October, 1935
T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S
"For W ha t In te n t? ” IN S T A L L A T IO N ADDRESS* B y P resident P aul W . R ood
I n Acts 10:29, we find these words: “ Therefore came I unto you without gainsaying, as soon as I was sent f o r : I ask therefore for what intent ye have sent for me?” If that question was in my mind at the beginning of this service, it certainly has been answered adequately as these, my brethren in the Lord, have spoken this afternoon. I want to take advantage of this opportunity, first of all, to express my appreciation to those who have planned and sponsored this service of introduction, and to those who have spoken these cordial words of welcome, and to all of you who have thus graciously assembled this afternoon to do me this honor. I want to speak a few words of apprecia tion and thanks to the man whom I succeed in office, my
There were other matters that were involved, one being my relationship to the beloved denomination to which I have belonged through the years since childhood. I was con cerned regarding the reaction o f the church I was serving and had served for less than two years. And I was con cerned about the problems o f the Bible Institute that have been frankly and definitely described this afternoon. No man would'' dare to consider this call and this office un less he were either a fool or a man that believed in God. How G od W orked Thus you can understand why I had to give myself to prolonged prayer as I sought the mind o f God and the
friend and brother in Christ, Dr. Louis T. Talbot, the noble pastor of this church, who has rendered truly heroic service. Seldom, if ever, in my experience have I seen a man so efface himself as my friend Dr. Talbot has done in this particular situation. W hat the C all 'I nvolved
guidance o f the Holy Spirit. And it was not without inward turmoil that this decision was faced. But when at last the time came when I had an answer from heaven, there was a deep settled peace and calm in my soul; and I said, “ O Lord, I will go.” The Lord graciously, won- drously adjusted the problems. The missionary tour was postpon ed for a year. The denominational leaders were most kind and gra cious in their attitude and express ed their cordial good wishes. My church reacted as only Christians can react in a situation o f that kind. I presented the resignation to my official board, and as the meeting closed, we were all on our knees, on our faces before God in prayer. Though the church tabled the resignation the first time it was presented, at our next meeting a letter was read asking for my release, and thè church gave graciously, unselfish ly, magnanimously that release in order that I might give myself to
God’s Servant In answer to prayer, we believe God has definitely led Paul W. Rood to the Bible Institute of Los Angeles. The fact that he has been for several years the President of the World's Christian Fundamentals Association leaves one in no doubt as to his doctrinal position. Moreover, he has such a passion for soul-winning as few men possess today. God's hand is surely upon him.— LOUIS T. TALBOT. • In the President that you have elected, Los Angeles is receiving a spiritual force that can touch the throne of Almighty God. The whole of the United States knows, at the mention of the name of Paul W. Rood, the doctrines that are supported by him— truths for which the Institute may be expected to stand so long as he is its leader. — ISAA C WARD. • We realize— to use the words of the psalmist— that "it is time for Jehovah to work." There is no retarding, there is no retrenchment in His program. As members of the faculty of the Institute, we are looking forward to the days ahead, under the administration of Dr. Rood, in the expec tation that thev will be the very best days in the history of this school.— E. L. McCREERY. • We are calling to this work another upon whose ministry God has set His seal, one who has been tested and tried, one whom God has raised up wonderfully for this place. We are going forward, trusting in the Lord. — WALTER E. EDMONDS.
May I be very personal and very simple, and yet I trust very definite, this afternoon in speak ing to you ? May I open my heart to you and tell you that when I received this call some three months ago, I felt that I was standing at the crossroads and that my entire future was being determined by the attitude I should take and the decisions that were about to be made. There were many things involved in accepting this call. First of all, a trip— an evangelistic and mission ary tour to Great Britain and Northern Europe and the Russian border—had been planned and prepared. This particular work had to be postponed if the call to the Bible Institute of Los Angeles was to be accepted. *At a service held on Sunday afternoon, September 15, in the auditorium o f the Church of. the Open Door, Los Angeles, Paul W. Rood became President o f the Bible Institute of Los Angeles. Besides the choir, directed by Herbert G. Tovey, on the platform were members o f the Board o f Directors and o f the faculty, as well as representative ministers and laymen. Walter E. Edmonds, pastor of. the First Presbyterian Church o f Glendale and Chair man of the Board o f Directors, presided. Louis T. Talbot, retiring President, pastor o f the Church o f the Open Door, spoke briefly and with grace, having already shown honor to his friend, and successor at the morning service which marked the observance of the twentieth anniversary o f the founding o f the church. Brief summaries of two o f the afternoon addresses^ brought by William Evans, author and Bible teacher, and Charles G. Trumbull, Editor of the Sunday School Times, are given on the following pages. Quotations from other speakers appear on this page. Dr. Rood’s address was stenographically reported.
this particular task and call. My church requested, however, that in connection with tbe new task I might return at least once a year for a campaign or a Bible con ference. And the attitude of the church throughout, and particularly in connection now with the farewell, has made me very humble and very thankful to my God. It is in that spirit and after noting that the good hand o f the Lord is upon us in this thing, and having seen tokens of His guidance and blessing, that I come to you this after noon. I am under no illusions regarding my own limita tions or regarding the stupendous tàsk that we are facing. No man, no human being, can solve the problems of the Bible Institute o f Los Angeles. ■ Yesterday' this word came to me. It was in the very center, of 1 Timothy 4 :10 : “ W e trust in thè living God.” Yes, our trust is in the living God. “ Wherefore, sirs',
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