Luxury Locations issue 23

I magine a magazine that doesn’t just tell you about Antigua and Barbuda but rather embraces you in a journey through paradise. ‘Discover 365’ is not merely a publication; it is an immersion, a 365- day ticket to the soul of Antigua and Barbuda, written from the perspective of those who have been there and done it all. The latest magazine published by Luxury Locations, on behalf of the Antigua and Barbuda Hotels and Tourism Association (ABHTA), and in conjunction with the Antigua and Barbuda Tourism Authority, is the pinnacle of tourism publishing in the Caribbean and will be the in-room magazine for the country’s leading hotels. The magazine provides an in- depth view with a unique perspective for those visiting Antigua and Barbuda from those who were once tourists themselves.


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Telephone: +1 268 764 8190 Email Discover 365 Antigua and Barbuda, Portofino Offices, Jolly Harbour, St Mary’s, Antigua

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