

Tiltable handle

Also suitable for tealights

glass tray clear glass, 4 deepenings (Ø 4.6 cm), for inserts and portion jam up to Ø 4.4 cm (e. g. Darbo portion jam, 28 g and 40 g)

item l x w x h in cm 5428.04 23.5x6.2x3


6 pcs

etagere massive stainless steel 18/10, hammered finish, six times polished, including 3 removable trays item 2110.01 (30 cm long, 8 cm wide, 3 cm high) item l x w x h in cm (etagere only) 2110 11.5x11.5x39 (height without handle)

The etageres made of stainless steel are available on page 249.

tray stainless steel 18/10, polished, for e.g. Darbo portion jam (28 g and 40 g), portion ketchup or mustard

tray massive stainless steel 18/10, rectangular, hammered finish, six times polished, with feet, for etagere item 2110 item l x w x h in cm 2110.01 30x8x3

item version

l x w in cm

2191.03 3 holes (Ø 4.5 cm) 2191.04 4 holes (Ø 4.5 cm)



The jam tray item 2191.04 is available on page 251.

tray stainless steel 18/10, satined, also suitable for Darbo portion jam, for inserts up to 4 cm x 4 cm

toast rack massive stainless steel 18/10, hammered finish, six times polished, for 4 slices of toast item l x w x h in cm 2190 20x8.5x15

item l x w x h in cm 2057 18.3x4.8x2

pastry tray massive stainless steel 18/10, rectangular, hammered finish, six times polished item l x w in cm 2136 30x12.5

The “Fingerfood-Tree” is available on page 103.



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