King's Business - 1935-10


Thousands Have Taken Advan t ag e of th i s UNPRECEDENTED OPPORTUNITY!!! A N E W S U P P L Y A T Y O U R O W N T E R M S Matthew Henry’s Commentary on the Whole Bible New Edition With Introduction by Charles G. Trumbull. He says: It is a rare spiritual treat to sit down with Matthew Henry. AVhether for sermon preparation, teaching a Sunday School class, leading a prayer meeting or for enrichment of one’s personal life he ministers to us unfailingly.”

WITH ORDER Balance on Your Own Terms (S ee B elow )

Handsome Fabrikoid Morocco Grained Binding Famous for Its Durability Genuine “REVELL” S IX - V O L U M E " E D I T I O N “Makes sermon preparation an actual joy ” —A Delighted User. ¡ S ? " NOTE THE DELIGHTFUL NARROW COLUMN, LARGE, EASILY READ TYPE people, that they may do, when they come to Gibeah of Benjamin, accord­ ing to all the folly that they have wrought in Israel. 11 So all the men of Israel were gathered against the city, knit together as one man. Here is, I. A general meetingofallthecon­ gregation ofIsrael to examine themattercon­ cerningtheLevite’sconcubine,andtoconsider what was to be done upon it, o. 1,2 . It does

O N L Y $3.00 (W ith Order)

A Brand New Edition —

Better Type Better Paper— Greatly Improved!

No preacher or Bible student should miss the opportunity (repeated this month) to secure Matthew Henry fresh and resplendent from the bindery, on his own terms. •I Recently a great Bible student, Rev. J. D. Jones, of Bournemouth, England, a man whose O^ works are read by millions— whose counsel is sought by thousands— was asked to begin O q the making of a commentary upon the V l whole Bible as he had done on some ^ of the Books of the Bible. His re- m ply was: H ‘T h a t h as b een done a n d sa tisfa c - ^ to rily d o n e by M atth ew H en ry . H e c a n n o t be su p ersed ed , an d '°0 , th e m a rv el is th a t he sh o u ld \ ^ h a v e been ab le to do it v a s co m p letely a n d a s SSI O* w ell a s h e h a s . It V HU c a n n o t be a g a in .” done

go wrong in deciding that you have deprived yourself long enough of this great “ Assistant,” which has so far eluded your possession, and that this will be the next purchase you are going to make ? fl Fellow students and fellow preachers will tell you that you cannot equal Matthew Henry for his wealth of inspiration, help, interpretation and the vast store of sermons it offers, ready to be launched from its inex­ haustible pages. •I The greatest preachers of other days attributed much of their inspiration to this remarkable work. Alert preachers are turning again to it in increasing numbers. After the strife of the battle of criticism, they are find­ ing it a relief in its calm, helpful interpretations. C. H. Spurgeon said: “ Every minister ought to read M atth ew H en ry e n tire ly a n d c a re fu lly th ro u g h o n ce a t le a s t. H e w ill a c q u ire a v a s t s to re o f serm o n s, a n d a s fo r th o u g h ts, th e y w ill sw a rm a ro u n d h im lik e tw itte rin g sw allow s a ro u n d a n old g ab le to w a rd s th e clo se o f a u tu m n .” Theodore L. Cuyler said: “ To how many a hard­ w o rk in g m in is te r h a s th is b o o k b een a m in e o f g o ld ! N ex t to w ife a n d ch ild ren h a s la in n e a r h is h e a rt th e p o re d -o v e r an d p ra y e d -o v e r co p y o f h is M atth ew H en ry .”

K.B. \ 10-35 \ F lem in g V H . R evell Co., < 158 F ifth A ve., N ew Y o rk C ity Gentlemen :

E n clo sed find $3.00 a s firs t p a y m e n t on M atth ew H en ry ’s C om ­ m e n ta ry ($ 1 5 .0 0 ). I w ill re m it th e b alan ce a s fol­ lo w s:

$4.00 in .....................m o n th s $4.00 in ..................... m o n th s $4.00 in ..................... m o n th s (P le a se m e n tio n tim e re q u ired )

[ H o w can you ,

N am e..




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