Check out our December newsletter! 407-906-0500 December 2021
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The Holiday Spirit Celebrating the Magic of the Holidays
The holiday season is hands down my favorite time of the year. People are full of gratitude, love, and selflessness, and we embrace giving without expecting anything in return, finding peace in the happiness of others, and making lasting connections with those we hold dear. Family is always No. 1 in my book, and I’m not just talking about my biological family. I refer to all those friends, coworkers, and other people who have become like family over time. Spending the holidays with family is paramount for me. Right after Thanksgiving, Christmas music is on the radio and decorations are going up everywhere. You can’t help but slide right into the holiday spirit. It always feels a bit cooler and there’s a very homey vibe in the air promoting cheer and positivity. It seems that people set politics and differences aside to share in the holiday season and lift each other up. I truly wish these happy vibes would carry on throughout the rest of the year. I celebrate Hanukkah, but many of my friends celebrate Christmas, too, so needless to say, I love both. Hanukkah is centered around the destruction of a temple in Israel, in which everything was destroyed except for a little bit of oil that was just enough to light a candle for one night. The miracle of it was that the oil ended up lasting eight nights; thus, we light a menorah each night for eight nights during the holiday. Every year, we gather and have dinners together as a family during these eight nights. Lighting the menorah each night is a very positive thing — it means we are giving light to the world. Especially today, there can be some negativity and darkness in the world as people have lost their jobs, lost loved ones, or gotten sick. Hanukkah is a very uplifting time and reminds us of what is still good in our world. During art class growing up, we built our own menorahs. Marisa, my wife, has her own, and if anyone else joins us for the holiday, they have their own menorah, too. So, the coolest thing is on the eighth night, we all have our own menorahs completely lit up, spreading light, love, and positivity.
One tradition that Marisa and I have that is kind of funny because we are both Jewish — we LOVE Christmas lights. We’ve made it a tradition to drive around each year, trying to find the best displays. In years past, we have gone on Google to find the craziest lights — we even drove to St. Augustine once! Another time, we took a drive to Dover, Florida, which was about an hour and a half away, to see a light display that was featured on ”The Great Christmas Light Fight” show on television. It certainly did not disappoint — it was magical! In the month of December, we also have the New Year right around the corner, and this is when I like to start to plan ahead. I begin devising a plan for our firm to grow, impact the Central Florida community, help others, and expand our reach. I also take a look at
my personal goals and aspirations and how to best reach them. It truly is just a fantastic time of year. This holiday season, I wish each of you magic, love in your hearts, and peace in your mind as you celebrate with family and loved ones! Happy holidays!
-Louis Bernardo Berk | 1
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The Next Big Health Secret Why Seeing an Attorney May Be Good for You!
Consulting with an attorney when you are facing legal trouble allows you to have an advocate and expert in your corner who is fighting for you and your rights. And according to recent studies, it may be good for your health too!
For example, in Colorado, some chronically ill patients are struggling with immigration issues or problems as a result of losing their jobs in the COVID-19 pandemic. By consulting with lawyers — in addition to psychiatrists, social workers, and medical doctors — patients are lowering their stress levels, improving their physical well-being, and staying closer to their families. But how does this work? To answer that question, we have to examine the toll stress takes on our bodies. Constant stress, like concerns about visitations or deportation, can cause our bodies to fail. This often leads to headaches, heartburn, a weakened immune system, insomnia, stomach problems, and more. These problems then compound into other issues, causing the body to spiral when intervention isn’t possible. However, when the source of stress is relieved, the side effects are eliminated as well. This can powerfully help people who are facing potentially life-altering legal situations. So, while your attorney may not be able to perform heart surgery or help alleviate your knee pain, their expertise may be just what you need to feel better in the long run.
According to NPR, a 2017 study of Veterans Affairs offices in Connecticut and New York found that veterans who saw clinic attorneys reported improved mental health within three months after their initial meetings. Additionally, in Colorado, a five-year survey of 69 patients from 2015 to 2020 found that patients in Medicaid programs who saw attorneys at their clinics had a decrease in the amount of physical health problems they were facing. While further studies are needed to corroborate this evidence, the message is clear: Finding solutions to your legal concerns through an attorney is healthy!
This idea has led to several states permitting Medicaid patients to use some of their health care dollars toward legal clinical programs.
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What is libel?
Libel is a method of defamation expressed in print, writing, pictures, signs, effigies, or any communication embodied in physical form. Libel used to refer to things printed in newspapers and other forms of print media, but in our digital world, things like blogs, Twitter posts, and online publications can now be subject to libel lawsuits. Tabloids have been a reliable source for drama and libel cases for years. Many celebrities have repeatedly sued them for publishing stories with false or untrue allegations. For example, the British tabloid Daily Mail published multiple untrue stories regarding Keira Knightley’s weight, claiming she was anorexic. She sued the tabloid for libel and won. J.K. Rowling and Kate Winslet have also successfully sued Daily Mail for libel.
How does slander differ from libel?
Just tell the truth.
Where libel is a physical form of defamation, slander is spoken defamation, whether it be on television, radio, or even just rumors spread around the water cooler at work. Like libel, slanderous statements need to be expressed as fact, not just opinion. Since slander is spoken defamation, it can be much harder to prove than libel. Not only do you have to prove the person said it, but you also have to prove the person was negligent with the truth. Politicians have to prove actual malice in addition to all the other stipulations regarding slander.
If you are ever accused of defamation, the best defense is the truth. If you can prove what you said or wrote was truthful, there is no case. The bottom line is this: The easiest way to avoid defamation lawsuits is by simply telling the truth about people. If you’re not sure something is true, don’t spread it around. Find out the facts before needlessly ruining someone’s reputation. Telling lies and spreading rumors can cost you big in the long run.
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Many Americans spend the holidays alone every year, and the pandemic has only made it more difficult for people to see their loved ones, as travel has become more restricted and strenuous. If you’re one of these people who are spending their first holiday season alone this year, here are a few strategies you can try to make the situation a little easier. Don’t hold yourself to the usual standards. One of the best things about spending the holidays alone is that you can do things your way. You don’t have to worry about meeting everyone else’s standards. Instead, you only have to make yourself happy. Simply telling yourself that you are not going to have the usual holiday environment can slightly help, but redefining what the holiday means to you can remove a huge weight. Trying new things or looking toward the future are great ways to reduce the stress of spending the holidays alone. Keeping up with old traditions may remind you of what you’re missing out on, so it can greatly help to create your own traditions. Plan ahead. If you know in advance that you’re going to be spending the holidays alone, planning ahead can prevent negative feelings. While being spontaneous can sometimes keep things fresh, it could leave you with a feeling of hopelessness about what to do next. There’s no need for your list to be extensive or highly detailed, but even just planning to watch a movie or cook some of your favorite dishes can give you something to look forward to. Take care of yourself. Just because you’re not seeing people during the holidays does not mean you should forgo your basic needs. Stick to your regular hygiene habits and do not let them get away from you. The same goes for eating and sleeping. Staying clean, well-fed, and well-rested goes a long way toward improving your happiness. As with all mental health advice, what works for some does not work for everyone. Do what you think will work best for you and help you keep your thoughts happy.
• 6 egg yolks • 1/2 cup sugar • 1 cup heavy whipping cream • 2 cups milk • 1/2 tsp nutmeg
• 1 pinch salt • 1/4 tsp vanilla extract • Cinnamon and whipped cream, for garnish
1. In a medium bowl, whisk the egg yolks and sugar until light and creamy. Set aside. 2. In a saucepan over medium heat, stir together the cream, milk, nutmeg, and salt. Bring to a simmer. 3. Add a spoonful of the milk mixture to the egg mixture. Whisk vigorously and repeat, one spoonful at a time. 4. When most of the milk is whisked in, add the egg mixture to the saucepan. 5. Whisk until the liquid thickens slightly or reaches 160 F. Remove from heat and add vanilla extract. 6. Pour the eggnog into a glass container and cover. Refrigerate. 7. When the eggnog has thickened, pour it into glasses, garnish, and enjoy! | 3
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trusted us with taking care of those who need our services.
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The Holiday Spirit
Your Attorney Is Good for Your Health!
DIY Holiday Eggnog Tips for Spending the Holidays Alone
The Difference Between Slander, Libel, and Defamation
Slander, Libel, and Defamation What’s the Difference?
In a time when attack politics are at the forefront of media and politics, we often hear terms like slander, libel, and defamation. While the First Amendment gives us our freedom of speech, not all speech is protected. It’s more important than
ever to understand the difference between slander, libel, and defamation and know how to ensure your speech does not cross into these areas.
What is defamation?
Defamation is the all-encompassing term that describes both slander and libel. When an untrue and damaging statement, presented as fact , injures a third party’s reputation, it’s defamation of character. For example, you can’t hurt a person’s reputation by simply saying they’re annoying; however, saying they participate in illegal activities when they actually do not can be extremely damaging. It should be noted that you cannot be sued for defamation for simply stating an opinion. However, if the statement is untrue and damages the person’s reputation, whether it be written or oral, you could be sued for defamation.
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Published by Newsletter Pro • 407-906-0500 December 2021
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El espíritu festivo Celebrando la magia de las fiestas
La temporada de fiestas es, sin lugar a dudas, mi época favorita del año. La gente se llena de gratitud, amor y altruismo, al tiempo que nos dedicamos a dar sin esperar nada a cambio, así como a encontrar la paz en la felicidad de los demás y crear conexiones duraderas con aquellos a quienes más apreciamos. La familia siempre está de primera en mi lista y no solo me refiero a mi familia biológica. Me refiero a todos aquellos amigos, compañeros de trabajo, clientes y relaciones varias que se han vuelto como mi familia con el paso del tiempo. Para mí, pasar las fiestas con mi familia es primordial. Justo después del día de Acción de Gracias ya hay música navideña en la radio y todos empiezan a decorar. No puedes evitar llenarte de todo ese espíritu festivo. Todo se siente siempre un poco más alegre y en el aire se respira una vibra muy hogareña, la cual promueve la alegría y la positividad. Pareciera que la gente deja de lado la política y las diferencias para compartir en la temporada de fiestas y animarse entre sí. De verdad desearía que estas vibras felices perduraran durante el resto del año. Yo celebro la Janucá, pero muchos de mis amigos celebran la Navidad también, por lo que no hace falta decir que me encantan ambas festividades. La Janucá se centra en la destrucción de un templo en Israel, en el cual todo fue arrasado, excepto por un poquito de aceite que era apenas suficiente como para encender una vela durante una noche. El milagro fue que el aceite terminó durando ocho noches; por lo tanto, encendemos una menorá cada noche durante las ocho noches de las festividades. Cada año, nos reunimos y cenamos juntos como una familia durante esas ocho noches. El encender la menorá cada noche es algo muy positivo: significa que le estamos dando luz al mundo. Especialmente en la actualidad, debido a que muchas personas han perdido sus trabajos o a sus seres queridos, o que se han enfermado también, podríamos ver cierta negatividad y oscuridad en el mundo. Pero la Janucá es una ocasión muy inspiradora que nos recuerda lo bueno que aún queda en nuestro mundo. Cuando era chico, en mi clase de educación artística, fabricábamos nuestras propias menorás. Marisa, mi esposa, tiene la suya y cualquier otra persona que nos acompañe en estas fiestas tendrá su propia menorá también. Así, lo más genial es que, en la octava noche, todos tenemos nuestras menorás completamente encendidas, derramando luz, amor y positividad.
Una tradición que Marisa y yo tenemos, y que resulta ciertamente divertida ya que ambos somos judíos, es que NOS ENCANTAN las luces navideñas. Ya tenemos la tradición de que todos los años salimos a tratar de encontrar los mejores arreglos de luces. En años pasados, hemos buscado las luces más increíbles en Google, ¡e incluso una vez llegamos en auto hasta St. Augustine! Y en otra oportunidad, manejamos hasta Dover, Florida, lo cual nos queda como a hora y media, para ver un arreglo de luces que salió en el programa televisivo “The Great Christmas Light Fight” (La gran pelea de luces navideñas). Y ciertamente no nos decepcionó: ¡fue algo mágico! Durante el mes de diciembre, también tenemos el Año Nuevo a la vuelta de la esquina y aquí es cuando me gusta empezar a planificar lo que está por venir. Comienzo por diseñar un plan para que nuestra firma crezca, que impacte en la comunidad del centro de Florida, que ayude a otros y que aumente nuestro alcance. También le doy un vistazo a mis metas y aspiraciones personales, así como a la mejor forma de alcanzar las mismas. Ciertamente es una época fantástica del año.
¡En esta temporada festiva, les deseo a cada uno de ustedes magia, amor en sus corazones y paz en sus mentes, mientras celebran con sus familias y sus seres queridos! ¡Felices fiestas! -Louis Bernardo Berk | 1
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El próximo gran secreto de salud ¡Por qué acudir a un abogado puede ser bueno para ti!
Consultar a un abogado cuando se enfrenta a problemas legales le permite tener un defensor y un experto de su lado que luche por usted y sus derechos. Y según estudios recientes, ¡también puede ser bueno para su salud! Según NPR, un estudio de 2017 de las oficinas de Asuntos de Veteranos en Connecticut y Nueva York descubrió que los veteranos que acudieron a los abogados de la clínica reportaron una mejora en la salud mental dentro de los tres meses después de sus reuniones iniciales. Además, en Colorado, un estudio de cinco años con 69 pacientes de 2015 a 2020 encontró que los pacientes en los programas de Medicaid que acudieron a los abogados en sus clínicas tuvieron una disminución en la cantidad de problemas de salud física que estaban enfrentando. Aunque se necesitan más estudios para corroborar esta evidencia, el mensaje es claro: ¡encontrar soluciones a sus preocupaciones legales a través de un abogado es saludable! Esta idea ha llevado a varios estados a permitir que los pacientes de Medicaid utilicen parte de su dinero para programas clínicos legales. Por ejemplo, en Colorado, algunos pacientes con enfermedades crónicas están luchando con cuestiones o problemas de inmigración como resultado de la pérdida de sus empleos debido a la pandemia de COVID-19. Al consultar con abogados -además de
con psiquiatras, trabajadores sociales y médicos- los pacientes están reduciendo sus niveles de estrés, mejorando su bienestar físico y permaneciendo más cerca de sus familias. ¿Pero cómo funciona esto? Para responder a esta pregunta, tenemos que examinar los efectos del estrés en nuestro cuerpo. El estrés constante, como la preocupación por las visitas
o la deportación, puede hacer que nuestro cuerpo falle. Esto a menudo conduce a dolores de cabeza, acidez, un sistema inmunológico debilitado, insomnio, problemas estomacales, y más. Estos problemas se agravan luego en otras cuestiones, haciendo que el cuerpo entre en una espiral cuando no es posible intervenir. Sin embargo, cuando se alivia la fuente de estrés, también se eliminan los efectos secundarios. Esto puede ayudar enormemente a las personas que se enfrentan a situaciones legales que pueden alterar su vida. Así que, aunque su abogado no pueda realizar una operación de corazón o ayudar a aliviar su dolor de rodilla, su experiencia puede ser justo lo que necesita para sentirse mejor a largo plazo.
• 6 yemas de huevo • 1/2 taza de azúcar • 1 taza de crema de leche batida • 2 tazas de leche Ingredientes
• 1/2 cucharadita de nuez moscada • 1 pizca de sal • 1/4 cucharadita de extracto de vainilla • Canela y leche batida, para decorar
1. En un tazón mediano, bate las yemas de huevo y el azúcar hasta que estén ligeras y cremosas. Déjalo a un lado. 2. En un sartén a fuego medio, mezcla la crema, la leche, la nuez moscada y la sal. Lleva a fuego lento. 3. Añade una cucharada de la mezcla de leche a la mezcla de huevos. Bátelo con fuerza y repítelo, una cucharada a la vez. 4. Cuando la mayor parte de la leche esté batida, añade la mezcla de huevos al sartén. 5. Bate hasta que el líquido se espese ligeramente o alcance los 160 F. Retira del fuego y añade el extracto de vainilla. 6. Vierte el ponche de huevo en un recipiente de cristal y tápalo. Refrigéralo. 7. Cuando el ponche de huevo se haya espesado, viértelo en vasos, adórnalo y disfrútalo.
DIY Ponche de Huevo Navideño Inspirado por
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