July 11, 1948 FRONTIERS OF DEMOCRATIC LIVING Matt. 7:12; 1 Cor. 3:6-9; Gal. 3:26-29
structions telling him what to preach and when and where. He is urged by the chief of police to open his pulpit to law enforcement officers. Educational groups want to control the pulpit, and so do the political leaders. Many of God’s great servants who believe and love the Scriptures are shut out and their message is refused by the pastors of great churches in our big cities. We Are Losing Freedom in Selling. Rom. 12:11. In our generation the selling program on many commodities has definitely changed. The independent grocer, the independent druggist, the independent hardware merchant, and the independent operator in many other lines of business is forced by very powerful competition either to surrender his business or to sell out to thè combine. If this is not done, then his property is bombed or he is waylaid. He is threatened with physical harm and his life is made wretched. We are preparing for the Antichrist. We Are Losing Freedom in Building. 1 Cor. 3:10. The. building contractor is living in fear and dread. He cannot buy building material as he pleases but must buy as directed by the labor unions. He cannot haul his material as he pleases but is under bondage to the truck driv ers’ union. He cannot have his plumbing done according to his choice but is ruled by the plumbers’ union. All of these liberties we have already lost. It will not be long until the superman appears to demand the homage of every person. to the soul. It is made possible through the Lord Jesus Christ who shed His blood in death at Calvary for sinful and sinning man. It is a present possession on the part of all who come to Jesus Christ, believe 'in Him and trust Him with their souls. It cannot be purchased or merited. It is a free gift of God’s grace which becomes an immediate pos session to all who trust in Christ Jesus, the risen Lord. It never needs to be repeated. It is a once-for-all-forgiveness. It is complete in every way and needs no amendment. Parental Forgiveness. Luke 11:4. Parental forgiveness is not associated with salvation. Judicial forgiveness brings us into God’s family and then parental forgiveness keeps us in happy fellowship with our heavenly Father.
The future of our country is not very bright. We are gradually losing every freedom that our forefathers fought for and established. Romanism is seek ing to take the gospel from the air and out of the newspapers and out of our public schools. The conflict between capital and labor has largely removed the freedom of individual effort. The laws governing ' political bodies have almost precluded the thought of any individual having freedom in selecting the man of his choice for political power. We are gradually approaching the age of the Antichrist. We Are Losing Freedom in Labor. Psa. 100:2. It is well-nigh impossible these days for any laboring man to obtain work unless he serves under the tyranny of a labor union. Otherwise, he endangers his life and his property. The doctor cannot serve in the hospital unless he joins the national association which ex ercises absolute power over hospital in terests and which is opposed to any progress outside of that which it in augurates. The schoolteacher is no longer free to present the truths which will make godly lives and produce spiritual results in the activities of the students. We are living in an age of slavery. We Are Losing Freedom in Preaching. Acts 4:29. Because of the apostasy which is so manifested in many of our great evan gelical denominations, the pastor ceases to be a servant of God because he must be a servant of the leaders of his de nomination. He receives printed in- forgiveness is received from the eternal Judge when Jesus Christ saves the soul. Paternal forgiveness is received by the child of God from his heavenly Father after he is saved. Fraternal forgiveness is that which Christians give to one another. Social forgiveness is that which we extend to neighbors and friends who may not be Christians at all. Ecclesias tical forgiveness is that which exists be tween the church and the child of God who has been disciplined. We should en joy the blessings of all of these aspects of forgiveness. The first one is essential for salvation and the second for conse cration and fellowship. Judicial Forgiveness. Acts 13:38. Judicial forgiveness brings salvation J U N E , 1948 There are five kinds of forgiveness mentioned in the Scripture. Judicial
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July 18, 1948 "AS WE FORGIVE" Matt. 6:5-15
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