Waldegrave School Spring Magazine 2024

Dr. Kaamil Farooqi, senior dentist at Inspire Dental, visited Waldegrave Medical Society to shed light on dentistry careers and interview preparation. They discussed Dentistry in the NHS and shared tips for success in degree courses and interviews. The interactive session extended beyond the scheduled time, reflecting students’ keen interest in dentistry’s challenges and opportunities. Deep Dive into Dentistry with Dr. Kaamil Farooqi

Unlocking the world of Investment Banking with Mr Ubhi

Mr Ubhi, our dedicated ITE teacher trainee, delivered an insightful career talk on investment banking. Students gained insights into the industry’s workings, career pathways, and the significance of private banks. Mr. Ubhi’s firsthand experience and invaluable tips provided students with a deeper understanding of investment banking and its career prospects.

Dreaming Workshop with Prof. Mark Blagrove

Waldegrave School recently hosted a Science and Art of Dreaming workshop, led by Professor Mark Blagrove. The event provided a platform for art and psychology students to collaborate by delving into the realm of dreams. Through discussions on recent dreams and the creation of unique surrealist artwork, students explored the significance of dreaming. Professor Blagrove shared insights from his research, fostering understanding and curiosity about the mysteries of the dreaming mind.

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