Focus on Allied Health
Ryde Campus has multiple accessible bathrooms for visitors - do you know where they are located ?
Translated Pictorial Menus
Next month sees the rollout of Translated Pictorial Menus for our CALD patients. This project is a collaboration between the Ryde Hospital Nutrition and Hydration committee and Multicultural Access Committee. The provision of good nutrition care is an integral aspect of health care and is associated with better patient out- comes. Currently our patients select meal choices from four English Pictorial menus as appropriate to their needs ( full, vegetarian, minced, puree diets). Ryde has a high number of patients from CALD backgrounds mostly Mandarin , Cantonese and Korean. There are now translated pictorial menus in those 3 languages that will be available to assist our patients with menu se- lections as per their food preferences. Ward 2 and GR5 will be the pilot wards at Ryde for this project. From December 2023 patients who speak Can- tonese, Mandarin or Korean will be offered a pictorial menu in their language of choice. Patients/carers will be given the opportunity of selecting food and fluids from the menu & be assisted with menu selection. Implementation is a multidisciplinary approach involving Food Services, Dietitians and other AH staff ,ward clerks and nursing staff.
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