Message from Executive
2023 Issue 11
As we accelerate towards the end of the year, I hope that you are all enjoying the festive season and looking forward to some family time. Entries to the coveted 2023 Tinsel Trophy are now open and we look forward to seeing your creative efforts. Join us for the all staff Christmas BBQ on 13 December, and consider giving back by donating to our charity partner, Dignity. Digni- ty support people at risk of or experiencing homeless- ness this Christmas. Donations can be dropped off at the Christmas tree in the foyer. Congratulations to Graythwaite Rehab Centre for win- ning ‘ best poster ’ at the NSLHD Person Centred Care showcase in November for improving patient outcomes. In addition, Sandra Lever, CNC Rehabilitation won the Nursing Research Prize at the Australian Rehabilitation Nurses Association Conference. Thank you for all the hard work to support our patients.
November 2023
Jenny McConnell, A/General Manager
Diwali Celebrations
This year, Diwali or Deepavali took place on November 12. Also known as the 'festival of lights', the celebration usually lasts for five days. Ryde Hospital celebrated with a display and tradi- tional dance performance in the main lobby. The festival signifies the victory of good over evil and the triumph of light over darkness. It is also a time for giving thanks and offering prayers for good health and prosperity.
Inside this issue:
Redevelopment at Ryde
Upcoming Events
Let Everyone Access Resources Now (LEARN)
8 Dec - Tinsel Trophy Inspections
Patient Safety Culture Survey 2023
13 Dec - Tinsel Trophy Winner Announced
Vestibular Goggles from the Pink Ladies
13 Dec - Ryde Staff Xmas BBQ
Learning about EOLC
Nursing News
25 Dec - Christmas Day
Delirium Declare Conference
26 Dey - Boxing Day
Patient Centred Care
Welcome to Ryde
29 Dec - Additional Public Holiday
Communicating for Safety
Focus on Allied Health
8 8
1 Jan - New Years Day
Translated Pictorial Menus
Accessing Spiritual Care
Learning Directory
Newsletter is for Ryde Hospital Staff by Ryde Hospi- tal Staff. Please email items of interest to:
Library Update
Christmas Closedown Dates
Just for Fun
Staff Information Posters
Photo Gallery
Redevelopment at Ryde
With the early works progressing well on site, the redevelopment team is working towards awarding the construction contract for main works to start. The construction staging plan for the redevelopment is being reviewed as part of the main works procurement process. There may be an opportunity to deliver the clinical service priorities within a shorter construction timeframe. Northern Sydney Local Health District and Health Infrastructure are working through the options and what this means for staff, pa- tients, suppliers and the community. As part of this process, we will be arranging meetings to discuss the construction staging with relevant departments over the coming weeks and will continue to keep staff updated.
I thank you for your patience and consideration while we continue to work through the main works procurement process.
There was an all staff redevelopment update via teams on 16 November 2023 that was recorded and is available on the Ryde Intra- net, General Managers Updates on the Redevelopment Page.
Let Everyone Access Resources Now (LEARN)
This month Nursing at Ryde Nurs- ing gratefully received funding for their innovative Let Everyone Ac- cess Resources Now (LEARN) pro- ject from the NORTH Foundation. The funding will help establish edu- cation hubs on the wards enabling staff to access online education and training resources more easily. Ryde Hospital are very appreciative of the donation and the opportunity to improve nurse education.
A clinical care standard is a small number of quality statements that describe the care patients should be offered for a specific clinical condition in line with current best evidence. Clinical care standards can play an important role in delivering appropriate care and reducing unwarranted clinical variation. All clinical staff need to be aware of the clinical care standards for Antimicrobial Stewardship , Delirium , and Venous Thromboembolism Prevention . You should also be aware of any other clinical care standards that are relevant to your area of work. When assessors visit Ryde Hospital they will expect to see evidence of care being provided which aligns with these standards.
Other clinical care standards:
⚫ Acute Coronary Syndromes
Acute Stroke
Acute Anaphylaxis
⚫ Colonoscopy
⚫ Delirium
⚫ Hip Fracture
⚫ Heavy Menstrual Bleeding
Low Back Pain
Osteoarthritis of the Knee
⚫ Opioid Analgesics in acute pain
PIVC management
Access the Clinical Care Standards HERE
Test your knowledge & preparedness for Accreditation
• Where do you find policies, procedures and other information to guide your work practices?
• What is the Australian Charter of Healthcare Rights and where is this displayed in Ryde Hospital?
• How is information about a patient ’ s infection status communicated to others in the team?
• What would you do if you sustained a sharps injury?
• How do you record and report adverse drug reactions?
• How do you know if a patient is at risk of falls or pressure injuries?
• How do you assess a patient ’ s nutrition needs?
• How do you involve patients in clinical handover & ensure their care goals & preferences are recorded?
• How do you call for help in a medical emergency?
• Where is your dedicated assembly area in an emergency that requires evacuating the building?
Patient Safety Culture Survey 2023
Results from the Patient Safety Culture Survey that was conducted in June - July 2023 are now available on the intranet. Thank you to the 319 staff who completed the survey. The results will be used to inform improvement initiatives in the year ahead. The overall patient safety rating for Ryde Hospital in 2023 is 58% and 80% of staff would be likely to recommend a friend or relative to be treated in their clinical area.
Top performing areas are:
89% of staff find their work is meaningful
• 87% of supervisors/managers are reported to take action to address patient safety concerns
• 85% of staff report working in partnership with patients to plan their care and treatment
• 85% of staff are confident in using the digital platforms needed for their role
Bottom performing areas relate to:
• adequate resources to improve patient safety,
staffing with concerns noted around;
having enough staff to handle the workload
not relying too much on casual and agency staff
and staff working reasonable hours to ensure best patient care.
A summary of results is available HERE.
Vestibular Goggles From the Pink Ladies
The Physiotherapy team were lucky enough to receive a generous donation from the Pink La- dies to purchase a pair of Vestibular Goggles. Vestibular ailments are common in the commu- nity, and often occurs due to issues with the in- ner ear. This can cause extreme dizziness, un- steadiness and nausea. The physiotherapy team at Ryde Hospital is currently working on a project to boost our therapists knowledge and skills to treat this condition and these goggles will give us a critical advantage. The goggles can record and project a patients (or Pink Lady in this case) eye movements whilst we move their head to assess them. This will allow our staff to more accurately assess and treat vestibular impairments and use old recordings to train new staff!
Ryde ED is proud of several of their doctors who have been involved in the development of a new website collating Emergency Medicine guidelines. The idea is to check usual sources of guidelines first, then if needed search GOODEM for links to hundreds of open ac- cess guidelines from responsible sources that have been chosen as the best available to use in the clinical moment. Well done to Michael Goss, Irene Ho, Sunny Misir, Kavita Varshney, Mary Webber, Ross White and Peter Roberts who all work at Ryde. What are the GOODEM Emergency Medicine Guidelines ? GOOD = Guidelines Of Others, Displayed. GOODEM is a set of links to open access guidelines creat- ed by a group of Australian and New Zealand Emergency Physicians and trainees. They spent time finding the best guidelines for over 600 topics so you don ’ t have to.
Please try them at work and use “ contact us ” to let us know any issues for improving them con- tinuously.
Why use GOODEM? These guidelines have been selected as appropri- ately pitched for a PGY3 doctor, working isolat- ed by time of day or remoteness in Australia or New Zealand. That is, they are specifically selected for Emer- gency Medicine, being succinct and useful in the clinical moment.
How do I find GOODEM?
• Announcing the availability of a dashboard of links to the best open - access Emergency Medicine guidelines • Search GOODEM or guidelines/ and access the guidelines, or use this link
Learning about EOLC
The Health Education and Training Institute (HETI) has launched the End of Life Care Learning Navigator on My Health Learning (course code: 489456659) to support the professional development needs of NSW Health profession- als working in end of life and palliative care. The End of Life Care (EOLC) Learning Navigator Tool offers simple and clear clusters of learning for medical, nursing and allied health professionals to support professional development and enhance practice capability across four do- mains; Patient Centred Communication & Shared Decision Making, Teamwork & Coordination of Care, Components of Care, and Well Being & Self Care. EOLC Learning Navigator will reflect the most current best practice information through continuous updates.
Nursing News
Congratulations to Sandra Lever, CNC Rehabilitation at Graythwaite Rehabilitation Centre, Ryde Hospital, who was recently awarded the Royal Rehab Nursing Re- search Prize at the Australasian Rehabilitation Nurses Association (ARNA) Conference. The Nursing Re- search Prize is awarded annually by Royal Rehab for the best research paper presented by a nurse at the AR- NA National Conference. Sandra was awarded the research prize for her paper titled ‘ Addressing sexuality post - stroke: can targeted implementation change practice? ’ Despite best practice guidelines and recognition of the importance of sexuali- ty post - stroke, successive audits of rehabilitation prac- tice indicate that most stroke survivors do not receive information or education relating to sexuality. While there have been some attempts to change practice, few studies have evaluated the impact of a theoretically in- formed behaviour change strategy. Sandra has been conducting research on sexuality and chronic disease for nearly a decade and this program of research has included the lived experience, health pro- fessional attitudes and beliefs, and evidence - based inter- ventions. The aim of this paper was to present the pre-
liminary results of a implementation study currently in progress to support health professionals in rural and metro inpatient stroke rehabilitation services to address relationships, intimacy and sexuality.
This innovative study begins to address the gap in clinical practice of sexual rehabilitation post stroke.
Delirium Declare Conference 2023
Dr Krithika Sriram and Trina Colita presented the multi - interventional project improving delirium recognition and referrals in a surgical/orthopaedic ward in Ryde Hospital at the 2023 Delirium Declare Conference in Sydney
Person Centred Care
The NSLHD Person Centred care showcase was held at RNSH this month, hosted by the NSLHD Nursing and Midwifery directorate. It was a won- derful day showcasing work across NSLHD. Ryde Hospital was the winner for their poster - Graythwaite IGO project. Improving Graythwaite Outcomes. Ryde also had another poster submitted – Improv- ing care for people with disability at Ryde Disa- bility Inclusion pilot. Trina Colita Dementia and Delirium Clinical Nurse Consultant gave a wonderful presentation at the forum titled Person Centred Care – A Challenging Case Study, about a patient admitted to Ryde for many months with extremely chal- lenging behaviours. The case highlighted the importance of teamwork to provide the best care for patients and families, as well as great learning for all staff involved who will be better equipped to deal with patient who may be in similar situation when presenting to Ryde.
Welcome to Ryde
Ryde Hospital also welcomed the following staff this month:
Ricci Chan
Administration Officer
Grace Lin
After Hours Clinical Nurse Educator
Caitlin Skeen
Registered Nurse
Shreya Upadhya
Registered Nurse
Ping Liao
Registered Nurse
Buping Yang
Cardiac Technologist/Sonographer
Welcome to Grace Lin who has started at Ryde Hospital as the After Hours CNE who will be working alongside Eva Lui.
Kate Kwak
Sterilisation Technician
Yufei Guo
Assistant in Nursing
Communicating for Safety
Did you know that there is an easy way to check, if you have any outstanding entries in eMR that require your signature? Just look in your PowerChart message centre.
Any of your own entries and student entries which haven ’ t been signed/co - signed will show up there.
Check daily to ensure your work complies with Health Care records - Documentation and Management_PD2012_069
Focus on Allied Health
Ryde Campus has multiple accessible bathrooms for visitors - do you know where they are located ?
Translated Pictorial Menus
Next month sees the rollout of Translated Pictorial Menus for our CALD patients. This project is a collaboration between the Ryde Hospital Nutrition and Hydration committee and Multicultural Access Committee. The provision of good nutrition care is an integral aspect of health care and is associated with better patient out- comes. Currently our patients select meal choices from four English Pictorial menus as appropriate to their needs ( full, vegetarian, minced, puree diets). Ryde has a high number of patients from CALD backgrounds mostly Mandarin , Cantonese and Korean. There are now translated pictorial menus in those 3 languages that will be available to assist our patients with menu se- lections as per their food preferences. Ward 2 and GR5 will be the pilot wards at Ryde for this project. From December 2023 patients who speak Can- tonese, Mandarin or Korean will be offered a pictorial menu in their language of choice. Patients/carers will be given the opportunity of selecting food and fluids from the menu & be assisted with menu selection. Implementation is a multidisciplinary approach involving Food Services, Dietitians and other AH staff ,ward clerks and nursing staff.
Accessing Spiritual Care
How can ward staff get spiritual sup- port for patients and families? A patient or family member may: • ask to see a priest, minister, rabbi or other faith representative • be asking deep questions about life ’ s purpose and meaning • need someone to talk to •
wish to confess their sins, receive prayer, listen to sacred readings, or receive sacraments • be nearing the end of life If in doubt, please ask patients and families if they wish to see a faith representative. If possible, ask the person which denomination or faith representative they prefer. If that is not possible, check their EMR for which reli- gion is recorded. You can find the Clergy Contact List on the intranet > Ryde Hospital > non - clinical services > chaplaincy
To find the Clergy Contact List (click the blue box) on the Chaplaincy Intranet Page.
If you ’ re not sure who to ask for, check the guide at the end of the Clergy Contact List.
Learning Directory
The Organisational Development and Capability team has announced the launch of the new ‘ NSLHD Learning Directory ’ , now in digital format. This new digital resource replaces the previously issued hardcopy book- let ‘ Handbook of Educational Opportu- nities ’ . The new digital NSLHD Learning Di- rectory outlines a range of profes- sional development courses and edu- cational programs that equip our people to perform at their best. The digital directory is available on the intranet for ease of access by all employees. The directory features an index with hyperlinks for easy navi- gation to all course and program in- formation. For any enquiries relating to the di- rectory, please contact; NSLHD -
Library Update
Get Started with Statistics and Data Analysis at NSLHD Libraries! Statistics and data analysis just got easier with two new software up- grades at NSLHD Libraries.
vide you with the latest version, and SPSS 29 is now available at Ryde Hospital Library.
NVivo is a qualitative research and data analysis software used by researchers in a broad range of fields including humanities, social sciences, and medical/health sci- ences. NVivo 14 Plus Enterprise, the lat- est version of NVivo, is now avail- able at Ryde Hospital Library. Further information about SPSS and NVivo can be found on our Statistics & Data Analysis Library Guide.
SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) is a computer soft- ware that provides statistical analy- sis of quantitative data. It allows for in - depth data access and preparation, analytical reporting, graphics and modelling. NSLHD Libraries have recently upgraded to a perpetual SPSS li- cence, meaning we will always pro-
Ryde Hospital Library Christmas & New Year Hours Ryde Hospital Library will be unstaffed from 4pm Friday 22 nd December and will reopen on Monday 8 th January. You can still visit the library 24/7 us- ing your staff ID card during this time. Research consultations, searches, articles, and all other requests will be processed upon reopening. Enjoy the holiday break!
Christmas Closedown Dates
The Dept of Premier and Cabinet NSW released the Christmas closedown dates for the 2023 - 2024 period. Christmas closedown period commences Monday 25 December 2023 to Fri day5 January 2024 inclusive. Gazetted public holidays during this period are: • Monday 25 December - Christmas Day • Tuesday 26 December - Boxing Day • Friday 29 December 2023 - additional public holiday • Monday 1 January - New Year ’ s Day The Christmas closedown encourages all areas not involved in the delivery of front - line services to shut down over the Christmas/New Year period. Employees not involved in providing essential services are encouraged to take full advantage of the closedown period and managers are encouraged to release employees where possible. Should you have any questions regarding this or your personal leave eligibility, please contact your line manager.
Just for Fun
Salary Packaging
Salary Packaging Changes from 01 November 2023 As part of the 2023/24 Salary and wages negotiations, it was agreed that HSU award staff would receive a larger share of the tax savings benefit for staff electing to take up salary packaging. Previously the benefit was split 50% to the employee, 50% to the hospital. The changes effective from 1 November will increase the benefit to employees to 70% and reducing the hospital ’ s share to 30% from your next pay post 1 November. For those who have taken up salary pack- aging, please see the table below of the increase to your take home pay as a result of these changes. Both staff and the hospital benefit from salary packaging, so we really encourage taking up salary pack- aging. For staff it increases your net take home pay because you are paying less income tax by the amount you salary sacrifice at your marginal tax rate. Full time staff can claim up to $9,009 per annum for non GST expenses e.g. mortgage payments, rent, school fees or $8,172 for GST able expenses e.g. credit card bills, child care fees. Further savings can be achieved by taking up the $2,650 meal and entertainment package.
Frequently asked Questions Can be found here: Salary packaging FAQ - HealthShare NSW
Can I salary package if I work part - time? Answer: Yes
• Can I still benefit from salary packaging if I have HELP/HECS Debt? • Yes there are still benefits
• • Can I salary package if I am on a temporary contract? Yes if the contract is longer than 3 months
Visit the SalaryPackagingPlus website to work out your benefit from Salary Packaging and seek inde- pendent financial advice if you require (note the site calculator is still using the old 50:50 split of the ben- efit)
For more information and to discuss your options The Salary Packaging Plus representative is available at the Salary Packing Stand in the main foyer of Ryde Hospital every Monday and Friday.
Photo Gallery
Photo Gallery
Allied Health Professions Day
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