King's Business - 1935-10

SIOcash to club organizers

You will be paid $IO for sending us ten annual Subscriptions to The King’s Business at $1.50 eachfThis allows you $1 on each $ 1.50 you col lect

50c 75c

ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTIONS in Clubs of 10 or more ... EACH ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTIONS in Clubs of 3 to 6 ...... EACH (Add 25c for Canadian and foreign subscriptions to cover cost of extra postage)

FOR THOSE WHO SEND THE KING'S BUSINESS TO OTHERS T HE KING'S BUSINESS is a popular gift. Thousands of copies are mailed monthly at the request of Christian stewards who use this practical method of greeting their friends, and of assisting missionaries and “ shut-ins,” as well as of serving those who would otherwise be unable to take the magazine. Scores of letters received each month prove that this is a fruitful service greatly blessed of God. The Bible Institute of Los Angeles has always been deeply interested in making possible the widest distribution of the KING’S BUSINESS. With this desire in view, it is willing to furnish the magazine at the lowest possible price to those who will c o ­ operate by subscribing for groups of friends. Since the winter of 1932-33, each year we have offered special inducements for such Club Subscriptions— reducing the price of annual subscriptions, in clubs of ten and more, to as little as 50 cents per year. The new President of the Institute and Editor-in-Chief of the KING’S BUSINESS, Paul W . Rood, has decided to continue this policy, feeling that this magazine is really “ evangelism in print,’’ an important arm of the service of the Institute. This announcement marks the opening of our Club O ffer campaign. W e gladly pass on this opportunity to all our friends, particularly to those who wish to renew their present list. Sample copies and other supplies will be mailed upon request— but do not wait BEGIN TODAY , using this magazine as a sample. Be first in you r community. ADDRESS CIRCULATION MANAGER THE K I NG S BUS I NE S S 558 SOUTH HOPE STREET LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA


Beginning with the November issue, Dr. Rood undertakes the direction of the edi­ torial policy of the KING’S BUSINESS. It is Dr. Rood’s intention to make the mag­ azine more serviceable than ever to those whose “ delight is in the law of the Lord.” The KING’S BUSINESS is widely used in personal evangelism, and through the fa­ vor of God has been the means of helping many to an acceptance of Christ as per­ sonal Saviour. The KING’S BUSINESS is, literally, the message of the gospel, pre­ sented in attractive type, with the addi­ tion of beautiful illustrations and ex­ quisite poems. There are helpful depart­ ments— a valuable commentary on the In­ ternational Sunday School Lessons, as well as worthwhile Christian Endeavor Notes, and a Junior Department of thrill­ ing interest for boys and girls. The magazine circulates in every State of the Union, every American possession, and in forty-six foreign countries. It is in every sense of the word a Bible Family Magazine. Write today for sample copy.

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