end? It seems to me from a study of history that we have often had crises like the one we are n ow passing through. Will this one bring civilization to an end? There have been world crises before, but there are certain new things taking place today in the world which Christ has given as significant signs of the nearness of the end of the age. I refer particularly to the resurrection of the national spirit in Israel, and the wide spread desire of the Jews to return to the land of Palestine. Nothing quite like this has ever taken place before. Here is a question on which our class has had some difference of opinion. Is a lie all right to tell to a sick person if telling him the truth might lead to his death? In other words, is it per missible some times to tell an untruth if the. truth will be harmful? I have often been asked this question in regard to those who are .sick with an incurable disease, and who will soon die unless God intervenes. A lie is never justifiable. Yet one should use wisdom at such a time. If the knowledge of the truth would be disturbing to the patient, why not state that the patient is in the hands of God and that you are praying for his re covery? Personally, I believe in being frank with a person who is coming to the end of his life. If the departing one is a believer, the prospect of seeing the Lord should be a joy; if he is not saved, he should know that it is a terrible thing to die without Christ. In fact, it seems to me, that a Christian would regret it all his life if he allowed an unsaved loved one to depart into eternity with out first telling him the way of salvation.
Dr. L. T. Talbot However, the Word of God does seem to be clear in its revelation that there will be family reunion in heaven. In First Thessalonians 4:16-18 Paul, in dis cussing the rapture of the church, states that the living saints and the dead in Christ “ shall be caught up together” which will certainly reunite families. Please distinguish between the terms disciple and apostle. Do these terms refer to us today? To a certain degree, yes. The word disciple means a follower, a pupil. The word apostle means one sent. A mis sionary to ‘Africa is an apostle in the sense that he has been sent on a mission. It is in this sense that the Lord Jesus Christ is called an apostle in the Book of Hebrews. However, the word has special mean ing in Scripture, as applied to the twelve apostles. One could not be one of the twelve unless he had seen the Lord personally after His resurrection, be cause the twelve were sent on the special mission of bearing witness to the resurrection. What about Job 19:23, “ Oh that my words were now written! Oh that they were printed in a book!” Printing was not even known at that time. Please explain. About forty years ago, it was the contention of infidels that Job, the old est book in the Old Testament, could not have been written some 3,000 years before Christ because writing was then an unknown art. Unbelievers do not talk that way today because archeologists have unearthed whole libraries on tab lets which go back before the days of Egypt’s glory. The Book of Job was thus preserved in some form of writing. Of course, Job was not referring to printing as we know it today but men have always had some means of reduc ing their thoughts to written records. When Jesus talked about hell, what did He mean by the statement, “ Where their worm dieth not and their fire is not quenched” ? He was referring, I believe, to Ge henna, the final abode of the wicked, and place of eternal torment. Is the world just about to come to an
In our young people’s society we often have some stirring questions. Most of them are about science. What we cannot seem to reconcile is the age of the fossil remains as found in the rocks, and the six thousand years that man is supposed to have been on the earth. We want to believe the Bible account. How can we? Your difficulties will pass away if you remember that the earth existed long before the time it was renovated during the six days’ work of God described in Genesis. There was a long interval of time between verses 1 and 2 of Genesis 1. Genesis 1:1 states, “ In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.” When was‘ that beginning? Go back as far as you please. A company of British scientists say that the earth is 150,000,- 000 years old. Then Genesis 1:2 reads, “ And the earth was without form and void, and- darkness was upon the face of the deep.” The word was may be translated became. The earth became so by a great catastrophe, possibly the fall of Satan as described in Ezekiel 28 and Isaiah 14. Then there followed the six days’ work of renovation during which time God said, “ Let there be light.” But the original creation goes back farther than that. It is possible that much fossil evidence relates to the original creation. You have noticed, however, that man does not appear in any of the fossils, which verifies the truth of the Bible that he was a later creation. You must also keep in mind that the figures scientists give as to the age of the fos sils differ by many millions of years, and many of them belong to the realm of fancy. About two years ago, my husband went to be with Christ. He was a very devoted Christian. I have been thinking a great deal about heaven since that time. What will be our relationship there, and. what will be the relationship of parents and children? I believe that we shall recognize one another, but w ill there be a further relationship than that? The Bible does not go into detail in regard to the relationship of parents to children, and husband to wife in heaven. J U N E , 1 9 4 8
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