most sensible you have ever seen . . . and it sells on sight. Positively no competition. If you now have a line of Christmas Cards feature this idea too . . . it will double your profits. 25 q deposit (stamps or coin) required to de­ fray cost of mailing samples. Positive guaran­ tee to return full deposit if you are not satisfied. Act quick! Don’t delay! Write now!

stands, rather, as a type o f those higher and richer blessings into which it is our privilege to enter here and now . . . Re­ member that the Israelites owed every­ thing to G o d ; they would never have reached Canaan but fo r His wonderful power exercised on their beh alf: and now He imposes this condition upon them. They found themselves surrounded by peoples whose lives and habits were un­ clean and ungodly, and God said simply, “ I want you to keep yourselves select, and to live only for Me.” This is precisely the demand He makes upon us under grace. :•'%— F. C. S purr . “ W ho is he that overcometh the world, but he that believeth that Jesus is the Son o f God?” (1 John 5: 5). “ Overcoming” is a favorite word with John. W riting to the young men, he speaks o f their overcoming the wicked on e; writing to the little children, he speaks o f their overcoming the deceivers; writing to his converts, he speaks o f their overcom ing the world. There is a triple enemy, . . . O beloved 1 are we being overcome by the “ seducing spirits” o f this day, or are we overcoming them, one and all? That is the question fo r our hearts to answer.—J. B. F iggis . As true as God’s own W ord is true, Not earth nor hell with all their crew Against us shall prevail; A j est and byword are they grow n ; God is with u s ; we are His ow n : Our victory cannot fail. \ G ustave ' s A dolphus . ; N O VEM BE R 24 Overcome, or Overcoming?

NOVEM BE R 25 One Glimpse of Christ

"W e are all as an unclean thing, and all our righteousnesses are as filthy rags” (Isa. 6 4 :6). Only Christ’s Spirit can convince o f sin. My Father, is the picture o f my life worth Thy criticism? What shall waken me into discontent with my own picture? One thing alone, my Father. Let me look at the matchless beauty, at the stainless purity, at the spotless splendor o f the One humanly divine. Let me see the strength in gentleness, the courage in tenderness, the charity in righteousness, that has left its impress here. Let me catch a glimpse o f the love undying in death, uncon­ quered in the cross. Then shall my com ­ placency be consumed like filthy rags. I shall know by contempt o f self that my eyes have rested on the perfect beauty. — G eorge M atheson . N O VEM BE R 26 The Name That Brings Joy • “ In thy name shall they rejoice all the day”,: (Psa. 89:16). Joy, referring to our relationship to God, is threefold. There is the jo y o f ret­ rospect, as we look back at the past; there is the jo y o f aspect, as we look on the present, there is the jo y o f prospect, as we look forward to the future. There is the jo y o f the peaceful conscience, the jo y o f the grateful heart, the joy o f the teachable mind, the jo y o f the trustful soul, the jo y o f the adoring spirit, the jo y o f the obedient life, and the jo y o f the glow ing hope. “ In thy name shall they rejoice.” Wherever the word “ name” oc­ curs, it never means a mere title or epithet, but a character—the revealed character o f G o d ; and in proportion as we get to know that name, and what it means in all its fullness, we shall have this joy, which will depend, not upon ourselves, but upon God. —W . H. G riffith T h om as . N O VEM BE R 27 The Double Keeping “ K ept by the pow er o f God through faith” (1 Pet. 1 :5). There you have two wonderful, blessed truths about the keeping by which a be­ liever is kept unto salvation. One truth is : “ Kept by the power o f God” ; and the other truth is: kept “ through faith.” W e want to look at the two sides— God’s side . . . and the human side. W e have nothing to do but in faith let God do His keeping work. You are begotten again to an inheritance kept in heaven fo r y o u ; you are kept here on earth by the power o f God. What would you think o f a father who takes great trouble to prepare an inheritance fo r his children, who entirely neglected to train or fit them for their position? . . . God keeps the inheritance in heaven very wonderfully and perfectly, and it is waiting there most safely. And the same God keeps me for the inherit­ ance.— -A ndrew M urray . “ That God . . may give unto you the spirit o f wisdom and revelation in the knowledge o f him” (Eph. 1 :17). “ L ife eternal” is to know the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom He hath sent. They who have this knowledge are indeed to “ rest and be thankful,” in re­ spect o f the Rock beneath their feet. But they are to be thankful and never rest in N O VEM BE R 28 Rest and Thankfulness

Commended by religious leaders LOUIS MANUFACTURING CO.

1143-K Fifth Avenue

New York City

Sensational FREE O f f e r ! ! ! MONGOLIA— Set of six grotesque stamps from the mys­ terious land of Mongolia— ABSO LUTELY FREE to ap­ proval applicants enclosing 3c postage. Viking Stamp Co., Dept. K.B., Williamsburgh Bank Bldg., Brooklyn, N. Y.

INDIGENOUS WORK is recognized as the most efficient MISSIONARY METHOD God’s Word is a living WORD and begets life wherever preached. Native churches prove it. As the doors to the Gospel are even now clos­ ing in some countries it is imperative that na­ tive ministry be established. Missionary intercessors (undenominational) meet 1st and 3rd Thursday evening of month, 7:30 p.m. 379 W . 41st Street. Lovers of mission cordially welcome.


“ It is with a prayer of gratitude to our Lord Who has made such a school as the Bible Institute pos­ sible that I am sending you my enrollment in another Bible Study Course. The course just completed has been a real blessing to me. After the last examination had been sent you I found myself lost with - out a lesson to work on, so I am losing no time in getting to work again.

“ The certificate you sent is an attractive one and I am glad to have it. To me it stands for hours spent in prayer and in the study of God’s Word. I do thank God for what the certificate may also mean to Him—a fuller testimony to the unsearchable riches of life in Him I thank Him, too, for another chance to study His Word with those who believe it and love it.”


Bible Outline ............................................. $2.00 Bible Beginners’ Course................................ 2.00 Practical Bible Training Course....................... 1.50 Bible Geography ........................................... 2.00 Old Testament History.................................. 2.00 New Testament History................................. 2.00 Through the Bible by Books and Chapters..........7.00 Old Testament ..................................... 5.00 New Testament ..................................... 3.50 Through the Bible in a Year.......................... 3.50 Studies in the Gospels.................................. 7.00 Individual Gospels ...................................2.00 Studies in the Acts.................................... 2.00

Church Epistles ............................................$7.00 Romans ................................................ 3.50 Ephesians ............................................ 2.00 Thessalonians ......................................... 2.00 Teacher Training (Christian Education)........... 3.00 Evangelical Teacher Training Course.............. 10.00 3 Units— per unit........................ Christian Workers’ Efficiency Course.............. 3.50 Personal and Practical Christian Work........... 3.50 Fundamental Doctrines of Christianity............ 7.00 Prophetic Pictures in the Bible................. 3.50 Supplemental Bible Course (Children’s Study).. 1.00


Courses suited to individual or class study. Reduced rates for classes. Fee includes all necessary study material and certificate upon satisfactory completion of the course. WRITE TODAY FOR PROSPECTUS. C O R R E S P O N D E N C E B I B L E I N S T I T U T E O F S C H O O L L O S A N G E L E S 558 South Hope Street Los Angeles, California

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