Lucas County Report

A bout T he

“T hink , A ct & L ive ” g

C ampaign C ontinued .. Progress Report as of August 23, 2023

S ocial M edia C ontent & QR C odes : Details:

•Created three (3) social media posts that were targeted by locations and zip codes. •Created two 30-minute YouTube videos on substance use disorder and mental health, featuring Michael Johnson, MSW. •A dynamic QR Code was created for the UMADAOP Federation logo that was integrat- ed into the campaign website landing page and it also directs queries to each of the UMADA- OP Federation organization websites. •Social Media data will be collected from each of the UMADAOP organizations for the end of campaign reporting. •Social Media Platforms: Facebook, Instagram, and X (formally known as Twitter).

B illboard C ampaign : Details: •The billboard campaign was created to enable electronic billboards to be displayed in each of the 11 cities where UMADAOPs are located. •Analytic reach data will be provided during the final report for the campaign.

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