Auro cacao


Partnerships for a Cause As advocates of a sustainable future for cacao farming and beyond, we work with several amazing partners who share the same vision as us. In this section, we want to briefly introduce a few partners we currently work with who are also making strides in building a better, sustainable future for all.

For MEDA, sustainability initiative is not simply a continuation of a specific intervention but an impactful change in the agri-food market system (see Figure A). Systems change becomes sustainable when it sufficiently resolves a few key drivers (incentives, rules and enabling environment, and supporting functions); such that the “system that once perpetuated a problem, now perpetuates a solution.” For the RIISA Project, it adopts MEDA’s Market Systems Development Approach (Figure B). The sustainability in this approach means that a change in the processes within the cacao market systems will generate sustainable and inclusive social, environmental, and economic benefits for women and men, youth, and IP’s small-scale and smallholder food producers and cacao farmers, and community-level economies. MEDA believes that systems change is sustainable when there is shift in the power dynamics, mindsets, and in inherent conditions that propagate gender and social inequalities and environmental harm in the cacao market systems. Governance (ESG) considerations. MEDA Mennonite Economic Development Associates (MEDA) is a Canadian-based NGO currently in the Philippines to implement a Global Affairs Canada-funded project entitled Resilience and Inclusion through Investment for Sustainable Agriculture (RIISA).The project focuses on increasing the economic prosperity of smallholder cacao farmers.This is being done through technical assistance and incentives to cacao Cooperatives and Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), and by preparing them to access investments on Environmental Social & Governance (ESG) considerations.

Figure A


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