Moore & Giles Retail Catalog - 2024

Real, Not Perfect. Natural Leather with a Story. Our capsule collection of utilitarian bags uses leather others left to languish at the tannery due to scars and natural markings. No two bags are identical, but each is made with the same care and craftsmanship as the traditional Moore & Giles lineup. Reclaimed: Collection


5.5”H x 9”L x 1”D

Heirloom Oak A-HPB01-RC

| $175

Griffin Chocolate A-HPB01-GCH

| $195

Griffin Camel A-HPB01-GCA

| $195

RECLAIMED: Messenger

B OO K E R Cabin Duffel

10”H x 15”L x 3”D

17.5”W x 12.5”H x 8”D

Heirloom Oak A-MG04-RC

| $475

| $475

Heirloom Black A-MG04-RCBL

Baldwin Oak A-CBD01-BA

| $925

Griffin Camel A-MG04-GCARC

| $525

Seven Hills Chocolate A-CBD01-SHC (Shown)

| $1,575

Griffin Chocolate A-MG04-GCHC

| $525

| $1,575

Seven Hills Umber A-CBD01-SHU

70 | 800-737-0168


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