Ca' Pietra 2023/2024 Brochure

RIO Bringing serious carnival vibes, our Rio tiles are pastel in tone, capturing the colours of Brazil’s Agave flower. An original hand-painted design, printed on to porcelain and suitable for walls and floors, they might look playful but they’re super soothing too when used en masse.

KASHMIR The clue is in the name, our porcelain Kashmir tiles take their cue from the pattern riches of India. The detail is seriously intricate and kind of kaleidoscopic so expect to find yourself transfixed whether you use them on your walls or floors (or both for brave maximalists).

FEZ Enjoy the faraway feel of our Fez tiles in your shower (or wherever you decide to lay them). A terracotta-toned and white gloss tessellation of stars and crosses, you’d 100% believe they were handmade.





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