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E IGHTEEN years ago the Lord laid upon the heart of one of His faith ful stewards the desire to reach the children on the California beaches with the gospel. “ Is there no work like this being car ried on in California or other parts of America?” he asked a Biola student who was observing the work of the Children’s Special Service Mission at Crescent Beach, Canada. Upon receiving a nega tive reply, God’s servant began at once to make plans whereby a children’s work, sponsored by the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, might be carried on for at least five years on some beach in California. Thus the Children’s Seaside Mission, as it is called in California, had its be ginning. The first meeting was held at Manhattan Beach in the summer of 1931. Since that time, the meetings have been held at Hermosa and Redondo as well. When the gifts of the faithful Canadi an Christian were exhausted, God raised up a group of praying friends in the beach towns who were determined that the work should continue. It has gone on to this day through the marvelous workings of the Lord. A group of Biola students, ranging in numbers from five to ten with the faculty advisers, take a house at the beach and live right there while the work is being carried on. The home life of the workers includes many very practical duties, but it also affords a happy time of fellowship with the Lord and with each other. Each morning at nine-thirty, the workers gather at a designated place on the beach. Biola banners are quickly placed in the sand on standards; umbrel las, blackboards, scripturegraph boards, flags and an organ complete the arrange- Page Twelve
young man quickly replied, “ I am one of your boys, for I accepted the Lord at one of your beach meetings.” As the directors and workers look back over the summers during which this work has been carried on, their hearts are filled with praise and thanks giving for the Lord’s wonderful provi sion. Houses for the workers have been provided when it seemed impossible, food has been sent in by kind friends and money gifts have been given by God’s faithful stewards and with all who have made the work possible in the past, the workers realize they must share every trophy of His grace. The summer days are drawing near and the workers are already making prayerful preparation for this sum mer’s work. At present there is a great difficulty, a real call for prayer. The house that has accommodated so beauti fully the workers for the past several years is not available for this summer. But our God is a great God. He is able. We look to Him with confidence. His promise is sure“ I will go before thee, and make the crooked places straight: I will break in pieces the gates of brass, and cut in sunder the bars of iron” (Isa. 45:2). May the Lord through His blessed Holy Spirit lay this work upon the hearts of many that this summer may prove the most fruitful of all in reach ing the children of the beaches for Christ. *Mr. and Mrs. Hooker are instructors in the Bible Institute of Los Angeles. Mr. Hooker is also pianist for the Church of the Open Door, and Mrs. Hooker has charge of the Junior King’s Business. T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S
ments ^or the morning meeting. Soon the children begin to come from all directions, the average attendance being about one hundred. The meeting begins with a parade; boys proudly carrying the American and Christian flags lead the procession, and, after the flag salutes are given, the chil dren gather under the umbrellas for the morning session. There is a time of singing, a worship service, and many special features such as an imitation radio quiz program, story hour, and il lustrated Bible and object lessons. After an hour the children divide up into groups, and with a teacher, meet under an umbrella for half an hour of Bible study and memory work. In the afternoons, the workers, are divided up into teams who visit various parts of the beaches, holding a service for the groups of children playing on the beaches. These afternoon meetings proved very profitable this past sum mer; the workers made contacts with large groups of high school students and adults as well as the younger ones. A Bible class for adults is held on the beach in connection with the morning meeting as well as in the home. Young people’s meetings are also held in the Children’s Seaside Mission home and Sundays are spent in the various churches of the community where the workers seek to be of all possible help. Many souls have been saved through these meetings. The work of grace in the hearts of these children has been definite and lasting. A fine looking lad attended a young people’s gathering. One of the C.S.M. workers, addressing both the lad and the superintendent of the group said, “ So this is one of your boys.” To which the
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