King's Business - 1948-06

Vernon was always courteous and always afraid of hurting anyone’s feel­ ings. My, I’ll never forget my last visit with him, when Vernon was nine years of age. He was to have dinner at my home and I was to take him to the Bible Institute that night to attend the commencement exercises. His big brother was driving when Vernon, in his sweet, winsome way, said, “ Would you mind very much if I didn’t have dinner with you, as my brother wants to take me to a cafeteria? I’ve never been to a cafeteria. Would you let me go?” Of course I could not refuse. I loved him and wanted him to have a happy time. I did not dream that it was the last time I should see him on earth. A few days later Vernon was stricken with an infectious disease and the Lord Jesus took,him Home to be with Him forever. He wanted this dear boy to live with Him in Heaven. Oh, not in cruelty, not in wrath. The Reaper came that day; ’Twas an angel visited the green earth, And took the flowers away. “My Lord has need of these flowerets gay,” The Reaper said and smiled; “ Dear tokens of the earth are they, Where He was once a child.”


Martha S. Hooker T T T \ T T“1 is the month for Children’s Day. Let us get acquainted with some J JLM C of the Bible children by matching the following: 1. A girl who attended a prayer meeting................................................ Samuel 2. A boy who knew the Scriptures from a child.........................................Ishmael 3. A boy whose name meant “ laughter” ...................................................... Esau 4. A baby boy who was named by an angel................................................Rhoda 5. A baby boy whese mother’s name was Jochebed.......................................... David 6. A shepherd boy who became a king......................................................Moses 7. A little captive maid whose testimony resulted in the healing of a great captain .............................................................................................Isaac 8. A little boy whose “mother made him a little coat and brought it to him from year to year” .............................................................................................. John 9. Alad who “ dwelt in the wilderness and became an archer” ...............Timothy 10. A “twin” who sold his birthright*.................... Amaid to Naaman’s wife

"A L ITTLE CH ILD Shall Lead Them'' By Emily J. Alexander*

B OYS and girls, I know you all like true stories, and the one I am going to tell you today is about a little boy named Vernon. I knew his lovely Chris­ tian mother well. I watched Vernon grow from babyhood to childhood and re­ joiced when at an early age he let the Lord Jesus come into his heart. Vernon soon learned the difference between the programs on the radio that honored the Lord and those that did not. One day, before he was three years old, turning the radio dial he said to his mother, “ That sounds like the Bible Institute!” While still very young, he loved to hear gospel songs and the Word of God and delighted to tell others about the Lord Jesus. He was a real delight in the home. His mother, father and two brothers thought he was a fine little chap. But at the same time Vernon was a real boy, loved to play and was not a “ sissy” ! It was during a Daily Vacation Bible School of which I was superintendent that Vernon was a real help to me. He brought in the boys of his neighborhood to the school. When we had contests between the “ Reds” and “ Blues” Vernon was always on the job trying to win for his side. He would sing with the others:

teachers and children alike, loved this little lad. One day, I told a missionary story at the Daily Vacation Bible School, and at the close gave an invitation to come for­ ward to those who, if the Lord called them, would be willing to be mission­ aries. The first to respond was Vernon, who was then six years of age. The minister who was present thought Ver­ non didn’t understand my invitation and told him it was only for older children but Vernon answered, “ I’ve given my heart to Jesus; now I want to give Him my whole life.” He showed that he really understood the decision he had made, for after this he went about doing things for the Lord that even older boys or girls wouldn’t think of doing. God used him to lead other boys to the Saviour. When he couldn’t make the way of salvation plain, he would take the boys to his mother who was always ready to ex­ plain. A year or two later, an evangelist was conducting revival meetings at the church where Vernon attended and was staying in Vernon’s home. On the way home on the evening of the last meeting Mr. Legters voiced his disappointment because one certain person had not gone forward. Vernon asked, “Who was it?” and Mr. Legters replied, “You,” to which Vernon made this reply. “ I gave my whole life to Jesus in the Daily Va­ cation Bible School and never took it back so I couldn’t give it again.” What a happy surprise this was to the evan­ gelist! No wonder that many came to. know the Lord Jesus through his sweet testimony.

Vernon when he was three with his big brother. On the day of Vernon’s funeral, a whole row of small boys whom Vernon had led to the Lord were present, each with a little bouquet of flowers for their friend. Among the many floral offerings was a beautiful one inscribed: “Vernon, President of Junior Endeavor.” Little Vernon has been in Heaven with the Lord Jesus for several years but those who knew him will never for­ get him and we all look forward to see­ ing him again at the glad day of resur­ rection and reunion. Then we shall see the Lord Jesus and be like Him and be with Him and those we love forever. None of us know how long the Lord will let us live; we may have a very short life like his, so let us fill our days with service for Jesus that when we do go to be with Him we, too, will take many others with us. *A Bible Woman of the Bible Insti­ tute of Los Angeles and teacher of Euo- dia Clubs. Page Thirteen

“ We’re the Reds! We’re the Blues!

Come join us in our song, We’re as happy as can be We’re so happy you can see We belong to the D.V.B.S.”

When his side won, Vernon’s face lighted up with joy for one of his chief charms was his sweet smile. We all, J U N E , 1 94 8

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