Ryde Newsletter - Nov 2023

Accessing Spiritual Care

How can ward staff get spiritual sup- port for patients and families? A patient or family member may: • ask to see a priest, minister, rabbi or other faith representative • be asking deep questions about life ’ s purpose and meaning • need someone to talk to •

wish to confess their sins, receive prayer, listen to sacred readings, or receive sacraments • be nearing the end of life If in doubt, please ask patients and families if they wish to see a faith representative. If possible, ask the person which denomination or faith representative they prefer. If that is not possible, check their EMR for which reli- gion is recorded. You can find the Clergy Contact List on the intranet > Ryde Hospital > non - clinical services > chaplaincy

To find the Clergy Contact List (click the blue box) on the Chaplaincy Intranet Page.

If you ’ re not sure who to ask for, check the guide at the end of the Clergy Contact List.

Learning Directory

The Organisational Development and Capability team has announced the launch of the new ‘ NSLHD Learning Directory ’ , now in digital format. This new digital resource replaces the previously issued hardcopy book- let ‘ Handbook of Educational Opportu- nities ’ . The new digital NSLHD Learning Di- rectory outlines a range of profes- sional development courses and edu- cational programs that equip our people to perform at their best. The digital directory is available on the intranet for ease of access by all employees. The directory features an index with hyperlinks for easy navi- gation to all course and program in- formation. For any enquiries relating to the di- rectory, please contact; NSLHD - ODACinfo@health.nsw.gov.au.


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