2020 Q2


e) shall coordinate activities to recruit new members, and f ) shall be chairperson of the Membership Committee. The Treasurer a) shall be a member of the Board of Directors; b) shall account for all revenues and maintain an accurate, current and auditable record thereof; the NADOA Administrator prepares and makes the deposits and provides a report to the Treasurer to report on at the Board Meetings. c) shall pay all expenses of the Association when such payment shall have been first duly authorized or approved by the Board of Directors, and d) shall prepare an annual financial statement stating the current financial condition of the Association or at any time when so directed by the President or Board of Directors. The quarterly and annual reports are prepared by the NADOA Administrator which are reviewed by the Treasurer and reported to the President and/or the NADOA Board of Directors. You must be an Active member of NADOA in good standing and are required to attend at least 3 of 4 scheduled meetings. Electronic attendance is allowed for one meeting per year per the by-laws. Meetings are typically held in January, June, prior to the Annual Institute and the last meeting is scheduled at a date chosen by the President before the end of the year. This is your chance to make a difference in NADOA. New and fresh ideas are always welcome. The fellowship with the members of the board and your local associations is invaluable. Please carefully consider running for office. If you have questions regarding any of the positions or rewards of holding office and are interested in running for office, please contact me at lfajen@me.com or (405) 990-6240.

NADOA is looking for candidates to fill our slate of offices for 2021! What a great opportunity for you to participate in a strong organization and get to know members from all over the country! You have the opportunity to develop new Leadership Skills that will benefit you for the rest of your career – and it is a rewarding and fun experience!

Elections will be held in September, 2020 for the following offices:

Second Vice-President a) shall be a member of the Board of Directors; b) shall, upon election, become Second Vice-President- elect with automatic advancement to First Vice- President without re-election unless he is unable or unwilling to serve the office of First-Vice President, in which case, an election shall be conducted to fill the position; c) shall, in the absence of the President and First Vice- President, succeed to the duties and responsibilities of the President, and in the absence of the First Vice- President, succeed to the duties and responsibilities of the office of First Vice-President, and d) shall be chairperson of the Site Selection Committee. The Recording Secretary a) shall be a member of the Board of Directors; b) shall maintain a current list of the officers and committee chairpersons, and c) shall record attendees, date and file reports and minutes of all regular and special meetings and make distribution at the direction of the President. The Corresponding Secretary a) shall be a member of the Board of Directors; b) shall reply to the Association’s correspondence at the direction of the President; c) shall coordinate notices of meetings to all members; d) shall maintain a current record of the full names and addresses of the members;

Please express your interest to me by July 15, 2020. Thank you!!


N a t i o n a l A s s o c i a t i o n o f D i v i s i o n O r d e r A n a l y s t s

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