King's Business - 1935-10


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

October, 1935

respect o f the realization o f what they have discovered. “ H e who says, ‘Enough / ” writes Augustine somewhere, “ is already a lost man.” If the Christian man is indeed one who has caught a genuine glimpse “ o f the glory o f God in the face o f Jesus Christ” (2 Cor. 4 : 6) , . . . his root is settled, and forever. But his branches will extend themselves, and fo r­ ever, in that place o f root and rest, to receive more and more the living powers o f the light and air around, and to bring forth more fruit and yet more for the heavenly Planter.— H andley G. C. M oule . N O VEM BE R 29 Darkness Dispelled “ Unto the upright there ariseth light in the darkness’’ (Psa. 112:4). There is darkness o f our own making. When a heart, with any measure o f up­ rightness, begins to wait upon God for light, one o f the first things it begins to find out is this—the darkness is not with G od; the darkness is not all made by m en ; my darkest darkness is really caused by myself. If I feel that God is to blame, I continue in darkness. And little w onder! I am not just in blaming Him. . . . In other words, I am not upright. And why have I so stubbornly blamed others? . . . Each stands or falls to his own Master, and no sin o f another is excuse for my darkness. When a soul begins to say, “Mine iniquities have with- holden good things from me, mine iniqui­ ties have separated between me and God,” that soul proves its uprightness. . . . And new light will fall.—H. L. M. But I have found a treasury O f love—a boundless store. Come and rejoice with m e ! I, once so sick at heart, Have met with One who knows my case, And knows the healing art. Come and rejoice with me! For I have found a Friend W h o knows our hearts’ most sacred depths, And loves us without end. —E. R. C harles . Faithful unto Death Tw o letters, received by the Russian Gospel Association, o f which Paul W . R ood is chairman o f the executive com ­ mittee, tell the sad story o f suffering en­ dured by many Russian Christians. The letters were written in Soviet Russia, a few months ago. The first one reads as fo llow s: “ W ith God’s help, we are all still alive, though not all well. But who is sick in particular? My dear father. I had visited him, as well as my brother and his family, in January. “ I departed from home on December 30, 1934, and reached them (m y father and brother and his family in Siberia) on Russian Christmas Eve. By right, we should rejoice during that season, but it turned out differently. My aim was to take Father home. Y ou cannot imagine what difficulty I had in obtaining permis­ sion to see my father in the exile camp NO V EM B E R 30 Rejoice with Me “ M y meditation o f him shall be sw eet: I will be glad in the Lord’’ (Psa. 104:34). Come and rejoice with me 1 For once my heart was p o o r;

FIVE MILLION HOMELESS Floods devastate China. Tens of thousands drowned leaving scattered families. Children dying of starvation. The sick abandoned. Orphans left in the wake of flood and famine are gathered into the Christian fold of the HOME OF ONESIPHORUS, Taian, Shantung, China. BEA U T IFU L H A N D -EM BR O IDERED LINEN Made by these children, with Christian hope and devotion in every stitch. Perfect workmanship. Prices low. Your purchases help in this faith-work. “ A most worthy work; I want to help you," writes one loving friend. Send us your name and address and we will mail circular of hand-worked linen, silks and Oriental products, all made at the Home. Also free booklet, "Helping China’s Helpless.” We appeal to you for your prayers and help I Christianity is the Only Hope of China’s Helpless ! Address - - - American Office: H O M E O F O N E S I P H O R U S (Scripture Ref. 2nd Tim. 1:16) DRAW ER II • 3131 LINCOLN AVEN U E - CHICAGO, ILLIN O IS

A G rea t OPPORTUNITY In SOVIET RUSSIA Peter Pleshko, Field Secretary and Russian Missionary of the Russian Gospel Asso­ ciation, has just arrived from Soviet Russia and the Borders, where he visited a few large cities in August, 1935. He found that in some places Gospel meetings were permit­ ted. The churches were overcrowded two hours before the meeting began. Many people prayed and wept and sought salvation. Christians, enduring great sufferings and per­ secutions greatly need our aid. There is a great opportunity to help win souls in the Soviet Union and the Borders of Russia as well as the thousands of Russian and Slavonic people in North America who are to be reached through the Russian Home Mission with the gospel in their own language. EXEC U TIVE COMM ITTEE Rev. W. W. Ayer Rev. A. J. Bard

AND A DV ISO RY COUNCIL Dr. B. J. Heetderks Rev. Harry Herring Dr. W. B. Hogg Dr. H. A. Ironside Dr. Bob Jones Rev. H. W. Lambert I. H. Linton Rev. W. H. Lugibihl Kev. 0. E. McCracken Rev. Peter MacFarlane Dr. Mark A. Matthews ASSOCIATION, 2109 LEMOYN News Bulletin.)

Dr. E. C. Miller Dr. Louis R. Patmont Rev. Frank L. Reetzke Dr. W. H. Rogers Dr. B. H. Shadduck Rev. Philip Sidersky Rev. A. A. Smith Dr. C. F. Weigle Dr. Walter L. Wilson Dr. C. F. Wright Rev. E. G. Zorn E STREET, CHICAGO,

Rev. Peter Deyneka General Director Dr. Paul W. Rood Chairman Mr. C. B. Hedstrom Vice Chairman Mr. M. D. Plunkett Vice Chairman Mr. Geo. A. Benson Exec. Secy. & Treas. Dr. Arthur I. Brown

Rev. Walter J. Bartz Dr. W. E. Biederwolf Rev. G. D. Blomgren Rev. Ernie Brown Rev. Emil Burk Dr. J. 0. Buswell, Jr. Rev. James W. Davis Rev. Howard W. Ferrin Dr. Norman B. Harrison

Address all communications to the RU SSIAN GOSPEL ILLIN O IS, U. S. A. (Write us for the Russian Gospel

where he lived in a barn. When I arrived, what did I see ? I saw my father stretched out unconscious, very sick, and he did not recognize me. J........’s w ife was sick with a high fever; nevertheless, she recognized my voice and immediately began to cry. Her children were very sick also and lying near her. Brother J........was gone in quest o f medicine. “A t last my beloved father recognized me and burst into bitter weeping, crying o u t: ‘M y dear son, A ........, is it you ? Now, I will die peacefully.’ “ Perhaps you can imagine what life is in a barn, with a cold o f fifty degrees be­ low zero, and feeding on moss and scraps and once in a while coming across pieces o f reasonable food. “ Next morning I called on a doctor to examine Father, for I wanted to take him back with me. But the doctor advised me against my desire, telling me my father was too sick and would freeze to death. Then another thing, I would have to have him carried on stretchers, which would cost me 500 rubles ($250) which I did not have, as the trip to Siberia had cost me 500 rubles, together with products I bought for my father, and brother and his family. And lastly, it was impossible to move my father because his feet were paralyzed and he was in terrible suffering because o f an illness o f twenty-five months caused by lack o f food. I desired with all the power in me to take him back home with me, but I could not. “ Before my departure, I asked Father, ‘What do you want me to tell the people at home when I return ?’ “ His solemn answer was, ‘Ask them all to pray for me that the Lord will take me

“ UP IN G O D ’ S S T R A T O S P H E R E ” New, beautiful soul-winning song with music; also words of "Sin-cleansing Fountain" and "Carry me back to Calvary." Order from composer: 10c copy; 75c dozen; 5c 100 lots. Miss May King, c/o George Kinzinger, Mer­ ton Road, Hartland, Wise. ||C| D Wantorl men and women T I L L i V i a i l l G U $50 - $180 Month for INSTITUTIONS, HOSPITALS, Etc. No Experience Necessary. All kinds of Positions Practically Everywhere. Help constantly needed, so why remain unemployed f Write now enclosing stamp. SCHARF BUREAU, Dept. 8-A5I, 145 W. 45th St., N. Y. Home soon; ask those who feel weak to be strengthened in Jesus; and ask the un­ saved to give their hearts to H im ; then we shall all see each other at H is feet.’ ” Later, the brother, Siberian exile, wrote o f the death of his w ife and father, whose sufferings were mentioned in the above letter: “W ife died, leaving two children. Father died on January 22. During the night in which he died, he wakened me, saying, ‘Come to me and let us pray together for the last time. I am dying and going to be with our blessed Lord.’ So I knelt by his. bedside and we prayed.” A s these and other letters indicate, manyi o f the Lord’s children in Russia are suffer-: ing terrible privations, but they are being sustained by H is grace and enabled to w it-‘ ness a good confession. Lack of Fervor For a Christian to be cold is sin. N o; evil is more marked among the Christian churches o f this day than precisely the absence o f this “ spirit o f burning.” . . a—A lexander M aclaren .

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