get $25,000 worth of stock, but, but must pay the taxes on it. But that value will grow and the opportunities to acquire more will come along. So that's, that's how this starts on a small scale. And now for us it has, it has grown to a larger scale thing. So this actually is a slightly dumbed-down version of McAdams Company's annual transition of ownership. We don't have any names in it, but what's on the left up at the top is some investors. 1, 2, 3, 4, and 4. I think they're brothers and they're both named Darrell. and then only one static person in here and all below are the acquirers. And so at the left of the shares and the value of the shares before the transition, this is the December 31st valuation of the prior year. This is 2020. So it's 2019, December 31st valuation of our company. What were our revenues for the year? What was our headcount of employees, our profits and our book value? You apply those Y ratios, you average those things. And up in yellow, you see $127.29 is the value of our company. Okay. And so one divestor has raised his hand and said, I'll sell 2,280, shares and so on down the line. The negative numbers are in the blue, the blue is all the transitions going on. The negative numbers are the sales and the below that. The positive numbers are the acquisitions going on here. Now a lot of thought goes into who gets how much of this stock. This is, this is in a ladder here. But one of the main factors of who's at the top of the ladder is tenure in the program. How long have you been in the program? But another one is year by year by year, how much are you contributing to the growth of our organization? The growth and the profitability? That one is very. I'm sorry, I'm having a senior moment here. Subjective. Okay, sorry. That one is very subjective. Well, it just seems like George is really knocking it down. Well, George is going to get more stock bonuses than somebody else who is not perceived to be contributing as much. The ownership transition committee of our board and it is the all the internal board members. We have some externals but the ownership transition committee spends a lot of time reviewing this and talking with the supervisors of some of these shareholders. In here too we start people out just as we did with Bob with somewhere around 20 to $25,000 worth of stock. So here at the bottom of this chart, you see 180 shares and that's $22,912. Those are two newbies that we brought in this year. that year 2020 and going up from that we gave two of last year's people. Well, one is last year and one is an addition to that. We also just gave them 180 shares as well. But here at close, to the bottom of this stack, you see there 1, 2, 3, 4, 180s, and immediately you hit a 500, 500 share person. That is somebody who has come to us as a mid-career professional and they are really good at what they do and they're really into building the company. They're maybe creating a new service area. The Director of Transportation, something that we got into a few years ago is going on fire. somebody else came and did a public spaces initiation.
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