Nola Family February2024

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20 FEBRUARY 2024 | NOLAFAMILY.COM Are Charter Schools Inclusive? Compared to other states, Louisiana has a smaller gap between charter and traditional schools in terms of special education enrollment. Recently, there has been a debate on whether charter schools are inclusive when it comes to enrolling students with disabilities. There are laws and policies in place to protect these students, but in some instances, schools are still not accommodating. Dive into the statistics of charter schools enrolling children with disabilities and the rights in place to protect these students.

percent of students in traditional schools.” Based on the data, Louisiana has a smaller gap compared to the average, yet there is still room for improvement. The Louisiana Department of Education (LDE) conducted a Performance Audit in 2017, which found there were complaints filed in the academic school years 2013- 14 through 2016-2017 because of issues with the special education services at certain schools. “There were 47 complaints regarding special education services, including multiple complaints about children not

According to the Regional Education Laboratory report done in 2018, “The special education enrollment gap nationally between charter and traditional schools was estimated to be 3 percent points in 2009-10, with 8 percent of students in charter schools and 11 percent of students in traditional schools having an individualized education program.” The same report states that in Louisiana, “the gap was 2 percentage points in 2010-11, with 12 percent of enrollees in charter schools having an individualized education program compared with 14

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