Ryde Newsletter - Nov 2023

Library Update

Get Started with Statistics and Data Analysis at NSLHD Libraries! Statistics and data analysis just got easier with two new software up- grades at NSLHD Libraries.

vide you with the latest version, and SPSS 29 is now available at Ryde Hospital Library.


NVivo is a qualitative research and data analysis software used by researchers in a broad range of fields including humanities, social sciences, and medical/health sci- ences. NVivo 14 Plus Enterprise, the lat- est version of NVivo, is now avail- able at Ryde Hospital Library. Further information about SPSS and NVivo can be found on our Statistics & Data Analysis Library Guide.


SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) is a computer soft- ware that provides statistical analy- sis of quantitative data. It allows for in - depth data access and preparation, analytical reporting, graphics and modelling. NSLHD Libraries have recently upgraded to a perpetual SPSS li- cence, meaning we will always pro-

Ryde Hospital Library Christmas & New Year Hours Ryde Hospital Library will be unstaffed from 4pm Friday 22 nd December and will reopen on Monday 8 th January. You can still visit the library 24/7 us- ing your staff ID card during this time. Research consultations, searches, articles, and all other requests will be processed upon reopening. Enjoy the holiday break!

Christmas Closedown Dates

The Dept of Premier and Cabinet NSW released the Christmas closedown dates for the 2023 - 2024 period. Christmas closedown period commences Monday 25 December 2023 to Fri day5 January 2024 inclusive. Gazetted public holidays during this period are: • Monday 25 December - Christmas Day • Tuesday 26 December - Boxing Day • Friday 29 December 2023 - additional public holiday • Monday 1 January - New Year ’ s Day The Christmas closedown encourages all areas not involved in the delivery of front - line services to shut down over the Christmas/New Year period. Employees not involved in providing essential services are encouraged to take full advantage of the closedown period and managers are encouraged to release employees where possible. Should you have any questions regarding this or your personal leave eligibility, please contact your line manager.

Just for Fun


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