The Newsletter Pro December 2018



– Duane Hamilton Hamilton Insurance Group I get calls every month from different people talking about my newsletter. The newsletter helps me stay in touch with my clients, but they also love it. I get 2–3 calls every month, someone different each time, telling me how great the newsletter is. My mom did a one-time dinner thing with some friends. One of them is a client of mine and said, “Duane, your newsletter is fabulous! You must spend a ton of time on this.” Shaun’s offering of a mastermind is an inspiration for me. I know there’s a certain level a business needs to be at. I aspire to be at that level so I can be a part of that group. YOU MUST SPEND A TON OF TIME ON THIS THE RESULTS HAVE BEEN newsletter that I used to send out was not going to cut it anymore. In the weeks since, the results have been astounding. It has only been two weeks since our first issue dropped, and neighbors are already gathering in their driveways to discuss our newsletter and our business. I have had grown men approach me and secretly share that they found the cover story to be “touching.” And lastly, if you think you can get by without The Newsletter Pro, you’re right, but your newsletter will suck. Hire them, and you too can have control over your customers’ driveway conversations! ASTOUNDING! The Newsletter Pro is amazing! I decided to contact them after realizing the shameful excuse for a

Do you remember in 2010 and 2011 when e-books were all the rage? Everyone seemed to be writing an e-book or buying e-books. The Kindle was somewhat new and taking over the world. I remember reading one article that said the e-book was going to replace the physical book … I laughed. Today the e-book is a distant third in the book category. People prefer physical books first, audiobooks next, and then way down on the list are e-books. What happened? Why didn’t e-books take over the world as advertised? The Faux Death of Media and What Is Really Working Now Jeanine Blackwell’s Model on Mindset, Method, and Momentum Besides world-renowned author J.K. Rowling, not many people can say that they came up with a successful seven-figure business idea on a napkin. But in just two years, author and inventor of Create 6-Figure Courses™ Jeanine Blackwell went from a corporate career as the head of learning and strategy to a consultant for Fortune 500 companies to Amazon’s No. 1 Course Creation Expert — and just like J.K. Rowling, Jeanine plotted her future plans across the top of her napkin during a solo dinner on a business trip. Since the night she sat in that restaurant scrawling some potential goals, Jeanine has become a leading expert in online course generation and has been recognized as a Top 40 Business Coach. THE EXPERT CALLEDYOU If you haven’t noticed the trend here, any time some new media makes its way into the world and starts to gain traction, someone in marketing starts talking about the death of the old media that is OUR BOOKSHELF

– Eric Nehring Minnesota School of Music

Her most recent book, “The Expert Called You: How 8 Experts Built a Business and Life They Love, Sharing What They Know (and How You Can, Too)” is a sarcastically humorous yet edifying guide that equips




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