2025 Vegetative Annuals | AMS | Culture Guides






Temperature Day: 72–74 °F (22–23 °C) Night: 72–74 °F (22–23 °C) Average daily temperature: 73 °F (22.5 °C) Lighting Day extension lighting: Beneficial to 14 hours

1.0 quart (4.5 to 5 inch)

6–8 weeks

1 ppp

1.25 to 2.5 quart (5.5 to 6.5 inch, trade gallon) 3.0 quart to 2.0 gallon (7.5 to 10 inch) 1.5 gallon hanging basket (10 inch basket)

8–10 weeks

2–3 ppp

8–10 weeks

3–4 ppp

Light intensity: 1,200–1,600 µmol·m -2 ·s -1 Day length response: Facultative short day Daily light integral (DLI): 16–18 mol·m -2 ·d -1 Transplanting: Transplant liners on time. Liners that are held too long can become non-branching (blind) due to stress.

8–10 weeks

3–4 ppp

Estimated finish crop time is from transplant of a 72-cell tray and finished at an average daily temperature (ADT) of 73 °F (22.5 °C).

Example crop schedule for a 2.5 quart

IMPORTANT: When planting, place liners with the leaf tips pointing towards to the outside of the container for best plant growth and flower presentation.



Provide ADT of 73 °F and DLI levels above 14 mol·m -2 ·d -1 . Soft pinch if not done in the liner stage Apply a spray of copper-based fungicide for prevention of bacterial diseases. Scout for insect pests and spray as needed throughout crop cycle. Apply a spray of Altercel ™ at 500–1,000 ppm if needed for growth control. Apply a broad-spectrum fungicide drench to prevent late-season basal stem and root rot diseases.

1 week

Media pH: 5.8–6.2 Media EC: SME EC: 1.5–2.1 mS/cm, PourThru EC: 2.3–3.2 mS/cm Fertilizer: 200–250 ppm N Pinching: Yes, 1 soft pinch is recommend either in propagation or 7–10 days after transplant. Plant growth regulators (PGRs): PGRs are not usually required. However, if needed iCandy Begonias during finishing respond well to sprays of Altercel ™ at 5,00–1,000 ppm, or sprays of A-Rest ® at 5 ppm. Tech tip: Day extension lighting to 14 hours is recommended for the first weeks of finished production to bulk plant size. Lighting should be discontinued at least four weeks prior to shipping flowering plants. Begonias are a preferred host for broad mites. Take extra care in scouting this crop. Most hand lenses are not powerful enough to see broad mites; 100x magnification is needed to see this pest. Use a preventative spray rotation of miticides that includes translaminar products. If an infestation occurs, we recommend two applications of Avid ® 7 days apart followed by an application of a miticide with a different mode of action than Avid ® such as Savate ® , Floramite SC ® , or Pylon ® .

2 weeks

3 weeks

4 weeks

6 weeks

8 weeks


iCandy ™ Sunset

Try Chrysal Alesco ® , a postharvest foliar spray, to protect ethylene sensitive crops during shipping and retail.

Moisture level: Media should be allowed to dry between irrigations. Alternate between moisture level 2 and 3. 2 - MEDIUM: Soil is light brown in color, no water can be extracted from soil, and soil will crumble apart. 3 - MOIST: Soil is brown in color, strongly squeezing the soil will extract a few drops of water, and trays are light with no visible bend. Common pests: Thrips, broad mites Common diseases: Botrytis , Tospovirus , Xanthomonas

All photos are either the property of Syngenta or are used with permission. These materials are being distributed to you for information purposes only and for your private use. While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the information and formulas, no guarantee is given or responsibility taken by Syngenta for the accuracy of the materials or the applicability to your particular circumstances. Reliance upon this information is at user’s sole risk and Syngenta expressly disclaims any and all liability in connection with this advice. © 2024 Syngenta. Important: Always read and follow label instructions. Some products may not be registered for sale or use in all states or counties. Please check with your local Extension Service to ensure registration status. Some or all of the varieties may be protected under one or more of the following: Plant Variety Protection, United States Plant Patents and/or Utility Patents and may not be propagated or reproduced without authorization. Trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

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