2025 Vegetative Annuals | AMS | Culture Guides

Fanatix ™ Pink

Scaevola Fanatix ™ Culture Guide Scaevola aemula Product form: Vegetative Containers: Pints, Quarts, Gallons Habit: Trailing/Spreading Garden Specifications Garden height: 8–12” (20–30 cm) tall Garden width: 18–22” (45–55 cm) wide Exposure: Full Sun USDA zone: 10–11 AHS zone: 11–3 Product use: Containers, Hanging Baskets, Landscapes, Patio Pots, Combos

Propagation of Unrooted Cuttings

Root emergence: 10–12 days Rooting hormone: Recommended. A 0.1% (1,000 ppm) IBA concentration using either powder or liquid formulations can be applied to the lower portion of the cutting stem. Be careful not to coat the leaves or entire cutting as excess application can cause burning and damage to the cutting. Another option is to apply an overhead heavy spray to the cuttings (penetrating the rooting media) using water-soluble K-IBA at 250–300 ppm 24–48 hours after sticking. Do not use overhead applications of alcohol-based IBA solutions (ex. Dip ‘n Grow ® ). Bottom heat temperature: 72–74 °F (22–23 °C) for the first three weeks. After roots are well developed, temperatures can be lowered to hold and tone the cuttings. Misting: Mist schedules vary depending on light and temperature conditions. Apply just enough moisture to rehydrate the cuttings and keep them from wilting. Cuttings should be hydrated and in a non-wilted stage within 24 hours after sticking. Cuttings that continue to wilt heavily after 24 hours will callus unevenly and will be delayed in rooting. CapSil ® (spray adjuvant) can be sprayed on the cuttings at a rate of 2–4 oz/100 gal within 1–2 days after sticking to help in rehydration of the cuttings. Misting should be significantly reduced after 2–3 days and after cuttings become fully hydrated. Recommended tray size: 105-cell (30 mm) or larger Propagation timing: 4.5–5 weeks for a 105-cell tray; add more rooting time for significantly larger cell sizes. Temperature

Day: 72–74 °F (22–23 °C) Night: 72–74 °F (22–23 °C) Lighting Day extension lighting: Not necessary

Fanatix ™ Dark Blue

Light intensity: 200–250 µmol·m -2 ·s -1 (1,000–1,200 foot candles) for the first two weeks after sticking or until root development occurs. Light levels can be increased up to 600 µmol·m -2 ·s -1 (3,000 foot candles) as rooting increases and the cutting matures. Day length response: Day neutral Daily light integral (DLI): 4–6 mol·m -2 ·d -1 for the first two weeks after sticking or until root development occurs. DLI can be increased to greater than 12 mol·m -2 ·d -1 after root formation. Media pH: 5.6–6.0 Media EC: SME EC: 0.9–1.3 mS/cm, PourThru EC: 1.4–2.0 mS/cm Fertilizer: Begin fertilization at 100 ppm nitrogen when roots become visible. Rates can be increased up to 200 ppm nitrogen after roots become well developed. Use primarily Cal-Mag ® (calcium nitrate + magnesium nitrate) fertilizers in propagation to prevent unwanted stretch.

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