Foodservice opportunities for breweries

Customers that have been provided a memorable experience will help to solidify your standing among your competition and often turn first time customers into regulars." “

However, running a restaurant is not an insignificant investment. Not only from an equipment, staffing and product perspective, but also from the costs associated with insurance and the various liabilities that come with owning and operating a restaurant. Insurance policies are designed to provide coverage for the equipment, as well as any potential liability claims made from customers. The monthly, quarterly and yearly premiums associated with a robust insurance policy should not be dismissed and should be factored into the overall budget.

Quality also becomes more important than ever for the brewery. Where they were previously focused exclusively on the quality of their craft beer – ensuring that taste and freshness were consistently top of mind – now the focus shifts to also include the quality of the food that is offered. A bad experience with either the beer or food will likely result in a lost customer. However, the fear of losing additional customers based on word of mouth and the swift role social media plays in these situations can be devastating. Thankfully, the opposite is just as true. Customers that have been provided a memorable experience will help to solidify your standing among your competition and often turn first time customers into regulars.


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