
“If you make me look like a hero, I will

Veterans can provide perspective.

come and get you.”

Consider the tumult the planet had

This was about 30 years ago.

experienced at the start of the last century.

Remembrance Day was approaching. A

TheLostGenerationof 1914 survivedWorld

young reporter hadbeengiven the name of

War I andwhooped it up in the Roaring 20s.

a certain local veteran who might agree to

Today’s veterans were teenagers when the

be interviewed for a newspaper article.

world suffered the Great Depression.

At first, this old soldier, who has long

When war was declared, again, they

since passed away, put up a good fight,

marchedoff to foreign landsdefending lands

The fog of war

employinga commondefencemechanism.

many would never revisit. When they

“Talk to somebody else. I didn’t do

returned home, life in North America was

Truth is said to be one of the first

anything special. There are lots of others

And, “Was I ready todie formy country?

just getting good. They had to adjust to

casualties. But for those directly involved,

still around.”

I did not want to die. You see, the point was

civilian life, but they just survived a global

there is no ambiguity.

He eventually surrendered to an

to make sure that the enemy died for his

conflict. How hard could a little adjustment

Since that interview more than three

interview when it was pointed out that, in



decades ago, the reporter has collected

fact, there were fewer and fewer World

While he agreed that we ought to

The uniforms were mothballed and they

many war stories.

War II veterans around. Young people



There are memories; very vivid


at times you could tell there were some

Baby Boomers.

memories. The red beaches at Dieppe, a

had made back in the day. This would put

thoughts he wished he could erase. “I

Today, we are told that too many young


a face to a time few of us could relate to.

wonder why I am here. Your buddy beside

people lack focus and still haven’t “found

Christmas in a trench, raids in Sicily,

This man, who at the time could have

you gets a bullet in the head but you come

themselves.” The new “sandwich

shrapnel burning through flesh, disease,

indeed tracked down and hurt a timid

home without a scratch and your life goes

generation”must care for aging parents and

the dead and the walking dead.

journalist, turned out to be a great subject,


their own children.

For many vets, the civilian casualties

however, much of the conversation had to

Fate? Luck? Many vets are troubled by

People panic if the internet goes down for

were more difficult to accept than the

be off the record, because he did not want

such questions.

a fewminutes or if cell phone reception fails

military losses. Soldiers had guns; the

“to blow his own horn.” Also, at times

There are few clear answers when we

for an instant.

civilians were defenceless. One vet wept

when the past horrors came rushing back

ponder the human beast’s propensity for

Which brings us to the need to observe a

when he relived the sight of an endless line

too fast, he would get angry. His body


few moments of silence November 11.

of starving women and children begging

The significance of the 11 th

hour, the 11 th

would shake, his hands would clench, as if

The fog of war. The origin of that cliché,

for food.

day, the11 th

he were squeezing off a belt of ammo.

in a literal sense, was explained during a re-

monthdatesback toawonderful


During the interview, it becameobvious

enactment this summer of a War of 1812

moment that occurred almost a century ago


that there are some questions that did not

battle. Make-believe soldiers could barely

when the battlefields of Europe fell silent.

about who is right andwho iswrongwhen

need to be asked of a war veteran.


In this totallywiredworld, silence is such


“Was I ever scared? Scared? Of course,


a precious and rare commodity.

whenyourbarn is torched,whenyouresort

you were scared. There was always a guy

There was confusion; there were no clear

Thanks to themanyveterans,weareall so

to eating tulip bulbs.

on the other side trying to kill you. They

winners or losers.

empowered. We have so many unfettered

The typical veterans are modest. They

were firing artillery shells and dropping

In a figurative sense, the fog of war can

ways to share our images, thoughts and

had a job to do. They did the right thing;

bombs on us. There were landmines all

cloud reason and swamp the moral

experiences with the rest of the world. But

they fought the good fight.

over the place.”


sometimes it is helpful to simply listen.

Reach out to peers in need, students told

meeting where he urged the students to be

They don’t say anything about a friend’s

“What they need most is a

leaders in their schools to help students

problems – until it is too late.

“Life trumps confidentiality.”

struggling with depression and suicidal

However, a real friend will say, “I will

Many youth who reach out to help

friend and an advocate who


followall your rulesbut Iwill not followthat

friends in crisis get caught in the trap of

can get them help.”

Thomas implored the 46 students to

one,” says Thomas.

bending to a request for confidentiality,


The board official was speaking to

notes Upper Canada District School Board


be suffering. He asked them to be a friend

members of the Student Senate at a recent

director of education David Thomas.

Thomas recalled conducting a board


investigation into the suicide of a student at

“What they needmost is a friend and an

one of the UCDSB’s high schools. If a friend

advocate who can get themhelp,” Thomas

North Glengarry mayoralty race

hadbeen inplace for thevictimtoreachout to,

said of students in crisis.

the student might be with us today, he said.

The director noted that mental illness is

Students at the Senate said they would

more prevalent in Canadian society than

take Thomas’s message back to their student




a bout with some form of mental illness

Blythe Armstrong and Reagan Brugmans,

before the age of 45.

Two candidates have already entered the race to succeed Grant Crack as mayor of

Senate members fromNorth Dundas District

The issue was highlighted recently by

North Glengarry Township in a January 16 by-election.

High School, agreed that making the

the suicide of the son of an Ottawa city


connectionwith students inneedwouldhelp.

councillor. The openly gay youth took his

board, have declared their intentions to seek the seat which became vacant when Crack

They also suggested bringing in speakers to

life after being bullied at his school.

was elected the new Glengarry-Prescott-Russell M.P.P. October 6.

their school nextmonth to talkmore about the

Thomas recommended students tell a

This is the second time Proulx has vied for the mayoralty. Crack defeated him in the

issues of bullying and suicide during Anti-

principal, a teacher, any adult who will

November, 2010 election by a margin of 2,162 to 660.

Bullying Week.


McDonell, who was acclaimed to his post last year, thought he had secured the

The Student Senate is made up of

about suicide. And if they can’t find an

mayor’s post only a few weeks back when he was appointed as Crack’s successor and

representatives from student councils from

adult who will listen, he asked that they

Alexandria Councillor Jamie MacDonald was named Deputy-mayor. But these

board high schools and is led by Student

call him.

appointments were rescinded because they did not comply with the OntarioMunicipal

Trustee Jacob Howe. It provides input to the

“I will do my very best to ensure that a

Act. Last week, council voted 4-2 to hold a special election to choose the mayor.

board from the student population.

student gets the help that they need,” he

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