Making precious materials more precious - whether it is ...
... glass, china or stainless steel – everything is possible!
Glass and china refinement: Large-scale coatings on glass and china in precious colours enrich every dining table and create luxurious accents! In order to achieve this decorative style, available in gold, platinum and bronze, the pre- cious metals are burnt onto the varnish at more than 880 °C and as a result, the coating is dishwasher-safe. Cloches made of glass can now be used for serving warm dishes as well and condensing water remains invisible to a great part. By using resistant precious alloys, we obtain a connection to the varnish, which is strong enough for the products to become dishwasher-safe. Test series by the “Institut für Werkstoffe Heraeus Precious Metals GmbH & Co. KG“ have proven the dishwasher resist- ance of the décor.
Stainless steel refinement through PVD-technology Highly polished and matt stainless steel can be refined by using PVD-technology to obtain golden, copper and black colouring. PVDstands for P hysical V apour D epositionanddescribesamethodtocoatproducts with different materials by way of sputtering in a vacuum. Contrary to the galvanic refinement, for example with copper, items refined by using PVD-technology will neither oxidize nor tarnish at the surface. Thus any copper refinement can be done withoutapplyingspecificanti-tarnishprotection. Thetechnical feasibilityofPVD-re- finement depends on size and shape of the items and has to be checked individually. Price, minimum order quantity and delivery time upon request!
stainless steel, polished
Partially, the possibilities of coating are dependent on the form of the product. Requests are being tested in each case according to their feasibility. The bronze colour is a special case since it presents itself in numerous inter- esting shades of colour. Depending on the shape of the product, especially when looking at immersions, the colours can vary from gold-bronze shades to blue-violet ones, which blend into each other and create unique effects. Specific patterns/orders are usually executed quickly. Please do not hesi- tate to send us your special request!
Advantages of the PVD-coating Food-safe Dishwasher-safe Better strength and adherence compared to galvanic refinement Brilliant colouring, colourfast and resistant against UV radiation
Powder-coating: All items made of stainless steel can be powder-coated in all current RAL colours upon request. In contrast to the PVD refining, this coating is not dishwasher-safe. We will be delighted to advise you!
Please ask us, we will gladly prepare an individual offer for you!
colour gradient “bronze“
Individuality in glass ...
... melamine ...
Satin-coated logos applied before the refinement still remain visible.
Please note: Products are dishwasher-resistant. Please take note of the instructions given by dishwasher producers and detergents to avoid damage. Since the coatings aremade of precious metals, the use inmicrowaves is not recommended under any circumstances.
Logos, letterings etc. can be put on the double walled glasses to give them an individual touch. Those are applied onto the outer side of the inner glass which ensures the protection from dirt and abrasion.
... and stainless steel!
... china ...
stainless steel (page 291)
structured glass
glass and china
Further information on refining china, glass and stainless steel can be found on pages 80 and 171.
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