The importance of what is learnt and experienced while on a graduate programme stood out, for the value add to the graduate themselves, the organisation and the various teams, graduate peers and colleagues
Liberty Liberty designed a comprehensive 12- week academy followed by a 12-month learning programme, incorporating various learning modalities and dedicated support. The initiative has had a significant impact, enhancing skills, improving engagement, and leading to zero attrition. Continuous evaluation and improvement, as well as future sustainability measures such as mentorship and alignment with global programs, ensure the initiative’s long- term success.
Wind Energy Ireland Wind Energy Ireland’s initiative is designed to enhance productivity within the renewable energy sector through their five core pillars. The program not only prioritises industry- specific expertise but also emphasises the cultivation of essential transversal skills among employees, including communication, interpersonal interaction, resilience, negotiation, conflict management, and stakeholder engagement. The GCDP Certification of Completion recognises the diligent trainees’ effort and helps build the programme’s reputation in the industry.
XLVets Skillnet XLVets’ graduate programme not only focuses on clinical competence but also hones essential communication skills and instils a solid foundation in veterinary. By partnering with industry experts and leveraging their extensive network, XLVets graduate programme is designed to bridge the gap between academic knowledge and real-world practice. Through hands-on clinical experience and immersive learning opportunities, graduates emerge equipped with the skills, confidence, and resilience needed to excel in their veterinary career.
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