It has been another fantastic week for Year 8 and it has been great to see the students engaging so positively in lessons and signing up to extra curricular clubs. This week’s Year 8 assembly was inspired by the Paris Olympic Games, reflecting on some of the inspirational performances and challenges faced and overcome by many of the athletes taking part. We looked back at some memorable moments which encapsulated the Olympic values of ‘Excellence, Respect and Friendships’. The Olympics is all about striving for excellence and striving to be the very best version of yourself. This is something that we can all try to aspire to, whilst being kind and respectful. Students were asked to think about who inspires them and what qualities about that person they particularly admire.
Well-done to those individuals who have achieved epraise this week - leading the way are 8PUN closely followed by 8 SHU and 8FLE - keep up the fabulous work!
Next week, Year 8 students will have the opportunity to show off their leadership skills as Tour Guides ready for the Open Morning tours - they have already been trained up and this is a great way for them to represent Waldegrave.
As part of our commitment to ensuring that we do all we can to keep our children safe online, the school has introduced new monitoring software called Smoothwall. The software works on school managed devices, whether used at school or home. It works to support students to be able to enjoy their digital lives safely by monitoring their search/viewing information. The software alerts the school if it identifies there is a potential risk of harm to students, allowing us to follow up promptly and act on any concerns. Filtering at school is through our firewall, whilst at home parents will have set up their own safety settings.
Year 8 students have been asked to continue to ensure that they are wearing uniform correctly - this includes wearing lanyards at all times whilst on school premises.
Looking forward to another fabulous week!
WALDEGRAVE RECRUITMENT We are currently recruiting for Exam Invigilators to assist with the conduct and supervision of the School’s public examinations. If you are interested in joining our team, please contact Shelli Fong, Exams Officer, for an applica- tion form exams@waldegravesch.org See full job description here: Exam Invigilator - Job Description
Leila and the Blue Fox, Kiran Millwood Hargrave She was very tired. She lay down, her soft head on her soft paws. The sunset licked her face. The snow covered her like a blanket.
Based on the true story of an Arctic fox who walked from Norway to Canada in seventy-six days, a distance of two thousand miles, this is a compelling, emotion- al and beautifully illustrated story. Great for thinking and talking about issues around climate change and immigration.
~ Recommended by Mrs Nowicki, Joint Head of English
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