Health and Fitness Tai Chi and Qigong (Chi Kung) I Fee: $120 Qigong (Chi Kung), consisting of the two Chinese words Qi (Energy) and Gong (Work), is a term used to describe Chinese exercise systems that include health/medical, martial (Tai Chi), and spiritual aspects. Learn movements and practices from Qigong and Tai Chi to improve balance, breathing and circu- lation, reduce stress, regulate blood pressure, and increase bone density. Mark Przybysz is a certified instructor in Master Mantak Chia’s Universal Healing Tao system. No class 7/1 . PED E30, 10 Mon., 6/3-8/12, 1:15-2:15 p.m. In person at Skokie Campus CRN: 50015; Virtual CRN: 50016 Tai Chi & Qigong (Chi Kung) II Fee: $120 In this class the instructor will continue to build upon and add to the movements and routines that were taught in Tai Chi & Qigong (Chi Kung) I. Students will continue to practice the routines learned in the previous class and learn new movements. Additionally, students will learn how to combine movement with meditation in order to create and experience "moving meditation" which will improve and increase the physical and psychological benefits of these practices. Instructor Mark Przybysz is a certified full instructor in Master Mantak Chia’s Universal Healing Tao system. Prerequisite: Tai Chi & Qigong (Chi Kung) I or permission from the instructor. No class 6/19, 7/3. PED E45, 10 Wed., 6/5-8/21, 1:15-2:15 p.m. In person at Skokie Campus CRN: 50017; Virtual CRN: 50018 History and Philosophy New! Challenges of the Middle East: Understanding the Arab Spring, Iran’s Revolution, and Israel - Palestine Conflicts Fee: $96 Join Mahnia Nematollahi Mahani, Ph.D. , as she extensively covers the modern Middle East and its history from the 19th century to the present time. This course aims to examine how the formation of new countries in the region has influ- enced the current global scenario. Main topics include the Arab Spring, the Israel-Palestine conflict, and the Iranian revolution of 1979 including its impact on the Middle East, such as the formation of Islamic extremist groups and the role of martyrdom in the region. PSE B08, Virtual, 4 Tue., 6/4-6/25, 9-11 a.m. CRN: 50003 New! Myth, Memory and the Meaning of Reconstruction Fee: $84 Reconstruction of the former Confederate states began with efforts to empower former slaves and ended with sectional reconciliation at the expense of racial justice. Joseph Harrington will cover the progression and collapse of Reconstruction, plus the conscious efforts after Reconstruction to develop a narrative of the Civil War that supported white supremacy. No Senior Discount . HIS T91, 5 Wed., 7/10-8/7, 10 a.m.-12 p.m. In person at Skokie Campus CRN: 50007; Virtual CRN: 50008
New! Latin America and the World Wars Fee: $84 Latin America played an overlooked role in the world wars of the 20th century, while the region itself was deeply affected by those cataclysms. Joseph Harrington will explore how Latin American countries responded to the disruption of their trade with Europe, the covert warfare waged within their borders, the social and economic strains caused by the wars, and their opportunities for a role in world affairs after 1945. No Senior Discount. HIS E77, 5 Wed., 7/10-8/7, 1-3 p.m. In person at Skokie Campus CRN: 50009; Virtual CRN: 50010 Humanities New! A Chicago Play Table Reading: An Interactive Class Fee: $89 Participants will become cast members in a fun classroom read-aloud of a play coming soon to a Chicago area theater in the 2024-2025 season. The play will be chosen and the reading led by Martha Hudak , a 23-year member of the Jeff Awards committee, when season announcements appear (usually in spring). Scripts will be provided to each participant. Roles are assigned to volunteer participants at the beginning of class and switched after each scene or act. Everyone gets a chance to play a role! This is an in-person class only. No Senior Discount. HUM C63, OC/SK, 4 Mon., 6/3-6/24, 1-3 p.m. CRN: 50011 New! American Classic Television Fee: $84 Rod Serling! Gracie Allen! Edward R. Murrow! Dorothy Kilgallen! Join Franklin Stevenson, television and film historian, to watch and discuss some of the legendary names and programs in American television history. Share nostalgic moments and learn technical tidbits about how it was done. Exploring the past through a modern lens can be both fun and illuminating. So, return with us now to those thrilling days of yesteryear! No Senior Discount. HUM E97, Virtual, 4 Wed., 7/10-7/31, 2-4 p.m. CRN: 50006 Language Conversational Spanish for 50+ Fee: $130 Did you know that learning a new language can off-set cognitive losses as we age? Exercise your mind while learning to speak one of the fastest growing languages in the world. Learn essential vocabulary and phrases with classmates and new friends, and begin communicating in Spanish. No class 7/1, 7/2. LSP E50, OC/SK, 8 Mon., 6/10-8/5, 10 a.m.-12 p.m. CRN: 50033 LSP E50, Virtual, 8 Tue., 6/11-8/6, 10 a.m.-12 p.m. CRN: 50034 Intermediate Conversational Spanish for 50+ Fee: $130 Want more experience speaking and writing the Spanish lan- guage? This course is a continuation of the beginning level offered. Continue to learn essential vocabulary and phrases with classmates and new friends, and conversing in Span- ish. No class 7/1. LSP E51, 8 Mon., 6/10-8/5, 1-3 p.m. In person at Skokie Campus CRN: 50035; Virtual CRN: 50036
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